Chapter 17

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"Pacifica and I were best friends when we were 5. She lived in New Orleans."
Mabel's mouth hit the floor and she sulked back to her spot.
"Robbie. The edgiest boy I've met in a long time." Robbie chuckled.
"A can of spray paint, for all the graffiti you're obviously gonna do in the second dimension." I laughed.
"Ahh. You know me SO well." He smirked and got in his spot.
"McGucket! How are you?" I exclaimed.
"Pretty good. I'm living in a shack in the middle of a dump so... better than normal! I got my mind erased by the society of the blind eye. I don't remember much before I woke up in the museum."
"Oh, Fiddleford. I'm so sorry."
"Nah it's good! It means I can live out the rest of my days as Fiddleford McGucket! Spiting' in a bucket. Local kook." I laughed.
"Oh, Fiddleford." We hugged and he went to his respective glasses.
"Soos!" I put my hand up for a high five, but he broke down into tears. "Come on, man! Don't leave me hanging." Soos weakly gave me high five. "Aww man. I'm sorry but I have to go." Soos wrapped his arms around me and pulls me into a hug. "Don't worry, man. Talk to Mabel, she'll lift your spirits, I promise." He nodded, still sobbing. He went to his question mark.
"Wendy!!!!" I shrieked.
"Y/N!!!!!" She exclaimed. I pulled her into a hug.
"Girl, I'm gonna miss you so much." Wendy took off the headband that she had fashioned from a part of her shirt and placed it on my head. "This is from me to you." I squeezed her waist.
"I'll see you later, Y/N, we got a world to save." I nodded.
"Fry Face."
"Long Legs."
"Lumber Jack."
"Small Chest."
"Woah! Right for the heart, edgy!" She giggled and took her place on top of the ice.
I looked at the circle.
"Looks like the only people left are... the Pines twins." I looked at Stan and Ford.
"I guess... let's do this." Stanley wrapped his arms around me.
"Trust me, I have a million of these hats. I loose them all the time." He tossed his fez onto my head, on top of Wendy's gift.
"Thanks old man. You're not half bad."
"You're not half bad yourself. See ya 'round, kid." Stanley took his spot atop the symbol that is on his fez.
"Uh... hey... Fordsy..." Ford. I thought, had a mad face in but he wrapped his arms around me. "I'm sorry."
"It's ok. Don't worry, I know how to summon you. It'll be ok."
"See you later, Sixer." I said, a tear clouding my vision.
"See you later, Demon." I smirked. Ford let go and stood atop the hand with 6 fingers.
"Looks likes we're missing someone." Ford asked, questioningly. "But I don't remember drawing that part of the circle."
Bill sighed.
"I drew that part. It's the last part of the Zodiac. It won't work without that person. It wasn't in any of the prophecies or the cave drawings because the demons that drew it knew I would do great things and didn't want to ruin it." Bill spun his cane in the air.
Everyone looked at the last symbol.
"It's a B with a heart around it." Ford mused. I gasped.
"Go ahead, B heart."
I stood in the symbol.
"It's the symbol on my necklace... that Bill made me..." I smiled as I held the necklace around my neck. Ford took a breath and took Gideon's hand in his own.
"Let's do this, guys."
Everyone linked hands and the circle began to glow light blue. We began to float.
Suddenly, the entire land flashed light blue and electric bolts shot out of our floating bodies. The smoke dissipated and I looked up. The rift was closing.
"Guys, I guess this is good bye. I'll see you later, I promise." Everyone who was giving me things threw them at me. I gripped them with all my strength.
I looked to Bill with pleading eyes. He rolled his eyes and nodded.
I turned back to my friends as the rift's pulling force tugged rougher and rougher on me and Bill.
"Ok, guys. I gotta go now, but just remember; Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, BYEEEEEE!!!!" Everyone chuckled and Bill let go of the piece of metal he was holding. He went flying into the rift.
"Pine Tree! Shooting Star! Six Fingers!" Bill screamed as he rocketed through the sky.
My finger slipped.
I let go of the wall I was gripping. I watched everyone waving I shot towards the closing rift.
"BYEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!" The rift closed like the snap of a pair of fingers. "That's it." I thought aloud. "I won't see them again until they summon me." I took a deep breath and focused on rocketing towards the second dimension.

Time Skip

Dipper's POV

"Dipper, I miss her."
"I know Mabel, I miss her too. But she's only been gone for a few months. She's probably getting set up in her new house, or something."
Mabel stared at the ground.
I watched her face light up. She pulled a tiny note book out of her back pocket.
"Dipper, go get candles. And a lighter. Now." I nodded and got the stuff.
"Are you gonna tell me what that book is?" She shook her head no.
She set the candles in a formation and lit all of them up. She turned to me.
"Dipper, I need to do this, for my mental state of mind. I don't know about her, but I need to know she's ok. Please, do this with me. It may get a little bit weird, but that's what Bill was all about. Please." She extended her hand me and I took it.
"Awkward sibling hug?" I asked. She nodded. She wrapped her arms around my abdomen.
"Pat. Pat." We both slapped on a stone face and weirdly patted each other's back twice.
"That will never get old." I chuckled.
"Never." Mabel agreed. We smiled.

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