Chapter 6

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"Alright." Kotori dragged the measuring tape around the idol's waist and jotted down the number in the leather notebook by her side. She continues to do this to her legs, arms and neck.

"And done." She removed the tape from the small frame and placed it around her neck while standing up. "I should be able to complete the costume in a week at most."

"That's great. Thanks so much, Kotori." Eli thanked as the idol went to dress herself.

"Not at all, South bird is happy to be working with you." The designer said with a giggle.

""I guess we should let you out from here since it's not going well." Nozomi added with her arms crossed in front of her.

The others nodded in silent agreement.

"Wait give me one more day." Nico said in a very rare serious tone of hers.

The managers and the designers exchanged looked but allowed it. Nico wwasn't sure what she was going to do but she knew she couldn't just give up like this. Not when she suddenly reappeared right before her. she knew she had to grab the opportunity.

It was nightfall by the time the doctor returned to her office. She was tired from a day's work and walked into her spare room.

"I forgot you were here." She spat when she saw the idol seated on the edge of the bed. "Guess I'll go home then." She was about to leave again when Nico wrapped her arms around the waist of the doctor.

"Tell me why. Why can't we be together again."

The doctor sighed and turned around in her arms, cupping her hands to Nico's cheeks.

"Because it didn't work out then. It won't work out now."

"What makes you so sure? You won't know unless you try." Her ruby red eyes tried to penetrate the purple orbs to no avail. The walls built there were far too strong.

"We tried many times before. The results are always the same. You can't fight statics." Maki reasoned with a poker face and voice holding no emotions. This made it hard for the idol for she did not know what to do if she couldn't understand the other's emotions.

"I don't care all I know is that I love you and I want you back."

Emotions spread throughout the doctor's face. It was a mixture of devastation and anger. "And yet you were the one who left me each time."

The ponytail girl touched the hands on her face gently "Please I've changed. Can we please try one last time?"

The features on Maki's face soften and a small smile actually slip onto her lips "I don't know, Nico. I need to think about it."

"I'll wait for you. No matter how longs it takes."

Maki nodded and they stood in silence for a while.

"Well, it's getting late. I should head home."

Maki didn't know what compiled her to do it but she grabbed the wrist of the other.

"You aren't suppose to leave. Just stay here." Then she added in a softer voice, nearly inaudible "Let's sleep together tonight."

Nico's eyes brighten and she smiled very much like a kid who just gotten their wishes come true.


"You coming?" Maki asked, already on the bed. She already removed her coat and other equipment, her hair undone.

Nico chuckled at the bashfulness of the other and went to joined her.

"Can I hug you?" Nico asked softly.

"Do what you want." Maki was glad that it was dark and the other was unable to see the blush growing on her face.The idol slowly slaked her arms under the doctor.

"This doesn't mean I've decided." Maki stated.

"I know." Nico cuddled closely into her chest.

"Good night." Maki whispered which was returned.

The idol woke up the next morning to an empty bed. She yawned and walked over to wash up, she spotted something on the snack table.

'I have a long day today. Remember to eat well.' was written on a piece of paper stuck to the basket containing treats which seemed to have refilled. Nico held the note closer to her and found herself smiling widely.

"My my someone is in a good mood. I take it something good has happened?" Nozomi commented as the two managers walked in.

Nico just nodded happily. The two sat on the bed as the idol recounted everything that has happened thus far.

"That's great, Nico. That means it won't be long before the two of you are back together." Eli smiled and patted her friend.

"well, she said she would think about it so it isn't confirmed yet."

"I won't worry too much about that. I'm sure she would say yes." 

"Thanks Nozomi. Thanks Eli. I think I'll treat the two of you if she says yes."

"Nicocchi is actually being nice? There's no  way i'mm turning that down."

"Yeah me neither. Thanks Nico."

"Hey! What is that suppose to mean? I'm always nice!" She exclaimed while flipping her hair with a smug look.

Meanwhile, Maki was in the operation room doing a simple surgery. 

"You seem happy, Doctor." Miyuki commented while passing her the scalpel.

"Don't be silly, I'm the same as I've always been." Maki rebutted while cutting the skin of the patient apart.

"Oh but there's something different in your eyes. Let me see..." She paused and looked closer at the doctor at work "Could it"

"Don't be ridiculous!" She scolded but there was a blush creeping up behind her surgical mask.

Miyuki giggled as they continued on with the procedure. 

Maki spent the whole day thinking about the conversation they shared before and the night they slept together.

The doctor was surprised to find the idol sitting at her desk when she returned.

"Why are you still up? It's late." 

"I was waiting for you." She replied with a yawn.

"Silly girl, you are an idol. You can't afford to get eye bags." Maki removed her coat as she walked towards the wooden desk and leaned down on the top. She dropped her voice into a low whisper and a grin was playing on her lips. "Besides you don't have to wait anymore."

Nico felt as if someone released a just shaken bubble drink inside her. "Really? You mean it?"

"Well, we can't go back t how we were straight away but I'm willing try." Maki admitted that she still had some doubts but she was done with leaving regrets all over the place.

"Thank you. I'll do my best."

"As will I."

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