I'm Looking For Work

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The brooding Mandalorian traveled far beyond the markets of Crytos and into the city itself, where he managed to find another bar with a better reputation than the last one. Hopefully it would have some work for him. High-end bars such as this one usually served people who had jobs for bounty hunters such as himself with large rewards. They were almost always dangerous, though, which he didn't mind.

As he approached the entrance to the bar, he was stopped by a rather large Bossk with tattoos covering his arms.

"Hey, we don't serve street rats like you! Get lost!" The Bossk hissed, flashing his fangs at the armored man standing before him. However, his aggressive display hardly fazed the Mandalorian.

The Mandalorian subtly moved his cloak to place his hand on the blaster at his hip, his pointer finger already curled around the trigger. He'd been through interactions like this that ended badly, so he wasn't taking any chances. "I'm looking for work. Know where to find some?" He calmly asked, making it obvious that he meant business without being aggressive.

The Bossk seemed to notice the slight movement and swallowed nervously. "There's work in a village near Karzak, t-that's all I know of."

"What's the pay?"

"I don't know!" The reptilian alien exclaimed, becoming increasingly nervous in the Mandalorian's presence. His gaze darted left and right, as if searching for a way out of this situation. "It's just a small village! T-The locals should pay you well if you do work for them! That's all I know, I swear!"

The Mandalorian stood there for a moment, wondering if he should press for more information. He decided it wasn't worth his time and took his hand off the blaster. "Don't tell anyone I was here." He muttered, tossing the Bossk a few credits before swiftly turning on his heel and striding away.


The bounty hunter was pleased that his ship was exactly as he had left it when he finally made it back. He had picked up a few snacks on his way back, knowing the little one he was harboring was most likely hungry after being left alone for quite some time. He was still trying to figure out how to care for it since it considered him to be its father, but he figured he was doing fine so far.

Once inside the ship, the Mandalorian headed over to where he was keeping the child so that he could feed it. But to his dismay, it wasn't there. Groaning softly in annoyance, he climbed up the ladder that led to the cockpit and poked his head through the opening. Sure enough, the little troublemaker was waddling its way into the cockpit.

"I told you to stay put." Mando muttered, scooping the child up with one hand and bringing it into the cockpit with him. He sat down in the pilot chair and placed the child in his lap so he could give it something to eat. "Here, you need to eat."

The child only cooed, looking up at him and tilting its head. It stared at the piece of food in Mando's hand before taking it with its tiny claws and gnawing on it.

While the child was occupied by eating, the Mandalorian leaned forwards and pressed a few buttons on the control panel in order to start up his ship. From what he knew, Karzak wasn't too far away but it would be easier to fly there because he didn't want to leave the child alone for too long. Placing the little one in its little seat behind him, Mando fired up the engines and lifted off from the hangar.


-Y/N's POV-

It was the beginning of a fairly normal day for you. While village life wasn't all that interesting, you found ways to entertain yourself. You worked at the village armory and were responsible for forging swords as well as repairing whatever someone brought to you in exchange for credits or some other sort of payment. Working by the forges all day was hot and dirty work, but you loved it.

"Hey, Jakar." You greeted the owner, who was the main blacksmith, with a grin as you tossed your bag into the corner of the room. He was sat at the table polishing a sword you had made the other day. "Whatcha got for me this morning?"

"There's, uh, someone who wants to talk to you. I told him to wait outside, thought he looked kinda sketchy." Jakar said with a shrug, not looking up from the sword.

You paused, raising an eyebrow in curiosity. "But we aren't even open for another ten minutes!"

"I tried to tell him that, but he was insistent on staying put. He said something about looking for work. Don't know what kind, though."

"Work?" You questioned, an idea popping into your mind. Maybe Jakar could hire this guy! That would be such a huge help! With excitement bubbling in your chest, you now felt more motivated to go meet this person that Jakar spoke of. "Alright, I'll go talk to him!" You spun on your heel and crossed the threshold of the front door, expecting to see some sort of scraggly young man or muscular worker.

Instead, you were met by a tall, intimidating figure covered head to toe in gleaming silver armor. His helmet kept you from seeing his face, which you thought was a little strange. You never really saw people like him around here, especially in such a rural area. You could feel his stare on you even though you couldn't see his eyes and became a bit flustered. "Hi, sir! Are you the one looking for work?"

"Yes." The armored man replied, shifting his weight from one leg to the other and resting his hands on his belt, which you saw was filled to the brim with all kinds of gadgets and weapons that you didn't recognize. He noticed you were looking and lightly cleared his throat so your attention was back on his helmet. "I was told I could find some bounty work here for good pay."

"B-Bounty work?" You stumbled over your words, the intensity of his invisible stare making you nervous. How was he so intimidating, yet so alluring at the same time? You found yourself instantly wanting to know more about him, but decided this wasn't the time nor the place to ask. You swallowed hard and straightened up, slapping on a smile. "Ohhh! You're a bounty hunter! That's great, we've been waiting for one to pass through!"

"What kind of jobs are you offering?"

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