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Steven and Max rushed out from behind the table. Steven got there first and hugged him tightly. Max hobbled up after and clutched David's leg.

"David, that was amazing!" Steven cried, staring up at him with tears in his eyes. "You're our hero!"

"Oh, c'mon guys," David smiled. "I wouldn't have been able to do it without you."

Max had his face buried in David's calf.

"I think it's time we all went home," David said, patting Max's head.

"I've got to find the Gems first," said Steven seriously.

"Ah- right, yes, of course," said David, feeling bad that he had almost forgotten about them. "Shall we all go?"

"Don't worry," Steven said. "You two stay here. I'll be right back."

"Alright Steven," David said. "If you're sure."

Steven left hurriedly. David bent down carefully and looked at Max.

"Max?" He said quietly. "How are you feeling?"

Max peeled his face off of David's leg and looked at him, his cheeks wet.

The boy was a wreck. His startling green eyes were puffy and bloodshot, his red cheeks still glistening with tears. There were ugly bruises around his neck from where Jasper had choked him. His broken jaw was swollen and off-centre; it must be excruciating, thought David.

"Da-vid," Max croaked.

"Yeah Max?"

"You... did you really... did you really mean what you said back there?"

"What do you mean?"

" 'M-m-m...' " Max was struggling to get the words out. "Y-you s-s-said 'm-my b-b-boy'..." his voice broke and he buried his face into David's leg again.

"Oh, Max!" David bent and scooped Max up in his arms. "Of course I meant it! Max, you... you're like a son to me... I always thought... that, maybe, I was... ahem... like a- a father, to-to you..?"

He trailed off, pink in the face, fearing he had said too much.

Max turned his head slowly and looked up at David. His eyes were wide and watery, but his mangled jaw managed to twist itself into something like a very painful smile. He didn't know what to say to confirm David's suggestion. He couldn't fit something so big and important into words. So, instead, he just nodded.

David hugged him tightly, and then carefully put him down.

"YOU BACKSTABBING TRAITOR!" Came a scream from behind them. Turning, David barely had time to blink before he was shoved aside harshly.

He fell to the floor and twisted, staring, horror struck, at the scene before him:

Daniel, conscious again- lying on the floor with a throbbing bruise between two spectacular black eyes and a bloody nose- his hand up at though he had just thrown something- his face sneering with evil glee-


having just pushed David to safety-

Daniel's jagged dagger sailing through the air-

Max... not quick enough.



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