Chapter 10

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"Nico, where are you? All of us are here already." Eli said through the phone.

"Yah yah, I'm nearly there." Nico sighed being in a very foul mood.

" okay?" Eli could feel the dark aura wafting through the receiver.

"Fine." She spat and hung up. Eli looked at her phone with a raised eyebrow and turned to the rest.

"Elicchi, what's wrong? You look worried." Nozomi asked.

"Nico seems to be in a foul mood."

Umi sighs " I really don't wish to see that."

"I wonder what's wrong though." Honoka pondered.

"I'll tell you what's wrong."


The black haired idol walked through the door, slamming it behind her. "I saw Maki talking to a guy."

"Is that all? That don't seem so bad." Umi commented logically. The others nodded.

"The problem is she ignored me to talk to him."

"Hmm...but it's for work isn't it?" Honoka swung slightly in the chair staring up at the ceiling.

"I think Maki just doesn't want to seem to close to you at work." Hanayo stated trying to clam her boss.

"Hanayo is right nya."

"Was he a doctor too?" Eli asked and the idol nodded, starting to feel a little silly.

"Then you got nothing to worry about!" Honoka finally stopped tuning and smiled at Nico.

Kotori, who has been silent through out the whole exchange finally spoke, "Did he have purple hair and green eyes? Wearing spectacles?"

Everyone eyes focused on the designer.

Nico nodded "Yah, how did you know that?"

Kotori figdeted under the gaze of all seven of them "Of course I do, I work there remember?" She quickly covered up.

"That is true nya."

"True." Nico remembered a small detail that slipped from her mind before "But he is from another department."

Kotori gulped as her eyes shifted to each one of them nervously.

"Kotori?" Umi questioned calmly.

"I don't know anything..." Her voice was soft and higher than normal.

Nico stepped closer to her "Kotori, would you please tell me what is it you know?"

Kotori looked at her shoes, gulping before she lifted her head and took a deep breath "That is Maki's fiancé."


"F-fiancé?!"" Nico gasped and repeated. Kotori nodded to the floor.

"She has a fiancé and you never thought once you should have told me?" Nico continued causing tears to well up in the other's eyes.

"Nico, stop it." Umi scolded and wrapped an arm pulling her girlfriend close to her.

"But she is the one clearly in the wrong!" Nico pointed at Kotori, shouting.

"That's enough!" Eli stood in front of the idol. "It's not her fault! Maki probably made her keep it a secret."

"That sounds like Maki nya!" Rin's words were dripping with worry.

Nico sighed and walked away only to be pulled by Eli.

"I'm just going to go out for a breather. I'll be back later."

Eli nodded and let go. The door closed leaving a heavy atmosphere in the room.

Umi was combing Kotori's hair gently whispering to her well the others stared at the floor awkwardly.


"Mr, Mrs Ganshi. How are you tonight?" Maki and her parents sat down at the table along with another family of doctors.

"Fine dear, how are you?" The male's mother smiled smoothing down her skirt.

"Just fine."

There was a silence as the waiter stopped by and handed out menus to each of them.

The orders were placed and the waiter returned to the kitchen with the menus.

"So, Maki how isn't to be in charge of a department?"

"Not much really, I have already been constantly helping my parents so I'm used to it."

"Yes our dear loves to help us out when she was younger." Maki's mother said with a bright smile.

"And we are very sure that the hospital will be in her good hands one day."

"Yes, I'm sure she will be and Takuro here would be a good partner for her." His father pat his back with slightly too much force.

"Of course, we make such a great pair don't we dear?" Tkauro smiled towards the red head.

"I couldn't agree more." A smirk grew on her lips " If you would only start listening to me more."

Takuro pulled back gasping slgithly "I'm sorry?"

"You know I'm always right you just want to listen."

"And that's my problem? I'm sorry I don't like to hear your bragging!"

"Me? Brag? Look who is talking."

"D-dear that's no way to talk." Maki mother warned although both sides of the table seem as equally worried.

"Oh and you know what mother? He says that you are a burden to the hospital." Maki shot daggers to the male, making her mother gasp and lean towards her husband.

"Oh is that how you are going to play? Mother Maki here always loves to mention how worthless you are."

His mother clenched her heart and let out a small sob.

"That's enough." Takuro's father exclaimed. "Is that how you raise your child?"

"You are talking about me? What about your child huh?" Maki's father rebutted.

"Calling my wife worthless? Just because you own the place?"

"As if being called a burden is any better." Their voices rising.

Maki and Takuro exchanged glacnes looking extremely worried, both thinking that they pushed this slightly too far.

"That's it! Come on Maki we are going." Her parents stood up and Maki had no choice to follow.

The Ganshi family did the same both of them walking in opposite directions to the exit.

Maki and Takuro were exchanging looks trying to think of a way to fix this.

"Come on son." His father pulled him away from her field of vision.

"Can you belive them? To think we were always helping them." Maki's father sighed to his wife. Maki walked slightly behind, gulping at the mess she created.

When she got in the car she received a text.

From: Kotori

I'm sorry, I told Nico about Takuro being your fiancé. I'm so sorry..

Maki stared at the screen for a moment too long and threw her head back.

Great more bad news.

She forced her fingers to move across the led screen.

To: Kotori

I'll deal with that some other day now isn't a good time.

With that she switched off her phone and threw it in her bag, burying her face in her hands. Her chest aching and she shut the world out for the rest of the night.

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