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"Let her through." I gave him permission to let her in and put the phone down.

"Jamee, I don't think it's wise to let her in," Benjamin told me. "He's not even home."

"He will be soon. Here, I have to bring Fiorelli home and you, stay with her there." I took Fiorelli out of his arms and sternly told him to follow me.

"He will be upset." He secretively tried to tell me to not let her in, but she already did. So, there was no time for that now. I needed to bring Fiorelli home and keep her hidden.

"Let him be," I said as I walked out of the main house to the maid quarter which was my house now. "It's his responsibility."

I kept on walking with him in my tail. It would be a bit of a walk or drive from the front gate to the main house.

"Be good for Mama, my sweet girl. We will have lunch later, okay?" I put her down on her playmate in the living room. Then, I turned to Benjamin. "Stay here until I come back."

He nodded at my stern eyes.

I walked out of the house and just in time, a car pulled up in from of the house. It was a luxurious red car, definitely not James'. As I slowly made my way to the house, the owner of the car hopped out.

Long brown hair and the definition of eye candy. She would attract attention but in the end, she would just be nothing more than just a girl with beauty to show off.

"Are you here to see Mr. Nicoli?" I asked as our distance got closer.

"Oh, yes. Is he home?" She showed me such a sweet smile. I had no idea what that smile was supposed to mean. Maybe she was a nice woman after all.

"He went to the office today, I think he will be back soon," I replied.

"Ah, too bad. But I really need him right now. Can I just wait here for him?" She asked.

"Sure." I nodded and guided her into the house. It wouldn't be appropriate to let a guest stay outside.

I led her to the living room and asked if she wanted something to drink.

"Do you, maybe have wine I can taste? I heard James has a nice wine collection." She whispered to me like she was afraid he could hear them. She even covered her mouth, so only I could see it.

"Do you like wine?" She nodded with bright eyes. "If you would like to taste it, I can look for one for you." Hearing that, she nodded eagerly.

"Thank you." She thanked me excitedly. Then, I walked away to get the wine from the cellar in the basement. She was right, he got a bunch of wine collection along with other liquors.

I would give her the oldest one but not the newest one either, I'd try to get the one with many stocks. The cellar felt chilly, so I grabbed one fast and got back up. I handled the bottle carefully in my hands as I didn't want to ruin it or break it.

Walking back to the living room, I almost forgot about the glass. How would she taste it if I didn't serve her with a glass? Silly me.

In the kitchen, I got the wine glass from the top shelf. As I wanted to get back to our guest, I stumbled back and was surprised when I saw him standing there with a pointed look.

"What are you doing, Jamee?" He asked softly as he got closer to me and put his hands on my waist.

"Serving wine to your guest," I replied innocently.

"No." He forbid me right away and he had a strong opinion for that.

"But she was very excited." I tried to coax him to let her have some wine.

"Baby, I said no and it is a no." He pulled me to him and I ended up being hugged in his arms. He placed his head on my shoulder and rest there for a while.

"Just let her try it." I kept on trying to pursue him into letting her have some of the wine.

"Jamee, no." He sternly told me and pulled away. He had a scowling face but it was not intimidating at all. He looked kind of cute. "If you treat her this way, she will feel welcomed in this house."

"She is."

"She is not. Why did you let her in any way?" He pointed out towards the living room. I sighed and put the glass down on the kitchen counter.

"What do you want then?" I asked trying to find a middle solution in this situation.

"I'm going to escort her out of the house. I don't want her to stay here any longer." He replied.

"But she said she is here for you. She might have something to tell you. Hear her out first, then we can act from there, okay?" I spoke softly as I didn't want to make a big deal out of this.

He rubbed his face roughly out of frustration. "Where is Fio?" I heard him ask through his covered face.

"She's in the house with Benjamin."

"Don't go anywhere and don't bring anything out." He told me and then he walked out of the kitchen.

"Have you been listening, you spy?" I heard James spoke and I could still see his back which was telling me he was not in the living room.

Suzu Blakemore heard us?

Despite his demand not to give her the wine, I still pour some on the glass. I brought in the tray and put the glass on it. I carefully walked with a tray in my hands to the living room.

They were talking and I couldn't hear them at first, but as I got closer, I heard some of what they were talking about. They stopped or he stopped paying attention after he sense my presence. An annoyed look plastered on his face as he saw me bring in the wine.

"What are you doing?" He got up from the couch at the same time Suzy jumped excitedly.

"Wine." She clapped her hands.

Both of them approached me with different intentions. I felt out of hand and didn't know who to focus on. But I was wrong.

When Suzy was about to grab the glass, James tipped over the glass and made it fall off the tray. The glass broke into pieces and the contained splash everywhere even got on us.

"James!" I was shocked.

"Go to my room." He lowly said, but my eyes stuck to the broken glass. "I said go, Jamee." He almost yelled but toned it down right away.

"Don't tell me to go. I need to clean this first." Instead of getting angry, I thought being calm would also calm him down.

James threw the tray away from my hand before I could get down. I looked at him with widened eyes.

"It's not your job, you're not a maid." He darkly said and his eyes slightly changed.

"But I am."

"Then who are you? I thought you are a maid." Suzy decided to speak at bad timing.

"Don't you fucking dare to call her a maid and don't you ever come here again after this. If I heard you come to my house again, I'll kill you with my own hands. Haven't you heard? I kill once... for her, I will do it again without a doubt." His voice was so dark and it made me shiver down my veins.

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