Chapter 3

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By the time school ends I'm unusually exhausted and I hope I can just go home and sleep as I rush out the doors of the school along with the other kids. Apparently luck still isn't on my side today, as Josh decides he wants to go for round 2.

As I'm walking out Josh slams me into the wall "Hey punk, got somewhere to be?"
"Only bed," I respond wistfully.
He doesn't react well to my casual response, pulling me back and slamming me back into the wall. Josh seems to like to generally pick on everyone, but then have a special target for any random period of time. One guy was bullied for so long that he switched schools and was never heard of again. It makes it sound horrible that nothing's been done about this, and Josh may be a general idiot, but he does know how to bully. He bullies just subtly enough around people that no one is concerned enough to do anything, and saves the worst for when no one can hear you scream. I have a horrible, sinking feeling as I realize that I am his newest target.

Just as I'm thinking of my fast-approaching demise (slightly joking), Josh let's me go, "I'm tired of you walking around like nothing can touch you. I'm in charge here, and I touch who I want!"
Gee Josh, way to sound super sleazy. Of course, I only think that, I know I can't push him any further today if I want to walk out of this school. I simply nod, the picture of humility, and he lets me squeeze past him, thinking I'm home free! But I do realize I still have that feeling follow me, and now it seems a little scared.

Of course, right when I get to my car and can practically feel the comfy softness of my bed, I remember I have to work today. Sighing, I climb in and start driving. As I'm mindlessly singing along to the radio, driving the same old route, I see smoke ahead and panic seizes my heart. See, my mom came out of the fire stronger and ready to face the demon that took her baby away every single day for as long as she was capable, but I came out with an anxiety problem and phobia. I hate going to gas stations and I absolutely cannot stand smoke. I pull over before I pass out and try to calm my racing heart and erratic breathing. I have to get this under control enough to drive past the smoke and get to work on time.

My panic attack is hardly helped by the strange feeling turning to concern and alarm as I struggle for air. I feel so weak when I'm like this, and I hate even admitting that. Of course I got help and therapy after the accident, but they mostly just said these specific problems would go away with time and my parents needed to "let it all take its natural course," because you know, every parent thinks their child having major panic attacks regularly is fine and natural. I try calling my mom as I'm still unable to get under control and am now pushing the clock to get to work. I tap my fingers on the wheel anxiously as I continue struggling the calm down and wait for my mother to answer. "C'mon c'mon," I mutter frantically to myself, but of course my mom doesn't answer. Heck, she could be working at the very fire I cannot dare to face. I come to the conclusion that I'm just going to have to get through this one alone, but I immediately feel this presence full of comfort and concern and heck, I will embrace whatever I can at this point. I mentally latch onto the feeling and try to drive away the panic with it, and it's actually going fairly well, just as I'm also seeing the smoke drift away.

Once I'm mostly back in control, I pull off the side of the road and continue on my way to work. As I race out of the car after haphazardly parking and burst into the store, I'm greeted by some customer glares and glances of concern from George, but I just shrug and get to work.

As soon as I start getting into a groove with the customers though, the fire alarm goes off and I feel panic grip my heart like never before.

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