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The three of us went to get breakfast. Since the house was in a tourist area, there were a lot of restaurants and cafes that people could enjoy. So, we took a walk to find someplace to eat.

"You know she loves water," James said.

"I know that." I rolled my eyes knowing where it would lead. "And I know you want us to move here. It's not that simple, James."

"It is, all we need to do is just stay here from now on and I will hire people to move our stuff. As simple as a phone call away." I narrowed my eyes at him and then shifted down to Fiorelli.

"Everything is always so simple in your world, isn't it?" He nodded, confirming what I ask.

"How are you so sure that everything will go your way?" I asked and momentarily, I forgot that we were not together anymore. That was what made me say that. How could I forget that our worlds were messed up now? I did want to raise our child in a good environment and make her understand that everything was possible in different ways.

"You just need to agree."

"What will make me agree? On what ground should I agree? What are we talking about? We're going to get breakfast." I shook my head to dismiss the heavy topic. I got up, tapped his shoulder, and walked back inside the house. "Let's go, James."

"Jamee Eilena?" When I heard someone call out my name, strangely there were only a few people who called me by my first and middle name. I looked up at the person and was surprised to see him right in front of me.

"Andreas," I replied. What a funny coincidence that we met here and right now. I greeted the girl beside him when I notice they were standing so close together.

"Hey, little girl." He reached out to touch her head but James move her away which made my eyes widen by his action.

"James," I reminded him with sharp eyes. Then, I looked at Fiorelli. "Say hello to uncle Andreas, my sweet."

She turned to look at Andreas and wave excitedly. "Alo, As."

"Hello, Fio. Do you miss me?" Andreas smiled brightly at him and she nod her head in response. "Where are you guys heading to?"

"We're looking for breakfast, are you here on vacation?"

"I'm taking a break after a long time and coming here with my girlfriend, Sierra. You've never met her before, have you?" Andreas looked at us back and forth. She was a beautiful woman and I bet she was a businesswoman on top of that.

"I've heard a lot about you and your baby girl." Sierra shook hands with me and smiled politely.

"I hope it doesn't bother you," I said as I felt bad for the fact that Andreas talk about my baby to his girlfriend.

"Not at all, I know how he is. He intervened with you, didn't he? He was just that noise." She touched my arm in understanding. "Should we get breakfast together and catch up? This is actually my first time coming to this side of the country."

"You should take more breaks, Andreas. Sierra needs to see this beautiful country," I told him. "Should we go now?"

Sierra and I walked side by side and so did James and Andreas. We settled for the restaurant we saw fit our reference. The food would be like the stuff we ate on a daily basis. So, we ordered what we fancy.

"So, this is her father?" Andreas pointed at James. The two of them didn't talk at all, not like us girls. We thought we just met, we somehow felt comfortable talking like we were best friends.

"He is, his name is James Nicolli." I ended up introducing them in the end. Why does he have to put up a wall for new people and someone he didn't like?

"Fio is such a bright and cheerful kid though," he murmured.

"Is that supposed to mean something?" James narrowed his eyes at him.

"It is. Daughters tend to take from their fathers but this is the first time I've seen a daughter take from her mother." Andreas was straightforward in telling him his opinion.

"That's good." Both James and Andreas agreed. Then, Andreas turned to look at Jamee.

"Take some time to visit my office again, Jamee." They exchanged a knowing look and Andreas was worried. He wanted to make sure that Jamee was being taken care of properly.

It was just drowned to me what he meant, I would make sure to do that. I almost forgot because I was too busy taking care of my family issues. Even now, there was so much left to be sorted out.

I only nodded to not make James complicate the conversation. Because I didn't want to bother him with that kind of thing and he was better off not knowing about it.

The rest of the breakfast was flowing naturally for Sierra, Andreas, and me.

I frowned noticing that someone's phone was vibrating. I looked at mine but it was silent and then I check James' because he had it in his jacket's pocket.

"James," I called his name when I was sure it was his phone that I heard vibrating. "Your phone."

His free hand went to check and into the pocket. He took the phone out and stare at the screen. "What does he think he's doing?"

"Are you going to get that? Let me take Fiorelli," I offered and my hands were already reaching out for her but he block them. I saw him put the phone down and then looked at me.

"No, I told my brother to not bother me but he called anyway," he said.

"It could be important if that's the case. Hear him out." I tried to push him into talking with his brother. I didn't want him to always have an unsettled situation. It could only trouble him later. "I won't leave you alone, we'll be here."

"You will."

"If I would, where will I go other than back to the house, James? Go." I kept on persisting him to go and take the call.

"Don't make me sad again," he leaned in to whisper that to my ear and then get up from the seat. I shook my head in disbelief and watch him take the call.

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