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I was sitting impatiently in my office, looking out of the window with so much hope. When I heard the door being opened, I turned the chair quickly and faced my brother.

"Where is she?" I asked with a high hope. My eyes moved back and forth from him to the door, hoping she will walk in after him.

"I'm trying, James. I swear, but she's gone." He answered. I got angered by his answer and get up from my seat, marching towards him. I grabbed his collar tightly and wanted to let my anger out on him so badly.

"You told me you got a hold of her." I snarled, still have my hands on his collar shirt.

"I did and went there, but she was gone when I got there. James, I really tried to find her." Vincenzio tried to explained, but I am blinded by anger already.

"You are so fucking useless!" I pushed him away. I know it is just anger speaking and didn't mean to say that to him. I was about to walk out when he stops me.

"Let's get going with the plan and we can look for her again. You're doing this for her as well, James. Aren't you?" Vincenzio said. He looked at me with eyes of understatement. He can understand that I am angry and every little things ticked me off.

"Everyone have gathered in the conference room. We just need you to be there." He continued to spoke.

"Tell me something, Vincenzio. Do you want her gone in the first place?" I asked.

"How many time do I have to tell you, James? I like her and I know that you are happy with her. I kept your relationship a secret from our parents because of your wish. Why can't you still not believe me? I'm your brother, James! I'm no stranger to you." Vincenzio looked frustrated. I have doubt him many times regarding my marriage and he always keep his promises. I was just being insecure.

This time, I walked out of my office without a word. My feet brought me to the conference room full of reporters and who knows, maybe their spies.

"James, you're finally here." Suzy quickly make her way towards me and she grabbed my arm, linking our arms together. "Everyone is waiting and curious. Should we make our grand entrance now?"

I didn't reply to her and just walk along. We walked out of behind the platform and camera start flashing continuously. I sat down on the chair and facing the front, I could barely see anyone through the blinding lights.

I've been sitting on the chair, but couldn't sense her presence next to me. So, I turned my head to the side and see her still standing with an expecting look. What is she expecting now?

"What? Are you having hemorrhoid? Sit down." I said to him, giving her a stern look and pointed to the chair. "You're making yourself looked like a fool." I stated. She should have took my actions into an account. From the start, I didn't do things she expected me to and she should have known not to do that again.

But look at her, she is always asking for attention.

I push the chair back with my foot to give her some space. She sits down anyway and the conference begin.

"In this very special day, I want to introduce you a very special lady. I have been quiet about the woman in my life and now I want the world to know. The woman beside me is Suzy Blakemore and she's my fiancee." As I begin to speak, everyone was quiet and when I finished talking, questions started flooding in to my ears which make my eardrums hurt.

"Are we going to hear the big day?" One of the reporters asked out loud.

"Of course. After we find the perfect day, we will let you know." Suzy replied as she clasped her hand on mine on top of the table.

I put on a fake smile to look like a good partner and the perfect couple in front of camera. I don't want any of them to suspect something and ruin the whole thing, the main reason why I am doing this.

We carried on with question after question until the designed time. We left the platform and go our separate way or more like I left her.

"Nicholas, drive me back home." I ordered him as I get in to the car. I seated in the backseat and clasped the seat belt on my body. My mind suddenly wandering around, thinking of how my life come to this way. We were so happy without any intruders in our lives. But now, everything is just all over the place.

"The day she went to Diane's place, I could feel something was off. But I didn't know she was going to leave." Nicholas spoke.

"Maybe it was my fault to keep her away from my parents. I was too afraid to introduce her to father's world. I was afraid something might happen to her if I let her in to his world." I rambled out, leaning back against the seat.

"But you're not involve in the mafia world."

"I am just as much involve as them, because I am his son. Sons are the strongest blood in line. Even though I am glad there's Vincenzio before me." I told him. Nicholas and Benjamin knows everything that is going on in my life, that is why I am comfortable talking with them.

"Your business are clean and that's an advantage when everything go downhill. You know there's no stopping in the mafia, either you win everything or lose everything. You are on neither side." Nicholas said and I know about that. The fact that I want no business with the mafia, I am still included anyway. So, I started something from scratch which have no mafia involve.

Besides, everything I put the name on the papers, it goes to Jamee. After I married Jamme, I want her to have all the rights to my assets. That is why businesses that I built is under her name which she have no idea about. She is precious.

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