Chapter 1

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I've been going through my life with a constant feeling of emptiness. I don't really care that much about holidays or exciting things anymore, I can't remember when I stopped caring, or if I ever cared. Today something feels different. As I'm walking around my school I feel as if some divine creature is watching over me, puzzled at my thoughts and waiting to understand me, even as they send loving and careful vibes. Obviously I've lost my mind.

I get through the door and find the girl that has been crushing on me (*cough* stalking me) for ages waiting for my arrival, I wish she wasn't here again. At the same time though, I feel the vibes change to interest and confusion... Okay, then. I get through my boring classes with ease and begin to head to my car, but the girl is waiting there too! I must have been a little too nice with Cynthia... I know I need to make this stop. I head toward her with the intention of yelling, but I feel an air of pity around me and I hesitate.

By the time I get to Cynthia I decide I should change my tactic, "Cynthia, this needs to stop. I'm really sorry I've led you on for this long when I should have addressed it earlier, but I'm not interested." Cynthia looks at me, clearly confused, "what do you mean, Chase?"

"I mean I've... um, I've noticed your increased attentions the past few weeks and I don't want to hurt you or waste your time."

"I understand. I should go," Cynthia responds quietly and hurries off.

I sigh, it's not that Cynthia isn't good looking, but it usually seems that's all there is. It's horrible, but my response to interested girls has always been to ignore them, if they act intelligently I gain interest, but just giggling and following me around like Cynthia did is too immature. I don't have this plan because girls are falling all over themselves for me, but I know I'm decent looking and smart so there's a fair amount of interest and I need some way to filter through to the ones I could like. As I'm driving home I feel a disappointment hanging in the air, so I turn on my music and ignore these strange feelings around me.

I've never had a girlfriend. Sometimes I feel weird about it; 18, almost graduated and never had a girlfriend?! Oh mercy me, say it isn't so! But, as I mentioned, I just don't care that much and that affects my relationships with girls too.

I finally get to work, I don't know why I chose to work 45 minutes away from school when there are plenty of places I'm qualified for nearby too. I roll my eyes as I walk in, hearing the familiar bell and seeing the familiar faces. Working at a small bookstore does have its perks though, and the regular customers is one of them, "Good afternoon, Mrs. Peterson," I greet with a respectful nod. I duck behind the counter and grab my vest, easy uniforms are such a plus. I work my hours, ringing up a few customers and making sure all the books are in order, and shout to my coworker before I head home, "George! Bro I'm off, see you tomorrow," he waves his acknowledgment and I finally get to go home.

My parents are gone, as usual. Dad is busy with cases and paperwork at the law firm and it's one of Mom's nights to stay at the firehouse. Dad really doesn't care much about being around if Mom is working too, so I know I won't see him soon. I feel some curiosity and pity and I frown, I hate when people pity me, and whatever this was needed to stop. The feelings mixed in some anger, I don't know if this was what a ghost haunting felt like, but it was all weird.

I find some random foods and start studying, just because I don't care much doesn't mean I'll let my grades drop. There's some kind of difference between caring and requiring; some people cared about good grades, I require them. Getting poor marks just isn't an option. After sufficient study I go to work out, yet another requirement. Jogging at night is my favorite, so I let that be my warm-up. Once I finish jogging I get to work on the punching bag, not stopping until I'm drenched in sweat, next is push-ups and leg work. When I finally finish I notice the strange feelings of pity and anger were long ago replaced by admiration. Guess the ghostie appreciates a good workout...and I guess I've named this odd extra set of emotions I've been sensing around me. 

I run my hands through my soaked hair with a twinge of disgust and head toward the shower. Maybe it'll wash away the weird presence too?

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