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"I'll go make some lunch and you can stay here with them." I got up from the couch and rubbed his arm as he stood in front of me.

"I'll go with you." He insisted, maybe he wanted to give his mother alone time with her granddaughter.

I nodded and then we made our way to the kitchen.

"Are you okay?" A hand landed on my back. I slightly turned to him and nodded.

"Everything is okay, James. As long as she keeps her promise, I'll be fine." I replied. I got a feeling that this bothered him as he had compromised with me about her safety.

"Don't tell me it's just fine, Jamee. Tell me how you feel." He was not satisfied with my answer. Because he felt the need to know how I really feel. Victoria was not an expectation unless she made the exception which I agreed on.

"There's nothing else I could say, James. It's fine, she's your mother."

"But she can snitch to father at any time. She can't lie to him, she wouldn't." James stubbornly believe that her mother wouldn't hold on to her words.

"I trust her." There, I said the final words.

"Does chicken sounds good?" I asked him after looking at the ingredients in the fridge. We didn't have much because I had not put a grocery list up. It would usually be me or anyone available.


"Have you heard about Nina, James? I should pay her a visit." I suddenly remembered about Nina. Poor girl got hospitalized for her easy job. I heard she was still in college and babysitting was just a side job.

"Vincenzio said she is better now. Do you really have to go?" He asked.

"Yes, James. She babysits our baby. Don't you think she deserves sympathy from us?" I raised an eyebrow at him, asking him if I asked the right thing.

"Of course, she took care of our baby." He agreed.

"Then we're going to visit her, bring her flowers and some snacks." He nodded and just agreed with me in whatever decision I made. "Maybe after your mother leaves. Are you busy?"

"I'm never busy. Should I ask Benjamin to go and get them?" He was referring to the things I said for her gift.

"That would be nice."

"Okay, I'll go and see him." He left the kitchen and I started cooking the chicken I intended to make. She should be hungry, right?

Everything was done for lunch, I walked back to the living room and saw Veronica still playing with Fiorelli. She had the gleaming eyes of pride and happiness, her first grandchild. I never thought it would mean much to her. Fiorelli could make everyone fall in love with her personality and pretty face.

"Mother, lunch is ready." She looked up and smiled, then got up with Fiorelli on her hip.

"I can get used to that." She commented and I raised an eyebrow at her. Which one was she referring to? "Mother, I like it. It felt surreal to have a daughter, especially, one like you."

"How is Fiorelli?" I asked as I wanted to know her experience with her granddaughter.

"You mean, this little angel? She lives up to her name, such an angel." She replied and kissed her cheek out of cuteness.

"I'm glad to hear that." I sincerely told her. There was a huge burdened relief. I knew that I wanted to hide my baby from them, but there was no denying that I felt bad and worried.

"Hush, I love my granddaughter. So, what are we having for lunch today?" She put Fiorelli on her seating and she sat beside her. Veronica looked so attached to her already.

"I hope you have an appetite for chicken." I served the menus all on the table.

"I could never resist chicken." She replied and started filling in her plate with whatever she desired.

The lunch went well without any disturbance and James joined us right after Veronica dug in. He told me that everything would be ready whenever we were ready to go.

"Are you guys planning on going somewhere?" Veronica asked. She was about to leave and Nicholas would drive her back. Therefore, Benjamin would be our driver.

"Yes, we are going to visit Nina. She was her babysitter and got hospitalized because of the accident." I explained to her. Since she knew, there was no need to explain furthermore.

"Drive safely." She wished us.

"You too, Mother," James replied and we watched her drive off first. Then after getting Fiorelli ready, we were on our way too. The three of us sat on the backseat and Fiorelli sat on his lap.

"Would you want her to work again?" James turned to face me.

"No," and I had reasons why. It was not because she didn't do a good job, I just thought that I didn't need her now. "But I want you to provide her some pocket money until she recovers and gets another part-time job."

"Why?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Because she's still in college. She needs the money." I reasoned him and he squinted his eyes looking at me weirdly. "If you can't, I'll do it with my paycheck. Don't worry and forget that I ask."

How stupid, he was no longer my husband. I couldn't have the luxury of asking him things I wanted to do.

He kept quiet which made me think that maybe what I said was wrong. I could only cuss myself for the stupidity but not out loud, my baby was still around.

We arrived at the hospital and got out of the car. Fiorelli was still in his arms. I carried the bouquet and the snacks, he listened.

Walking side by side, we walked into the hospital and straight to her room. There were a few people in the hallway as we made it to her room. People in wheelchairs and some on crutches. I was not paying attention when I should. That moment was coming like a lightning strike.

"Babe." A girly and loud voice could be heard throughout the hallways, then a familiar woman slammed herself to James and kissed him so deeply.

My heart clenched at that sight, so I looked away. I was glad that James reacted fast enough to cover Fiorelli's face on his chest.

"I thought you couldn't make it." The woman pulled away and glanced at me for a second before looking back at him.

"What are you talking about? Let go, Suzy." His hard tone and effort of pushing her away was a fail. She clung onto him like a leech. Why was she holding onto him so tight like that? She was pissing her pants the last time he snapped at her.

"Son." The unfamiliar voice got me to look up to the source. There was a strong urge that made me want to see the person. Did I regret it now?

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