A day of school

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~in The morning~
~Sam's P.O.V~
Oh god i forgot about Yuki. She cant just stay here alone while we are at school....maybe Mr. Okami can excuse her for not having a uniform because she is new. " Come on Yuki get up" i shook her. She moved her rabbit ears out of her eyes and opened those green eyes. They were very, very light. green eyes. " what?" she said stretching out her arms. "school come on get some nice clothes maybe my teacher or the nurse will have extra clothes you can have" i said getting my uniform out of my closet and stepping into the bathroom. After getting dressed i saw Yuki already on the sofa ready to go. So we waited for Taurtis and Grian and shortly after. " Bout time you guys finished now come on" i said dragging Them out.
~When they are at school~
" Oh why hello Sam, Taurtis, Grian....oh who are you?" Mrs. Okami said turning towards my sister. She slowly walked in since she let go of my hand. " Come on just take my hand" i said grabbing her hand and leading her in. " Ohhh~" i heard some people say. Ugh i'm sure Yuki feel as awkward as me right now. " Sorry Mrs. Okami my sister came for a few months and is taking class...do you have any clothes she can have?" i asked. Half the class looked down in shame at there previous remark. " Yes actually though she can wait till tomorrow to put them on. Mind telling us who you are dear?" Mrs. Okami said. I lead Yuki to the front and let go of her hand. " My...my name is Yuki....Yuki-chan Gladiator" she said. I looked over to the Pink haired Yuki i once dated. " my name is Yuki too" she said with a smile. I looked over to my sister and she smiled twisting her hair. " well in that case just call me Kawaii most of my friends call me that" she said, I took notice that under her hood her ear twitched. " Um Dear mind taking off your hood, Its not really aloud in school" Mrs. okami said. Yuki took off her hood and out stood her silver furred ears along with her light purple hair and her silver fur hair streaks along her hair. " Any questions or other things you want to say dear?" Mrs. Okami said. I let out a small gasp, she might get real emotional at this point. " Um....i'm....i'm.
...blind" she said putting her head up to her eyes and ears lowering down. " Oh my i'm sorry" i heard Silly say. I held Yuki's hand to try to calm her down. " It's...ok besides it doesn't bother me at all....though it bothers me when people think or take advantage of me because of my disability" she said. True there was that one guy who pushed her around and mocked her and even pushed her down the stairs because she was blind. Thought that was taken care of shortly after i knew. Then I saw Silly raise her hand. " Yes silly?" i said, Yuki poked her ears up. " Do you do anything at all like a talent you have?" she asked. I smiled at the question. " i can draw and sing even though i'm blind i even brought a picture look" she said digging into her pocket and taking out a piece of paper. She opened it and i saw how she neatly sketched a rose. " Wow" was all the class could say. " Well that is nice go on take a seat and lets start class" Mrs. Okami said. I lead Yuki to her desk...well the only one that was available which was right next to J. I gave J a look making sure he would try anything funny with my sis i will not tolerate her getting picked on or anything.
~ Time skip~
The bell rang which cause Yuki to jump out of her seat and near the window J was near that showed the hallway. "wow some jump there" I heard J say looking at her and helping her out. " Thanks" she said taking her hand back and waiting. That is when i took her hand. " So? come on lets go to lunch cause im starving" i heard Taurtis say as he and Grian were heading towards lunch. Yuki, J and i followed. " Oh we didn't think this ahead" Grian said as we looked at our table of four. " We are missing a seat" Taurtis say looking over to Yuki but all she did was smile. " It's ok besides i didn't really prepare food for myself so go ahead and eat i'll just stay standing" she said. Taurtis and I sat in the same side and Grian and J at the opposite side. ( The ships X3) Yuki jus stood at the edge of the table. " So have you thought what we will do in Gym i mean after all she is blind" Taurtis whispered in my ear which send shivers down my spine. " No not really but im sure She will be fine....i hope" i said. Yuki was staring off into her own space. But then Dom stepped over to her. Great. " Yuki~"
~Taurtis P.O.V~
I looked over at Sam and saw his face heat up with rage as well as with his ears which turned slightly pink. "um who's this?" she asked. Dom Grabbed her hand and kissed her hand. Yuki's Cheeks flushed but she had a grimace on her face. " My name is Dom~" he said still holding onto her hand, I looked over at Sam which pretty much was in flames. I looked at J and Grian which both were slowly hiding under the table. I did to slowly watching as this escalated. " Um...Dom...might want to move" She said, I'm sure she knows her brother more than us so she pretty much gave Him a warning. Dom slowly turned around to see Satan it self behind him. Sam had most likely lost it. Dom Gave Yuki a quick peck on her cheek before running away with his life. " LISTEN UP IF ANY OF YOU PICK ON MY SISTER I WILL MURDER YOU ALL" he said with a twitch of an ear. Psycho Sam i knew he wasn't completely gone. " AND IF ANY OF YOU GUYS THINK IT IS ALL OK TO GO WITH HER YOU HAVE TO PASS THROUGH ME" he said lifting up a chair and was about to through it. But i grabbed his hand. He looked at me and seemed to relax. Then it hit me. I WAS HOLDING ONTO HIS HAND. Omg omg omg omg omg omg. I felt my face heat up at the soft hand in mine. Then i did the unthinkable.
I intertwined our fingers together.
( I got my cousin to do the picture for me just click on it to see the full picture)

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