Chapter 12

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"How did it go?" Kotori asked the doctor a few days after, walking down the hallway on duty.

The redhead sighed, pulling her fingers through her hair. "Could have been better."

Kotori nodded in silence, she didn't want to tell Maki that she heard shouting when she walked by that day. 

Maki sighed and changed the depressing topic to something not any merrier "How are the plans for the performance going?"

The nurse shrugged "All that's left is the music and some rehearsal."

Maki nodded "I'm nearly done with the music." She opened her mouth like she wanted to say more but held herself back.

"Nico will come to understand soon." Kotori said as if reading her mind. Maki nodded quietly.

"You should go talk to her."

"What about?" The cold words tumbled out from her lips without a thought. 

Kotori sighed knowing that there was nothing to break through the thick walls around Maki's mind. 

"I'll see you at the meeting then." The doctor turned into the room to see her nxt patient as Kotori walked away to do the same.

"Maki.." A soft voice came from the door, she turned and found a familiar face.

"Can I talk to you?" The Idol asked looking at her slightly awkward. Maki turned back to talk to the elderly man in the bed with a bright smile before she made her way to the door and pass the idol.

Understanding the signal, Nico followed behind her to the end of the corridor. The doctor turned, leaning on the railing facing the idol wearing her poker face once again. 

"You wanted to talk?" Maki folded her arms in front of her protectively.

Nico sighed and fiddled with her fingers slightly. "So, you don't love that Takuro guy?"

Maki shook her head, relaxing a bit, her heart thumping loudly in her chest.

"Maki, I don't want to do this. I love you." She paused, gulping slightly before she continued. "I love you very much and I want you to feel the same. Those years without you, my heart ached every single day.."

She lifted her eyes which were wet now to look at the doctor whose eyes matched hers. "I want you back, Maki. I don't want to let you go again. Please..please tell me you feel the same.." 

Maki sniffed a couple times and a smile slowly grew on her lips, on impulse she pulled the black haired idol in her arms letting the tears slowly pour out of her eyes. "Of course I feel the same way you idiot. I love you, I'm so sorry I lied to you. I'm sorry I made use of you. I'm sorry for everything."

The two held each other tightly in embrace as they both sobbed. They didn't notice a tiny bird watching them in a distance with a bright smile on her face.


"So, how was that?" Maki smiled as he lifted her fingers off the piano gently and opening her eyes to look at the members around the room.

"That was amazing nya~!" Rin commented and the rest nodded with bright smiles on their faces.

"I can't wait to perform with you guys again!" Honoka yelled excitedly.

"So, we have everything in order?" Eli asked with the smile still on her face.

"Costumes all in order!" Kotori reported.

"Location check!" Nozomi chuckled.

"Advertising are all up." Hanayo said for her and Rin.

"Lyrics done." 

"Music done."

"Dance is ready." Honoka said.

"Alright! We have a week to perfect everything then it's show time!" Eli announced just like she use to back in high school.


"So, you two huh?" Maki smiled asking Takuro a few days later.

He nodded proudly "Mmmmhhmm..we have always like each other but because of the thing.." He wagged his finger in between them as indication to what he was talking about.

"Never would I have thought that you like Miyuki."

He raised an eyebrow along with a smirk "And why not?"

Maki shrugged "She doesn't seem like your type."

"And you know my type?" 

She nodded "Of course."

"What is it then?"

The red head flipped her hair  being happier than she has ever been in a while "Someone like me of course."

He laughed, shaking his head slightly "I've never seen you like this. I am kind of digging this new Maki."

"Oh don't get to attached. Miyuki might beat you up for it."

"Man, that girl is stronger than she looks." He chuckled, combing his hand through his hair.

She laughs along, working with the nurse since she started here she knew what that girl was like. "You better be careful." 

They laughed and calmed down with a soft sigh, their smiles dropping slightly.

"You parents know about this?" Maki asked.

He nodded, sliding his hands into the pockets of his pants inside the coat. "They said they will be fine with it after a while." He nodded to her "What about you?"

She shrugged "They are trying to get over it but it might take some time."

He nodded and checked his watch "Oops breaks over. Well I wish you good luck. Let's hang out sometimes alright?"

"You got it. All the best to you too." They exchanged smiles and walked their separate ways.

With that the week soon came to a close and it was time for the nine members to shine again.

A/N Yes it is a slightly short chapter but hey quality over quantity right? Anyway probably can tell but there would be only one chapter left. I hope you have been enjoying this as much as I have! Also, I will will not be double updating anymore. So, please do go find my ArchiveOfOurOwn ( OBESSEDTODDLER ) where I'll be posting different fan fic so check it out if you want. :) 

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