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Laser bolts sailed over you, some of them close to hitting their mark. You frantically tried to keep up with Mando as he ducked behind buildings while simultaneously firing shots at the bandits.

Your eyes frantically scanned for any sign of the stolen food rations, but it was hard to see anything while running as fast as you could.

"We need to find cover!" Mando shouted. He snatched your wrist and yanked you behind a stack of crates before you could run by him.

You panted heavily, your heart feeling like it was beating over a million miles an hour. Your trembling hands struggled to keep a good grip on the dagger you were holding. Why had you brought a knife to a gunfight?

"It won't be long until they find us. Did you see the food rations?" He asked. You could hear his labored breathing through his modulator.

"N-No.. everything was moving so fast, I.." The words fumbled out of your mouth so fast that you could hardly breathe. "I'm sorry. I'm just really overwhelmed.." The trembling had gotten worse.

He looked at you for a moment, helmet tipped to the side. Then, he gently placed his hand on your shoulder and eased you to the ground. "Breathe. Take deep breaths. I'll hold them off until you're ready."

You swore you heard a bit of sympathy in his stern voice, but maybe it was just your mind playing tricks on you. You tilted your head back against the crates and closed your eyes. Slowly, you began taking deep, long breaths. The sounds of gunfire faded away, leaving you with just the sound of your own breathing. You could feel your heart beginning to return to its normal pace.

"Doing okay down there?" Mando asked without looking at you. He occupied with shooting anything that moved.

You opened your eyes. Everything slowly came back to you. The bandits, the gunfight... "The food rations!" You blurted out. "The bandits usually have a specific place where they store all their loot!"

Mando seemed confused by your sudden revelation, but decided not to question it. "Alright, let's go then." He held out his free hand for you to take.

Had you not been so in the moment, you might've blushed. After he made sure the coast was clear, Mando bolted away from the crates and led you down a couple narrow pathways.

You could still hear some of the badmen moving about, but you couldn't exactly tell where they were. You stuck close to Mando's side since he had the ranged weapon.

Soon the two of you came into a small clearing. Just ahead, there was a large building that must serve an important purpose.

"You think that's it?" Mando asked, glancing over your shoulder.

You shrugged. "Looks like it."

He nodded and went to move. But before he could even take a step, he was blindsided by a massive blur that sent him crashing into the wooden wall at the edge of the clearing.

"Mando!" You cried in alarm, but you had no time to help him.

A hulking bandit stood between you and him, donning black fabric clothing, jewelry made from animal teeth, and a menacing skull that covered his face. In one hand, he held a large broadsword.

You glanced at your tiny dagger, then at his ginormous broadsword. Yeah... that's a problem.



Surpriseeee! This book isn't dead! 😂

I love how I said I was taking a break from writing, but then I updated this lmao

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