i got fucking tagged GODDAMIT

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I literally hate u right now Max_the_Ender_Dragon for tagging me but here we fucking go *grumbles under breath*

So HEY kitty-cats kitty here and I hope ur enjoying the story I have been lots of support and I LOVE that so that u so much and feel free to ask questions if u don't understand something. I did post about a contest I was doing but no ones....actually made a a one shot yet but hey that's OK but let's get to the part where I was tagged so I have to answer questions let's go!!!!! (Also might be doing a Q&A soon if u guys want)

1) fav Song? Um right now I'd say anything by the script or anti-gravity but I also love all the Undertale songs but I just love all music in general
2) fav sport? Definitely soccer, I'm joining the team next year in high school
3) fav band? The script as seen above
4) fav Show? Either scorpion or Supergirl both on Mondays right after the other on CBS they are awesome
5) fav Movie? Oh this one is hard probably a mlp movie, avengers movie, or a Disney movie
6) fav Color? Pink then purple
7) fav Food? A double bacon cheeseburger ketchup only :3
8) fav Drink? Hmm this one is Also hard but um....probably a chocolate milkshake
9) fav Video game? Well while my family was raised on Nintendo (Zelda anyone?) I will have to say either gta5 or anything gory, bloody, zombies and stuff like that (TOMBOYS FOR LIFE MOTHAFUCKAS)

anyway there we go and now to tag 15 people hmm here we go

_kayleen_12 1
AllySharp 2
Budder_N_Video_Games 3
Caioliann_Has_Muffin 4
creativedork3000 5
creeperteddy 6
emi_kli1012023138681 7 :3
hghrules 8
horrorWolfe 9
IMAmudkip 10 (if u want)
Izzy4411 10 1/2 (if u Above doesn't want to)
kaipoo 11
Maplewood245kid 12
septicbaby 13 (I love ur work :3)
SepticFan34 14 (u too)
Septiplier_Away13 15 (yay)
septiplierbum 16 (just cause I love u and ur work so yay :3)
Sunny7D9 :3

a few others I could've done but I already did two extra so ima end this here and I will see U in the next PAW-some chapter buh-bye kitty out

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