CHAPTER EIGHT, unsaid emily

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The next morning Everly was at the vet clinic. She was still in shock about her dead brother and his dead bandmates being ghosts, but she finally was getting used to it. Tessa had already left for school and her husband, Max, left for work already.

Everly was in the back, feeding the animals when she heard a noise in the office. She walks out of the kennel and into the office, and there she saw her brother and his two best friends. Luke was sitting in the chair in front of the computer while Reggie sat on the desk.

"I'm never going to get used to this." She muttered to herself. She then clears her throat. "Uh, hello."

Luke looks at her, standing up from the chair. "Hi." He says awkwardly.

"Hi." Everly waves at him.

"Hi." Luke smiles at her, and the two of them just continue saying hi back and forth. Back when they were alive, Everly had a crush on Luke. Well, to be honest, every teenage girl had a crush on the boy who sang his heart out in front of a crowd. Everly never thought Luke would like her since she was a year younger than him, but she didn't know Luke used to have a crush on her. Luke can't believe he was talking to her again, especially since she's married and has a daughter. Actually standing in front of her now he realized just how much he missed her."I feel like were intruding on something and it's creeping me out" Reggie admitted.

"Well, why are you guys here?" Everly asked the three boys.

"We wanted to make sure that Julie and Tessa were okay." Alex replied.

"Why wouldn't they be okay?" Everly looked at her brother with confusion.

"Well," Luke rubs the back of his neck. "They were pretty upset with us."

Everly nods her head. "What did you guys do?" She sighed heavily.

"We kind of..." Alex pauses and grimaces. "Bailed on them."

"You promised you'd play the dance, and then you didn't." Everly concluded.

"Yeah." Reggie nods. "That's it."

"What happened? Why did you bail on them?" Everly questioned them, narrowing her eyes at them.

"We went to this ghost club my ghost friend Willie took us to and we lost track of time." Alex explained.

"It was so cool though, we could actually eat there and people saw us without having to play music." Reggie smiled.

"Wait, you went to a ghost club and lost track of time?" Everly asks. She clicks her tongue and crosses her arms. "You guys had Julie and Tessa counting on you. They were excited for the dance and for you guys to play and you go and ditch them. You had a chance to show everyone how great you guys are." She pauses, giving them a glare. "And instead you decide to go to a ghost club and lose track of time." She scoffs. "That's real mature of you guys."

"Everly, it wasn't our fault." Luke tried to explain.

"It was your choice to go to the ghost club." Everly sighs. She gasps, eyes widening in concern when they all suddenly groan in pain as they felt a jolt of pain. "What...What was that?"

"This again." Reggie mumbles in annoyance. "It happened last night and earlier this morning."

"When did it start to happen?" Everly asked in concern.

"After we got back to the gym when we left the ghost club." Alex explains. "And it's been happening randomly since then." He frowns. "We don't know what it is."

Everly opens her mouth to say something, but before she could the bell above the door opens, signaling someone is walking in. Everly glances at her customer with a smile. "Hi, how can I help you?" She then sent the boys a look, silently telling them to leave.

"Yeah, we'll leave." Alex got the hint, sending her a reassuring smile. "Come on, guys." He poofed out along with Luke and Reggie. Everly just sighed and turned back to the customer with a smile to help them.


Tessa had just got to her bedroom when she saw Reggie was there. She closed the door, putting her backpack down beside the door and then walking into her room.

"What are you doing here, Reggie?" Tessa questions. "Shouldn't you be with your new friends at the ghost club?"

Reggie's shoulders drop and he frowns at the sound of the hurt in her voice. He goes over to her. "Look, I am so sorry, Tess. We never meant to hurt you or Julie. I...I really like you and the last thing I wanted was to hurt you. Please forgive me."

Tessa stares at him with a sad expression. She doesn't know if she could trust him again, but she can't stand the hurt and regretful look in his eyes. She sighs, nodding her head. "Fine, I forgive you. But if you do anything like that again..."

"We won't." Reggie reassured her, his eyes lighting up. He stepped forward, planning to hug her, but then he pulled back, remembering that they can't touch each other. He frowns, his shoulders dropping and he looks down at the floor.

Tessa watches him sadly, her heart aching. She wished she was able to hug him. She wondered what his hugs were like, she assumed they were the best. Then she realized something that made her heart race and her face turn red. "Wait, d-did you just say you like me? Like...Is it like like...Romantically? Or not?" She stammered.

Reggie looks up at her, his own face turning red as well. "Well, um..." He chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah, I like you...Romantically. And I know we haven't known each other for long and I know it's really weird 'cause you're Alex's niece and all and I'm a ghost and..."

Tessa laughs softly, smiling at him. "Reggie, relax." He was so adorable when he rambles. "I...I like you too." She admitted, her heart pounding and her stomach doing somersaults.

Reggie's face lights up and he grins, his eyes brightening. "You do?"

"Yes, I do." Tessa confirmed, feeling all giddy inside. She watched as Reggie walked over to her until they stood in front of each other. He hesitated, but he reached his hand out to her hand to try and hold it. Tessa was too nervous to pull away. She feared they both would get disappointed if their hands went through, but that didn't get her to pull away. She wanted to see what would happen. Maybe there was a possibility they could touch.

Just as they both expected their hands went right through, their faces falling. Reggie dropped his arm to his side and looked down, frowning. Tessa frowned, her heart aching. She hated not being able to touch him.

Reggie looked up at her, noticing the look on her face. "Don't worry, we'll figure something out." He said reassuringly. Tessa smiled, nodding her head.

"Yeah, we will." Tessa agreed.

"So, uh, anyway." Reggie clears his throat, rubbing the back of his neck as his face turns red. "We signed us up for a new gig at this venue where apparently tons of managers go to listen to different bands. We already told Julie about it after we apologized to her and everything. She's still upset with us though and she has every right to be. I don't blame her. Anyway, Alex and I were gonna show you and Julie who that song Emily as really about. Julie said something to Luke that made him upset and he poofed away. We know where he went though and we wanna show you and Julie. Will you go with us?"

Tessa nods and smiles softly. "Of course, I will."


Tessa is now hiding behind a bush next to Julie in front of a house. Alex is hiding behind a bush near their right side while Reggie is hiding behind one near their left side. They watched as Luke was sitting on the counter inside the house, watching an older couple go about their day.

"So Emily is his mom?" Julie asked softly.

"Yeah. Yeah, Luke comes here a lot." Alex replied.

"He thinks we don't know, but...We've been following him." Reggie confessed.

Tessa frowns while staring at Luke. She never seen him so sad before. Sure, she only knew him for a week or so, but she could tell that the boy was hurting. It made her heart ache. She never wanted to see him or any of the boys hurt.

"All he does is just hang out like this and watch them. They never really do anything though." Reggie added.

"They're having cake." Julie shrugs with a small smile. "That's something."

"It's a...It's a birthday cake. For Luke." Reggie stammered, earning sad looks from Tessa and Julie.

"I never knew Luke was hurting this much." Julie admitted.

"Me neither. Although he does seem like the kind of person who just keeps it all inside and pretends like everything is fine." Tessa added, thinking about how he seemed like the person who wouldn't let people know how hurt he was, just like her.

"That's how Luke's always been." Alex replies. "It's even worse because when he died he...Left on bad terms." He explained, referring to Luke's relationship with his parents. "You know, his parents didn't want their seventeen year old in a rock band, so...He just left. He n ever got the chance to make up with them."

Tessa's frown grew deeper if that was possible, feeling tears prick her eyes. Luke got off the counter, his eyes watery as he walked over to join his parents at the table they placed the chocolate cake on. Her heart ached, watching as he blew out the candle his dad had lit. His parents looked confused as it went away, but they didn't say anything and his dad lit the candle again.

"That's why Luke was so angry. If Trevor had given Luke credit for writing all the songs, then..." Reggie sighs. "His parents would've known his dream was worth chasing."

Julie closes her eyes, shaking her head as smiles sadly. "They would have been so proud."

The four of them watch while Luke's parents blew out the candle together, holding hands. Luke had blew out the candle as well, staring at his mom with a frown. Julie sniffled, wiping her tears away. Tessa glanced at her with a frown, her heart aching. She felt the same way Julie did. She did her best to blink away her tears and looked over at Alex when he spoke up.

"We know how bad it huts whenever someone that should've had your back...Completely lets you down." Alex said, standing up. "We never meant to make you guys feel that way."

"Julie, Tessa, we love our band." Reggie chimes in. "And Luke does too. Please give us another chance."

Tessa shared a look with Julie, and she could tell they were both on the same page. They were giving the boys a second chance. And they just hoped they wouldn't regret it. 

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