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~Taurtis's P.O.V~
Sam seemed familiar as well as Tautis. But I really couldn't tell why they seemed familiar. Sam to be cool as well as the only sane person in this place because everyone seemed to be calling me Taurtis when I am not Taurtis at all i'm Jerry...I think. "Welcome Jerry this is our small house. You can take my bed I'll sleep on the couch until we can afford a larger house" said Sam and headed to the kitchen. I saw Taurtis through his backpack on the couch and groan in frustration. "This can't be happening to me" I heard him whisper. "What Taurtis?" I asked him. He looked at me as if about to protest but shrugged it off and went to his room. I sat there on the couch. "Hey Jerry you want some stew as well as some Salex?" I heard Sam say. I looked toward him. I will say he is...cute but I had just met Sam, yet it feels like I known him for a while. "Yes please I am starving" I said and as if on cue my stomach growled. He let out an adorable chuckle and went back in the kitchen. This place also looked familiar bit I don't know why.

~Sam's P.O.V ~
I really hope he likes salex,Taurtis never likes it but the faces he made were cute and priceless. I didn't question my sexuality because it wasn't really what if I like boys and girls everyone is different and our differences makes us special. My sister always told me it really didn't matter who we loved, as long as both are happy with each other then that makes a strong relationship. Sure i haven't seen her in years now but i always took her advice when needed. I finished serving the soup and Salex and headed towards the living room. " Thanks Sam" he said and took it. I turned on the TV and the Camecrab and started to play. I also took notice that was staring at the TV as well as me once in a while. " you want to play Jerry?" i asked and looked at him. He nodded a no and continued to eat. He didn't have to say anything i could tell he didn't like my Salex but i don't blame him after all it's made out of a dead person's heart so it's only normal for him not to like it.
" you don't like it Hu?" i asked still playing making sure i win this game. " hu? oh no it's fine" he said in a sarcastic matter and chewed the Salex trying hard not to make a bitter face. " don't lie besides no one really likes it other than Gym teacher Rowan. It's normal for me to see that people don't like it besides i really don't cook so yeah" i said and finished the game. I turned it off and looked out the window, Today was probably the most confusing yet tiring. " oh...well the soup was fine better than that hospital food" he said and rubbed his head. I didn't want to ask because he wouldn't have remembered. We stayed there for a while in an awkward silence, then Taurtis came in. " Hey um...Sam i need to show Jerry something mind me taking him off your hands?" he said peeking out of our room. I looked at Jerry then at Taurtis and nodded. I was now sitting alone in the living room. Might as well go to sleep
~Grain's P.O.V~
Maybe this would trigger his memory, I sure hope so because if it doesn't i guess i have to go with the classic hit in the head with a frying pan. " So Taurtis what did you want to show me?" Taurtis/Jerry said as he went in the room. I closed the door behind me so Sam wouldn't hear anything. " Okay so My name is not Taurtis, My name is Grain and Sam made me dress up like his actual best friend, which is you, Your name is Taurtis and i guess you forgot because of that car crash accident we had." i said in a rush, and gasped for air. " are you feeling ok-" he said but i stopped him as i shoved a picture of him and Sam up to his face. " LOOK THIS IS YOU" i said and pointed at Taurtis. " Look Taurtis.... are you sure you ar-" okay so this didn't work guess it's time for plan be. I stepped back and pulled the line which let out a pan that hit Taurtis in the back of his head. He laid there motionless for a few minutes before getting up rubbing his head. " what happened....uh Grain what are you doing with my clothes" he said and looked at me. I smirked, I DID IT I GOT HIS MEMORY BACK...but how will sam react to this? " listen no time to explain, Just when ever Sam calls you Jerry respond he kinda....lost it and i'm not sure how he will react. I'll explain in the morning right now i have to think of a way to get Sam back to his normal self." i said and started to write down plans to get Sam back. I guess he understood my stress because he didn't say anything he went to his bed and fell asleep. " Step one go, now to try to get sam back and getting them together is next" i said softly all according to plan. I knew they liked each other but they needed a push. I was going to be that push.

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