Chapter Twenty-Four

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Chapter Twenty-Four

Taeyeon continuously hits her head against the coffee table. All week she’s been thinking about it.  Two times, she had two chances to kiss Jessica and failed each time. With a groan, her head collides with the wooden piece of furniture. How is it that Yuri can score a kiss on the lips and she couldn’t even end the night with one on the cheek? And again her head collides with the table.

“You’re going to get a headache if you continue doing that,” comments Hyoyeon while entering the house. She throws her bag on the couch. “Are you still upset about the kiss? I said I was sorry didn’t I?” Taeyeon groans at the word Kiss. “Look just call Jessica up. Tell her you wish to see her. When she arrives kiss her like there is no tomorrow. Boom problem solved.”

“The kiss has to be perfect,” states Taeyeon while looking at the table.

“Then that kiss wasn’t the one,” comments Hyoyeon, “any kiss after dinner with our father is not going to be perfect.”

“Shut up,” mumbles Taeyeon while throwing her pencil at her younger sister. Hyoyeon catches it.

“Thanks I needed one anyways,” she slides the writing instrument into her pocket. She gives Taeyeon a smile before disappearing up the stairs. Taeyeon looks at her phone. Maybe she should just call Jessica.

She dials the number turning the phone on speaker before grinning like an idiot. This is it she’s going to get her kiss.

“Taengoo?” comes Jessica voice through the phones speaker.

“Jessica…uh what are you doing today?” asks Taeyeon while fidgeting. What for, she doesn’t know. It’s not like Jessica could see her. Or can she? Taeyeon looks around the room before turning back to the phone. Jessica still hasn’t answered, “Jessic-“

“I have work scheduled for tonight. Then I’ve got a major project in science to do and sleep,” states Jessica. “It seems my schedule is packed Taengoo. I’m sorry. But I’ll make it up to you I promise. Remember how I said dinner with my family?”

“Does it end in a kiss?” asks Taeyeon.

“What did I say about asking?”

“Don’t ask just do,” answers Taeyeon with a frown.

“I have to go. I’ll call you later.” Taeyeon slams her head against the coffee table again.

Attempt  three fail.


The next day…

Taeyeon fidgets as Jessica takes the seat beside her on the bus. She wanted this kiss and she wanted it now. She’s been coming up with millions of plans on how to execute the kiss.  Jessica turns and smiles at her as Tiffany take a seat behind them beside Yuri. Taeyeon forces a grin before quickly turning and looking out the window. How to get the kiss? How to get the kiss?

“Still stressing?” She looks over her shoulder at Yuri who was leaning forward. “Just kiss her already.”

“Why can’t she kiss me?” asks Taeyeon in a whisper.

“I don’t know. But according to Tiffany it’s because she’s more experienced so she doesn’t think it’ll mean anything. But if you, a person who has no clue about things, initiate the kiss…then…” responds Yuri. Taeyeon’s face scrunches. It’s not her fault she has no experience. If people would look past her lineage then she would have some sort of experience. She looks at Jessica’s reflection in the window. Just lean in and do it. That’s all she has to do.

But they’re on a bus. She groans. “Look Taeng it’s easy. Just do this.” Taeyeon watches as Yuri taps Tiffany on the shoulder. The bright girl turns and looks at Yuri with a questioning look. She watches as Yuri leans in stealing a kiss from Tiffany. Taeyeon blinks while raising a brow. Did she just see some tongue? On the bus? A moan escapes Tiffany’s lips. Jessica herself turns around with a bewildered expression.

“We are on a bus you two,” states Jessica while prying them a part. Tiffany smiles widely as Yuri grins sheepishly, “Save that for a bedroom or something. I can’t believe you two are moving so fast.”

“Not our fault you have a girlfriend who’s not experienced,” remarks Tiffany while flashing Taeyeon a grin. “Maybe you should show her how it’s done.” Jessica scoffs and turns back to facing forward while fiddling on her phone.

Yuri leans forward and whispers, “See just do that.”

Taeyeon nods her head and closes her eyes. She was going to get her kiss today.  Her hands curl into fists as she tries to keep her giddiness in. She was going to kiss Jessica. She was going to be able to feel Jessica’s lips on hers.

Eyes still close, she taps the shoulder next to her before leaning over and placing a kiss on a pair of lips. Jessica doesn’t respond causing for her to pull away. Her eyes slowly open. Sooyoung’s scrunched face is the first thing she sees.

“If that’s how you plan on kissing her then gives up,” comments Sooyoung while wiping her mouth.

“Oh god Taeng…that was hilarious.” Taeyeon’s eyes search for Jessica. “They got off while you had your eyes closed. Something about having to return home because of Krystal,” laughs Yuri. “So how was it?” asks Yuri.

Sooyoung rolls her eyes; Taeyeon hits her head on the window.

“Attempt four, complete and utter embarrassment,” mutters Taeyeon as she wipes her lips, “and my first kiss was given to Sooyoung…”


Two days later…

Taeyeon paces back and forth in front of the bookstore. She’s failed during their walk, in her backyard, on the phone and on the bus. If anything she was going to get the kiss today be it now or later tonight at dinner with her parents, though she obviously wanted her kiss now. She looks inside the store. It’s not packed. That means Jessica won’t be dragged away by anyone.

She enters the store; her eyes flicker back and forth trying to locate her girlfriend. She begins walking up and down the aisles looking between bookshelves. Where oh where is her girlfriend?

Taeyeon stops walking and looks around; was Jessica even working today? “Excuse me,” she calls out while a worker walks past her.

“Yes,” they approach her, “did you need help retrieving something off the shelf?”

“NO,” shouts Taeyeon defensively. The worker flinches at her outburst, “I just wanted to know if Jessica was working today.”

“Oh, Jung?” Taeyeon nods her head, “No she’s not in. In fact she called in earlier stating a family emergency.” Taeyeon groans before turning around and slamming her head into the bookshelf. 

Why? Why? Why? What has she done to deserve this? Why couldn’t she just score a kiss like the rest of the group? Yuri likes to tongue Tiffany, Sunny likes to peck Sooyoung and Yoona and Seohyun are at the shy kiss stage. And she has yet to kiss Jessica. Why?! “Um…are you okay?” asks the worker while grabbing hold of Taeyeon’s shoulder. 

“I’m fine,” mutters Taeyeon as she turns and exits the store.  “Attempt five failed before even trying.”


Jessica looks up from her homework as Krystal enters her room, “where are you off to?”

“Dad is coming remember? That’s why you called in stating you weren’t going to make it,” remarks Krystal. Jessica closes her text books with a sigh. “He’s actually downstairs.”

“You tell me now?” She rushes around to her closet. Pulling the first jacket she sees she slides it on.

“Well I figured you knew. Today is the day we visit him,” Jessica stops in her tracks. Her eyes dart back and forth through her messy room as she looks for her phone. Finding it half hidden under a pile of clothes she dives across the room frantically pushing some buttons. “What’s wrong?”

“I invited Taeyeon over for dinner with the family. I totally forgot that today was the day we visit dad for dinner,” mutters Jessica.

“Well, let her come,” suggests Krystal. Jessica bolts up only to trip after getting tangled in her own mess. Krystal lets out a laugh while watching Jessica flail around on the floor in an attempt to untangle herself.

“She…can’t…come,” groans Jessica while finally freeing herself.

“Why not?” asks Krystal.

“Because I said so.” Jessica stands up and straightens out her clothes as a sad smile makes its way across her face. “Well let’s go."


Taeyeon repeatedly hits her head against the arm of the couch. “I take it Jessica changed her plans for the evening and Taeyeon can’t execute her plan to get her kiss,” whispers Yoona to Sooyoung. The group nods their head watching the eldest girl with the utmost fascination.

“Stupid,” groans Taeyeon as she smothers her face into the arm rest. Maybe if she faints from lack of air then Jessica would rush to her aid and perform CPR.

“Taeyeon what attempt is this now?” asks Yuri while trying to hold a serious face.

“I lost count,” states Taeyeon while turning to look at them.

“Well, look at the bright side,” states Sooyoung.

“What bright side?” mutters Taeyeon.

“With all the head damage you’re doing, you’re sure to grow a few centimeters when the lump forms.” Taeyeon picks up the couch pillow and throws it at the taller girl.

“So what is Jessica doing tonight instead of family dinner?” asks Yoona curiously.

“She’s going out with her father,” answers Taeyeon.

“Mr. Jung…the cop?” asks Hyoyeon. Taeyeon nods her head before burying her head back into the arm rest.  How long willit take for Jessica to reach her? Better yet if Jessica doesn’t make it will one of these idiots perform CPR?

“I suggest a guys’ night out then,” states Sooyoung while standing up.

“Great idea moron, but if you haven’t notice we are girls,” responds Taeyeon.

“Fine a girls’ night out. One that contains miniature golf, go karts and some awesome video games and pizza,” retorts Sooyoung.

“Sure why not,” states Yuri while standing. Yoona nods her head in agreement. Hyoyeon shrugs her shoulders and all eyes fall on Taeyeon. “Taeyeon?”

“Yeah…yeah.” She stands up and dusts herself off, “might as well have some fun with or without Jessica.” Sooyoung pats her on the back.

“Good choice.”


“Miniature golf and go karts?” asks Jessica skeptically as she looks at the place that her father has taken her and Krystal.

“Yes, well I'm pressed for time-“

“Save it,” states Jessica while entering the building. Krystal shrugs her shoulders and follows after her sister. Mr. Jung sighs and follows after his daughters into the building and to some seats.

“I’m going to play some video games,” states Krystal while trying to avoid the tension. Jessica motions her away with a flick of the wrist. “Alright so save me some pizza?”

“Okay,” responds Mr. Jung while watching his younger child take off. He turns back to Jessica who was removing her jacket.

“It’s not in here if that’s what you think.”


“The little flash drive that I’m supposed to be carrying. You know the one that my girlfriend is supposed to be giving you? Yeah it’s not in here. She’s not giving you anymore information,” explains Jessica while looking around at the teens and families.

“Well…there are other ways to get information,” he says while looking at the menu.

“Just leave her alone,” states Jessica. “I want to have a normal relationship with her and I can’t do so if you’re trying to ruin things. I know it’s unintentional because your job is very important to you. But I sort of like the midget.”

“I see,” states Mr. Jung. “Pepperoni?”

“Don’t change the subject.” Mr. Jung flinches. “I’m really serious. I sort of like her. And as your daughter I’m asking you to leave her and her family alone.

“Sooyeon, this is my job you’re talking about. I’ve been working this case for forever-“

“Why can’t you like most dads who want to spoil their children? That’s why I like Mr. Hwang. Though he is strict he still spoils us.” A frown appears on Mr. Jung’s face. He doesn’t like that his daughter likes another man as a father more than him.

“I’ll see what I can do, Sooyeon,” states Mr. Jung, “so pepperoni?”

“It doesn’t matter,” answers Jessica with a small smile. 

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