Chapter 18 - Reluctant sharing

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I don't feel so good. Few kind words of motivation, if possible.


"I believe I told you I don't want to be seen in your company. You disobeyed me. You better have a satisfying explanation." Mayanshi folded her arms.

"Maya, I had to come. You are making a blunder and I must stop you." Bhairava covered his face with the end of his turban. "Are you sure you want to talk here?" He scanned the surroundings of the Lotus pond to check whether they were being observed.

"This placed has been closed down for several weeks since the attack. I assure you, no one will come here." Mayanshi glanced at the entrance of the temple where Govardhana stood guard.

"Maya, you shouldn't do this."

"Do what?" She whisper-yelled. "Be quick. I am getting late for my Gauri pooja."

"You can't marry Samarjit. It is not as advantageous as you think" said Bhairava.

Mayanshi was annoyed. "Why are you so hellbent on making me call off my wedding?" 

"It's because you think you have upper hand in this alliance. But it's not the case." Bhairava spoke with urgency in his tone. 

"Why not? I am providing an army."

"An army, which combined with Virata army, will amount to 60000. Which, in my opinion, will easily defeat the combined forces of Avantipuram and Indrapuri."

Mayanshi closed her eyes and summoned the strength she gathered from several years of training, to prevent herself from shouting at him. "Isn't that the basic intention here, uncle? To defeat our enemies and protect our people."

"What after that?" asked Bhairava.

"I don't understand."

"More like you don't want to understand. You will be valued as long as they are benefited from your help. The moment they win the war, they will no longer need you."

"Are you trying to imply that they will kill me after that? If that is bothering you, I suggest you rid yourself of this fear. Even after the war, I will still have Srimukha's protection. They know that. They are not in a position to act against me." Mayanshi dismissed his worries.

"It is true that they will not eliminate you. But it is also true that your position will not be as strong as it is now. Once we have defeated the enemies from the south, forces of Srimukha will return to their empire. So will your family. And Virata will start functioning normally. Who will remember that their Queen helped them so much when they have a king, who is popular among the masses, supervising the administration? You will be forgotten and he will be hailed as the hero who saved Virata." Bhairava explained patiently.

Mayanshi was slightly alarmed. What he spoke made sense. Yet she was not in a position to call off the wedding. It was the best option she had. "I... I am grateful to you for bringing this to my notice. I promise to figure out a solution and strengthen my position here before we win the war. Now I request you to leave. Govardhana will reach the palace by noon." 

Bhairava tried to say something, but she cut him off. "Please, uncle. You can't stay here. It's too dangerous. You have to go. We will meet later." 


"Where have you been?" asked Vaishali. "The Gauri Pooja starts at second prahar."

"My apologies. I remembered that my father used to pray at the Hanuman temple before starting a new task. And I am about to begin a new life. I prayed to the Lord to give me strength."

"Isn't that the same temple where you were attacked, Yuvarani? I lost count of how many times I told you to stop going out alone. And yet, you decide to revisit the exact location." Vaishali expressed exasperation.

"I apologize once again. I will try to be more careful. And I hope I don't have to wait much longer before the investigation is restarted. I wish to see the culprits imprisoned." Mayanshi gave her the same annoyingly cheerful smile.

"Sure, Yuvarani. And I hope you haven't missed any details required to investigate the issue. It is my duty to remind you that concealing information in such matters is a criminal offence." Vaishali ordered for the servants to help Mayanshi get ready.

Mayanshi wore a red saree studded with diamonds. The servants were helping her with her jewellery when Bhargavi entered the chambers and ordered them to leave. 

"Any problem?" asked Mayanshi.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"I wouldn't be here, if I wasn't."

"Think again, Maya. Come back home."

"Wait. Before you start again, let me ask you something. A month and a half ago you promised me that you won't let the Dowager Queen wrong me. The next week you ordered me to stay back in Srimukha. And when you were unsuccessful in stopping me, you sent instructions to Abhimanyu on how to help me gain supporters. And now you ask me to return home with you. What exactly do you want me to do?" 

"All I want is to make sure that you are safe and happy."

"No. You want me to obey you. All my life I have been thinking that I have only done what I wished to. Now I have realized everything has been a lie. Now I want to do something on my own. I am willing to bear the consequences. Please don't stop me." Mayanshi made it final that she won't change her mind.

Bhargavi accepted defeat. She walked out and sent the servants back.

Mayanshi took one last look in the mirror before standing up. "Let's go."

The maid servants giggled. "It seems our Yuvarani can't wait to start the rituals" said one of them.

"Why won't she be? She is going marry the man of her dreams" said another.

"And the prince is marrying such a beautiful woman. I bet he will be more desperate." Devika joined in. The room was filled with laughter again.

Devika noticed sadness in Mayanshi's eyes. She suggested the others reach the hall and ask if the princess's presence was required. They obeyed her.

"Everything will be fine, Yuvarani." She gently pressed Mayanshi's shoulder.

"You think I am weak. Don't you? Isn't that why you sent them away? So that I could get some alone time?"

"I understand this is overwhelming." Devika sat beside her. "I want to tell you that you are not alone. I am here with you. Never hesitate to talk to me if you have something to share. Sharing grief is not a sign of weakness. Everyone needs someone at some point in their lives."

A smile crept across Mayanshi's face. "My Devika is not a little girl anymore. If there is something I am proud of, it is how strong you have become over the years." She caressed Devika's hand affectionately.


"Amma, enough wine for now. The feast starts soon. You will have different varieties there." Samarjit gently snatched the goblet from Vaishali's hand.

"Trying to deviate my attention?"

"I hate to see you worried, amma."

"How would I not be? I am your mother. I don't have anyone but you. I will never cease to worry about you."

"Amma, let me explain something. Mayanshi needs me. She will never harm me. And the equation changes in our favour once we win the war." Samarjit explained. "Right now I am helpless and I should accept every demand she makes. This won't be the case forever. I can oppose her if she does something unacceptable."

"Are you saying we... we betray her?" asked Vaishali.

"Of course not." Samarjit shook his head vigorously. "I just want you to know that I am not powerless and I am capable of fighting her if it comes to that. I promise you, our empire will prosper in our reign. You will be the Queen mother for as long as I am alive."

"And what about you?"

"Me?" He feigned ignorance.

"Will you promise to be happy?"

"I will be, as long as my people are happy. I want them to believe that I am a worthy successor to father."

"Do not compare yourself with anyone. You are already better than him." Vaishali's tone carried slight anger which didn't go unnoticed by Samarjit.

He was aware of the differences between her and Vasishtha. He didn't know the reason. Or rather, he didn't want to know.

"Amma, may I ask you something about father?"

"No." She stopped him from speaking further. "Don't let anyone change the way, you think of him. Not even me." She caressed his faced. "We should enter the hall now. The feast is about to begin" She stood up indicating the end of discussion.


"Devi? You are not attending the feast?" Abhimanyu found Samyukta in the garden, practicing archery.

"My father is busy right now. And I don't know anyone else. I thought it is right time to practice before the feast starts." She shot an arrow, which missed the target. "You shouldn't be here, Yuvaraja."

"Apologies, Devi. I didn't mean to distract you. Please continue."

"No. That's not what I meant. It's your sister's wedding. You should be in there, celebrating." She shot another arrow which missed by a few inches. "I know something is bothering you. Maybe I could help. Don't worry. My counseling is not as bad as my archery."

Abhimanyu chuckled. "I have to go back soon. And my sister will be here. Alone."

"She won't be alone."

"When I say alone, I don't mean she will feel lonely. I am talking about her safety." Abhimanyu kept the irritation in his voice to a bare minimum. His sister dismissed his fears as if they were baseless.

"I know. At first glance, it looks like she is alone. But when you reckon deeply, you will understand you can ensure her safety."


"Simple. The trade relations between the two empires have been reinstated. A lot of agreements have been made. It is very essential for Virata's revenue. All you have to do is to make them understand that it all depends on Princess Mayanshi's safety and position in the royal court. Include Rudragiri in this if you want to. Let the courtiers and er," she hesitated to mention Vaishali, "and everyone else know that Srimukha's primary concern is their princess and they are capable of bringing about havoc on anything that harms her. This may not eliminate the threat entirely. But it will make anyone think twice before harming her."

Abhimanyu gaped at her. "You are... amazing. Thank you, Devi."

She could feel her cheeks turn pink. "You need not call me that, Yuvaraja. You can address me by my given name."

"Given name? It is an identity given by parents. I would rather address you with a name you earned" said Abhimanyu.

She blushed. "Thank you, Yuvaraja. I think I should end my practice now. None of the arrows hit the target today."

"The target is placed a bit farther today. So you need to increase the angle slightly. Concept of gravity and projectile motion." He suggested. "Gravity and flow of wind affect the movement of the arrow."

She didn't seem to understand. He moved a bit closer to her. Close enough to let his breath fan her face. Yet being careful not to touch her. He held her bow for her. He instructed her to adjust her elbow position accordingly. She did as told and released the arrow. It hit the Bullseye.

"Perfect! You will excel in archery soon. Don't let anyone stop you from practicing. Talent should not go wasted. It must be nurtured."

"Thank you, Yuvaraja." She looked at him with eyes full of admiration.


Mayanshi reached the hall where the musical instruments were placed. She picked a bamboo flute and caressed it. She had always been fascinated by flute. It was amazing that a simple conical object with holes punched in it, could produce music so soulful that it mesmerized everyone who listened to it.

The feast and the celebrations were overwhelming for her. She hoped no one noticed her absence.

Before she knew it, she brought the flute to her lips and started playing a tune her father had taught her. A tribute to Lord Krishna.

It brought back several childhood memories. For a moment, it felt like her father was in front of her, witnessing her play the instrument.

She heard footsteps and stopped abruptly.

"Please continue. It was amazing" said Samarjit.

"What are you doing here, Yuvaraja?"

"I come here when I am nervous."  He replied.

She didn't question him further. For some reason, she seemed to emphatize with him. "I understand." She stood up to leave.

"Please don't leave. I would love to listen to you play the flute."

"I prefer to play alone." She replied more coldly than she intended to.

Samarjit gave her a sad smile. "I know. That's what you told me years ago, when I tried to be your friend."

She tried to make damage control. "You have enviable memory, Yuvaraja." She tried to copy her friends who would shower their husbands with praises. She hoped it would put an end to their awkward conversation.

He shook his head. "Fifteen years. And nothing has changed."

She sighed. "I guess that's how it is meant to be. I never liked sharing. It should either be mine completely or I walk away from it." She avoided all pretense and spoke her mind. She took a few steps towards the door.

"And I don't mind sharing. But I never walk away from what is mine." He too spoke honestly.

She turned around. "Then I suppose we are two diametrically opposite persons--"

"who are bound together forever." He completed the sentence for her. "Maybe I could use this curtain between us. That way we both can stay together while minding our own business." He suggested. "I am talking about sharing this hall. Nothing else." He added.

"Of course. It's about the hall. Nothing else." She repeated.

"May I ask you something?" He changed the subject. She nodded. "Did you, er, did you consider Dushyanta as a prospective groom? Do you like him?"

"No!" She replied at once. "I am the one who proposed to you. I am courting you. Why will I think about someone else? It is the most dishonourable thing to do."

"Right." He nodded, feeling slightly better.

"And there is also the fact that my heart lies with you."

Samarjit rolled his eyes. "Right. How can I forget, my beloved princess." He bowed to her.

Precisely at that moment, Abhimanyu appeared at the door. "They are looking for you. What are you doing here?"

"Ah! Your brother caught us, my beloved. I hope he saw nothing." Though Samarjit no longer suspected Abhimanyu, his desire to annoy him persisted. He held Mayanshi's hand.

Abhimanyu walked ahead and pulled his sister away. "You are not married yet. Distance."

"Why the sad face, my love? Just two days to go. And I will be yours forever. Dream about me until then." Samarjit told Mayanshi.

Abhimanyu looked like he would explode.

"I should be going." Mayanshi went to join the feast, leaving them alone.

"If you want to run away to Kashi, now might be the last chance" said Abhimanyu.

"My apologies for disappointing you, my dear brother-in-law. My heart lies with your sister." Samarjit replied.


I don't know how this chapter turned out. But this is a very important part. Hope I didn't mess it up.

And... I am going to miss these conversations of Abhimanyu and Samarjit, once the former returns to Srimukha.

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