Its on Twatter!

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~Sam's P.O.V ~
As usual I go to work in a small shop run by Pete. I swear him and Carl are everywhere. But I didn't complain as long as I made good money. At this time I usually text Taurtis and check up on him to make sure he was ok or hungry. But something else got my attention. "Omg they are cute" I heard Silly say showing Invader something on her phone. "Oh my awe and there is even fan art of it awe" Invader said as she checked her phone. I checked my phone only to find 10 messages on twatter. I checked them only to find messages like 'are they dating' or 'aren't they cute'. I checked and saw a picture of Yuki and J smiling at each other. At the bottom of it said the words. 'Young Love'. Well let's just say I totally had flames around me that Pete had to use the fire extinguisher on me. Sure this is totally fiiiinnnneeee....ok who am I kidding this is not right. Then I checked some of my followers post and messages and started seeing fan art of me and Taurtis. Well word got out quickly. I can't escape this so I put my phone away and began the boring job. A customer not to long came to me. "Hello" I said putting on a smile. This customer had a hood on so I couldn't see his or her face. But I assume it was a he since they have a low grunt. "That will be 30 yen" I said getting slightly nervous at their presence. He gave me the money and I saw a big gash across his hand. I put his groceries in a bag and giving it to him. He looked up slightly and I noticed he had crimson red eyes. But he left. After he left I noticed how the temperature in the shop turned back to normal. After a few hours I started to walk back home. When I got.there I was tackled down. I looked but was met with a pair of soft familiar lips. I quickly melted into the kiss and kissed back.

~Yuki's P.O.V~
It was so awesome being able to see. The colors and the textures of things made me smile. I was going to the living room when I saw Taurtis and Sam kissing. I quickly covered my eyes with my arm and let out a low gasp. "UHH YUKI UMMM" I heard Taurtis say I slowly put my hand down and saw both standing there blushing like mad. "Um sorry have walked in on you like that." I said apologising for walking in on them. "Wait a sec I need to show you something" Sam said scanning on his phone the shoving the phone on my face. I took a look and saw it was me and J smiling at each other while we were dragging drunk Sam and Taurtis home. "Explain this and these" he said scrolling down and showing me art of us. "..." I couldn't say anything I was to shocked from these pictures. Not that they are bad but me and J yeah I may kinda like him but's not like that."these are spreading. Like wild fire On Twatter." He said. But I couldn't help but snicker when I saw a Sam and Taurtis fan art pop up.

Awe they are really cute together

(What do you think? Oh and I actually have gotten Juki fan art. I don't mind them at all. But still it's weird.)

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