The Bizzare Place.

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The next day, I was ready to move, I called Mr. Sharma, but he didn't pick up, and after few minutes, he ringed me, and told to come out of hotel. I rushed out of hotel; he was sitting in his sedan, and waved me to come inside the car. The sedan moved through highways, and after a while it turned on a jagged road, thus the sedan was wobbling on it. After a journey of two hours, we reached the destination, he showed me his house, and also he showed me the books which confirm the historical evidence of the tussle between Baudhayana and Vajrabahu. I was astonished as there were many details in depth about this particular incident. He told me that, there are evidences of this incident, and then, we went to the place, which was one hour away from his house. I saw a secluded place, it was an abandoned place among the woods, but there were only few houses. The walls were decayed and thatched roofs were shattered, but the place was covered with green lush forests, he told me that, this place belonged to Vajrabahu, and this place is visited by historians.

We got down from the sedan and walked toward the abandoned houses. As we moved through the raw roads, there was an eerie silence around the houses; it seemed that our steps are echoing with every step we took. The doors were hanging on the hinges, it seemed that one kick will make the doors crumble. The houses contained ancient pottery, and other stuffs, as the houses were ancient, so it was apparent that they will rumble down any time, at their sweet convenience. Mr. Sharma uttered, "This place is the dwelling of Vajrabahu." I looked at the decrepit houses, and asked, "How come Vajrabahu need so many houses, and if we got his place. Why there is no hermitage of the Great Baudhayana?" Sharma smiled, and replied, "The good people always have the legacy, the town where you are staying, is the very town where Baudhayana's hermitage was located, and now there is a huge museum located there, and it is named after the Great Baudhayana. This is one of the best museums in the country, and will be forever." I exclaimed, "Oh!!! That's great, I didn't know about it." Sharma uttered, "Vajrabahu build so many houses because he harboured many objects containing to black magic, due to this very reason there are houses here." We looked around the houses and found runes written on the walls, he told me that, the historians concluded that these runes were related to black magic. Sharma and I were conversing as we were inspecting the houses, he told me that, he is a mathematician, and was previously working in a school, but now he is working as a guide, however, he still binge on mathematics.

We were off to leave, Sharma invited me to his house for lunch, and then, I went to his house, and after having lunch, he handed over some research papers which he had personally studied about this place. He dropped me to hotel; he will out for some days as he is going to his native place. I wished him happy journey, and with a promise to stay in touch. I stayed for some days at the hotel, as there were ample of days of holidays, so I had visited the famous museum, which is built on the land where the Great Baudhayana's hermitage used to be there. The museum was huge and indeed magnificent, and I totally enjoyed visiting the museum. The museum was built beautifully in Gothic style, it had built of huge tan bricks, and had a dome at the top, it had large windows, and the foyer was gigantic, decorated with many huge chandeliers at the ceiling in a row. The museum was filled with the sounds of people, due to summer holidays there were many families visiting there, and the squealing of the children filled the air. I looked at the large case decorated with the weapons of many brave warriors, and there were many sabres, shields, tomahawk and many dreaded weapons of bygone era, on moving further, there were large helmets, and iron clothing of the soldiers, which was an immune again sharp weapon. I carried a camera with me, so I clicked the picture of various striking artefacts. I left the place after having a lot of amusement in museum. I had a curiosity to visit Vajrabahu's place again, and then I made up my mind to visit the place.

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