1 death

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~Three days later~

~Sam's P.O.V~

It's been three freaking days and i still have a sore back. People would ask me what i did to get my back to hurt this much....but of course i didn't tell them. Though it did die down a bit. " ahem class settle down, anyways I'm not sure if you had heard but there has been a murder not to far from the school. And as you can see we have one student missing so you can assume who was killed" Mrs. Okami said trying to hold back tears. I looked around the class as well as everyone and we stumbled upon the desk next to JTS, Hidden wasn't here.

(JTS isn't dead in this story ok so hidden is)

"No....NO!" Jts said as he looked at Mrs. Okami with tears in both their eyes. He didn't stay in class he ran out to gord knows where. But he left the class, No one spoke no one looked at each other, then it hit me. Chan! Oh god she made the first move. This was like a game of chest to her, if i make a wrong move she can strike again. "um...i'll go talk to him" Yuki said running after him. We stayed in silence for the class, no one wanted to speak...no one needed to speak.

~Yuki's P.O.V~

As i looked around i heard some loud sobs. Around the corner he was. sitting there crying his broken heart out. "Hey..." i said he looked at me as i sat down. I was expecting him to say go away or to leave him alone but instead he hugged me and cried on my stomach. I stoked his hair letting him know that it was ok to break down and cry once in a while instead of pushing your limits. " why?!?! Why him!?" he yelled but it was muffled by my shirt. I pushed the brim of my glasses to adjust them and take a good look at him. I didn't really get to know Hidden but what i did know that him and Jts had a bromance going on. "shhh it's ok...look i'm not one to speak because i didn't know Hidden but sometimes out times come, either by natural causes or other reasons. I'm not sure what could have caused his death but i'm sure he would want you to not feel sorrow after all you proven to be strong in body and mind yet in emotion i'm not sure but i am sure he would have wanted you to not mourn over his death. " i spoke, i didn't want to tell him, i haven't told anyone of this unique ability i have. I can see ghost but only for a short period of time such as a few seconds only enough to tell me there last wishes. " your right" he said whiping the remaining tears. "Answer me this though... did you know you contain life within you?" He said. I though for a moment did he mean I was... "do you mean?" I didn't continue. "I mean you hold many spirits in you. Such as you are being personally haunted. By the many people who have died in your time." That took me by surprise. So I am being haunted......big surprise.


Me done....night night.)

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