Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter Twenty-Six

Hyoyeon and Yuri both stare at the evident hand print on Taeyeon’s face. “I thought you two were going out?” asks Yuri while poking at the print. “What in the world did you do?”

Taeyeon swats Yuri’s hand away while, “stop it you’re making it worse?”

“What happened?” asks Yuri again.

“I wonder the same thing,” states Hyoyeon. Yuri stops poking the mark for a second and turns to look at her, “I woke up this morning to see that…but she won’t say what happened.”

“I got a kiss,” states Taeyeon.

“Sure you did? Are you sure Jessica’s slap didn’t rattle your brain a bit?” questions Yuri as she returns to poking Taeyeon’s face.

“I said stop…you’re breaking my concentration,” retorts Taeyeon.

“What were you concentrating on?” asks Hyoyeon curiously.

“Ways to explain the hand print that is on my face when Jessica’s and Tiffany’s family shows for tonight’s dinner,” explains Taeyeon as she walks to her closet.

“Let me guess. When she kissed you touched?” asks Yuri, “or you opened your big mouth which resulted in her striking you.”

“Shut up,” mumbles Taeyeon as she turns back around and looks at them. Her bedroom door opens and all three girls turn and look to see Mr. Kim sticking his head in the room.

“Taeyeon…can I speak to you in my office?” Taeyeon nods her head following her father. Entering his office he walks around behind his desk taking a seat as Taeyeon takes one of the two free ones. “I think we need to discuss the pact you made with Officer Jung.”

“What about it?” asks Taeyeon curiously.

“Me and your grandfather have discussed things…I’m not sure how to implement the handing over the title to you,” states Mr. Kim confusion and frustration written all over her face.

“I’ve thought about it also,” Mr. Kim raises a brow. “I think that maybe if you want to keep this as the path for the family then give Hyo the inheritance. The pact is between me and Mr. Jung. The family will only become good if and only if you hand the title over to me. Giving it to Hyo won’t nullify the contract. And Hyo deserves it.”

“Hyoyeon is adopted,” responds Mr. Kim. “And your grandfather specifically demands that you take over.” He sits back in his chair, “I think you are more than capable of doing so after witnessing what happened at the police station. Not only that but you gave away private information without being noticed and you’ve demonstrated even more abilities.”

“But handing it over means ending what our family has started,” counters Taeyeon.

“Something you’ve wanted to do for a while.” Taeyeon nods her head, “but I think you’ve changed your view on it. You did initiate a contract with a police officer.” Taeyeon looks off to the side, “and I think that you’re afraid of showing it.”

“I have to go through with the contract if you give me the title,” states Taeyeon, “I have to end it. I didn’t like what the family does. Everyone knows that. But after using my-our power to help Jessica and her family I see no real issue with it besides the side in which we are hurting people. But if I must take over then I say give the title to Hyoyeon. Have Hyoyeon give it to me. The contract says you have to hand it to me. With Hyo handing it to me I won’t have to do as the contract says.”

“See I knew you’d make such a great leader.” Taeyeon nods her head with a small smile. She wasn’t going to let her father down.


Jessica winces as she looks at the still noticeable hand print on Taeyeon’s face. She walks over to the older girl, “sorry.”

“I deserve it,” states Taeyeon while grinning, “I need to tone down a bit.” She flashes Jessica a smile. Jessica leans forward placing a kiss on the injured cheek before backing away and looking at her family that were greeting the Kims and Kwons. “Oh…come I need to talk to you about something important.” She grabs Jessica’s hand and leads her away from the rest of the group.

“What is it that you wanted to talk about?” asks Jessica as they walk down one of the many halls.

“If I was to take over and continue with the company the way that it is…would you treat me differently?” asks Taeyeon.
“You wouldn’t be able to keep-“

“As long as I inherit the title of leader from anyone other than my father I can do as I please. The contract states that my father needs to pass on the business to me,” interrupts Taeyeon. “Doing things that hurt others aren’t my liking, but doing things to help others especially those that I care about…well that’s something different.”

“Illegal is still illegal,” comments Jessica, “but if Tiff can learn to live with it…I can. Who knows maybe we won’t be together by then.”

“Why not?”

“You’re a not a very romantic person. Killing the mood with perverted questions, not knowing when to kiss, and you’re a horrible kisser at that,” teases Jessica.

“Horrible…” repeats Taeyeon as a frown appears on her face. How could she be that horrible?

“Yeah horrible…but I guess I’ll over look that for now since you did give me my dad back.” Taeyeon blinks and looks at Jessica.

“But it was done-“

“Now is the time you shut up. Also it would have been a perfect time to prove that you can kiss or at least attempt to prove something.”

“Oh!” Taeyeon moves to lean in when Jessica ducks away.

“No…it doesn’t work like that. I’m not going to tell you when the perfect time is. You figure it out on your own and then kiss me. Got it?” Taeyeon nods her head. “Good. Let’s go. I think our parents might be worried about us.” She drags Taeyeon back to the den where everyone was sitting.

“Where did you two run off to?” asks Krystal curiously.

“Somewhere to probably swap saliva,” comments Tiffany with a huge smile on her face.

“As if they got that far,” adds in Yuri.

“We have gotten that far,” states Jessica while taking a seat on one of the couches. She pulls Taeyeon down beside her. Yuri looks at Taeyeon who begins grinning like a Cheshire cat. “So where are the adults?”

“Off somewhere minding their own-business. You missed the tension between dad and Mr. Kim,” answers Krystal. Jessica nods her head and crosses her arms. 

“So Taeng got her kiss? Is that how she got the marking on the face?” question Yuri.

“That is known of your business,” answers Jessica with  glare. “We unlike you two over there would like to keep our relationship private and not for the eyes of everyone including the people on the bus.”

“So who initiated it?” questions Tiffany this time.

“Does it matter?” responds Jessica.

“Jessi did it,” states Tiffany with a smile. “What happened afterwards? You did spend the night. Did you guys-“
“This isn’t something you talk about in front of Krystal,” hisses Jessica. “And no we didn’t do anything like that you perv.”

“Well Tae must have done something,” states Hyoyeon joining the conversation, “based on the bruises she had before it was due to something perverted. So my conclusion is she did something perverted last night and you slapped her. That would also explain why you kissed it and had a surprised expression when you saw it earlier. You didn’t expect for it to turn out like that.”

“Leave my girlfriend alone,” states Taeyeon joining the conversation. “She didn’t hit me.” A smile graces Jessica’s face as she watches Taeyeon stick up for her. She leans over and places a kiss on Taeyeon’s cheek for the second time that evening. Taeyeon smiles triumphantly.

“So what do we discuss now?” asks Yuri while leaning back. Everyone shrugs their shoulders when Jessica stands up.
“Me and Taengoo are going to her room. Text us when it’s time for dinner.” She pulls Taeyeon up to her feet before dragging the shorter girl out of the den and to Taeyeon’s room.

“W-why are we going to my room?” asks Taeyeon.

“To get away from their nosiness.” Taeyeon nods her head.

“Since we are going to be alone can i-“

“What did I say?”

“Don’t ask. Do.”


“Why are we shopping in here?” asks Yuri while looking around the bookstore with Taeyeon.

“I need a gift for Jessica,” answers Taeyeon. “The other night she told me that the book she wanted was out but she was saving up her money to buy a car.  So I’m going to buy it for her.”

“You’re whipped.”

“Says the one who bought Tiffany a pair of heels before even going out on a date with her,” remarks Taeyeon, “but I need you here just in case I need to reach the top shelf.”

“So you’re using me?”

“Yes my lackey now reach up there and grab that book,” responds Taeyeon jokingly. Yuri rolls her eyes and reaches up grabbing the book that Taeyeon was looking for. “Thank you.”

“Anything to help our mighty leader get her kiss.”

“About that, Hyoyeon is the heiress now,” states Taeyeon as they walk to the registers.

“But Hyoyeon is adopted,” states Yuri.

“I know…and we’ll leave it at that.” She digs in her pocket for her cash and hands it the cashier. Yuri nods her head. “Our secret until it’s time.”

“Why is she going to be heiress?”

“To keep the business the way it is. After dealing with Mr. Jung I have come to a semi conclusion that our future isn’t so bad.” Yuri nods her head again, “well I’ll leave you to visit Tiffany. I’m headed to pick Jessica up from Mr. Jung’s so we can go on a date.”

“Alright I’ll let you be,” Taeyeon waves Yuri off and rushes out of the store to the parking lot and the brand new car that her father had given her. She opens the driver side and slides in as her phone rings.


“Taengoo? Where are you at?” rings Jessica’s voice through the phone.

“I’m on my way,” answers Taeyeon as she starts the car, “be there in a few.”



Jessica paces back and forth in front of her father’s place while wrapping one of Taeyeon’s many jackets. Where was her short girl friend? A car slows down in front of her and the window rolls down revealing Taeyeon. “Where did you get this?”

“My dad,” answers Taeyeon with a smile. Jessica pulls open the passenger side door and climbs inside shutting the door.  “I got you something.” Jessica watches Taeyeon curiously as the older girl reaches into the backseat and pulls out a bag. She hands it to Jessica and watches as the younger girl pulls out the book.

“Taengoo…” Jessica turns and gives Taeyeon a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you.” Taeyeon smiles widely before pulling off. “So where are we going?”

“Out to eat.”


“Leave it to Taeyeon to take her girlfriend out to a diner,” teases Jessica as they walk through the park.
“In my defense I bought you a book,” counters Taeyeon, “who knew a book would cost that much? You better read it a bazillion times.”

“A bazillion?” questions Jessica with a smirk. Taeyeon nods her head while attempting to keep a serious face. Jessica couldn’t help but to laugh aloud. Taeyeon’s face scrunches up causing for her to laugh some more. Taeyeon turns and prepares to leave when Jessica reaches out for her. “I’m sorry,” she whispers. “It was just too funny not to laugh. But I’ll read it a bazillion of times.”

“You better.”

“Is that a threat?”

“What more did you expect from the mafia?”

“Well not a lot from something so small,” retorts Jessica.

“You!” Taeyeon points a finger at Jessica.

“I’m sorry I had to.” Taeyeon pouts and crosses her arms. “I said I’m sorry,” states Jessica as she approaches Taeyeon wrapping her arms around Taeyeon’s waist. Taeyeon turns her head. “Taengoo,” she whispers, “I said I was sorry.” Taeyeon raises a brow. “I won’t do it again.”



“Good…” Taeyeon leans forward. This is it. She was going to initiate a kiss. Jessica smiles as she figures out what Taeyeon was going to do.

“There they are! I told you they’d be out here!” Taeyeon quickly pulls apart to see Sooyoung and Sunny running their way.

“Great,” she mutters. Why couldn’t they let her have her kiss?

“What are you guys doing here?” asks Jessica as she releases Taeyeon and turns to them.

“We’re suppose to be seeing a movie, remember Jessi,” answers Tiffany as she walks towards them with Yuri.

“How could we forget?”

“I think we should go before the seats are gone,” states Seohyun.

“And the lines at the concession stands get too long,” adds Yoona.

“Alright movie night it is,” states Taeyeon while grabbing Jessica’s hand. The group cheers and begins walking.

“We can always ditch them,” suggests Jessica.

“But I’d rather be in the movie theaters and sit in the dark.”

“Why is that?”

“You’ll see…” Jessica stops walking trying to figure it out. Her face becomes blank as she puts together the pieces. Her eyes widen in sudden realization not going unnoticed by Taeyeon who turns on her heels and makes a run for it.

“Kim Taeyeon!” shouts Jessica as she takes off after the shorter girl. 

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