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"Good morning," Diego greeted as Luther stepped out to sit at the dining table, still looking down. There's already Grace and Diego there. "Or should I say 'good day'?"

"Is there coffee in this house?" Luther asked. "And bread?"

"Of course, dear. Five had just restocked from the coffee shop across the street," Grace answered, her bright smile never faltering. "Arabica or robusta?"

"Robusta," Luther answered.

"Me too, Mum!" Five exclaimed from behind Luther, taking a seat next to him. Grace nods and started boiling some water, taking out the teaspoon and two cups from the shelf next to her and pour out each cup a teaspoon.


"A teaspoon."


Grace nodded and start adding the sugar to each cup, waiting for the water to boil. Grace grabbed a loaf of white bread from the shelves and started cutting them to little pieces before putting it in a plate, handing it to Luther.

"Thanks, Mum."

"Luther, uhh, about A-Allison," Diego knew that the topic of Allison would be hard for Luther (hell, if it's him he wouldn't be able to forgive her too), but Luther didn't lift his head up as he ate the bread squares.

"She told you, too?"

"She told all of us." Five intervened. Grace placed the cups of coffee in front of her children. "This morning, you talked about it with Vanya."

"Anyone want burgers?"

"Me!" Diego raised his hand.

"Me too."

"I'll have a burger."

"Alright!" Grace said as she went back to face the freezer, taking out three patties.

"Give her a ch-chance, she seemed really s-sorry. She was a child." Luther furrowed his brows and stared at Diego like he's grown two heads.

"I'm not dating her."

"Not that, try to g-give her a ch-chance to be your sibling ag-gain," Diego clarified what he said. "You two still sp-pent your life as each others' sib-bling. She's your sister and you're her brother."

"If you really feel uneasy around her, maybe limit your contact, but don't cut her off completely," Five added. "Diego, Vanya, Klaus and I will be there for you, we'll make sure you won't be alone with Allison until you're comfortable enough to."

"Where's Allison now?"

"With Klaus," Five answered. "You don't have to forgive her immediately, we'll accompany you so it won't be just the two of them."

"Thank you." Luther nodded. "Both of you."

"Don't mention it," Five patted Luther's back. "Oh, I have to thank you."

"What for?"

"You helped me the most out of our siblings with the apocalypses and you were about to take a bullet for me in the first 2019, so I thank you." Five answered. "And I'm sorry for kicking you in the private parts."

"It's alright."

"Also do you feel pain in your private parts when it was kicked like people born with penises do?" Five asked. "Do you have a penis?" Luther sighed and Diego laughed.

"I'm not answering THAT," Luther closed his eyes, his ears turned a tinge of red. "There's a reason why people call them 'private parts', Five!"

"Mum performed an SRS on Luther when we were 18, Five," Diego added. "Yes. He has a penis."


"You saw me peeing in a urinal!"

"Right, I remember." Five bit their bottom lip. Diego lifted his brow.

"Here are your burgers, children," Grace placed the plates in front of the trio. "Now, eat up."

"Thanks, Mum," Diego said before he took a big bite into his burger. Five and Luther faced each other before Five lifts their brow and ate their burger too, Luther following afterwards.

"Diego, Five, will any of you bring these up to Allison's room?" Grace asked, putting a plate with three burgers on. "For your siblings Allison, Klaus, and Vanya."

"Vanya's renewing her violin-teaching certificate," Five answered. Grace nodded and smiled again. Luther grabbed the additional burger and started eating it.

"Finished with the meal, children?" She asked. Diego nods and handed the plate back to Grace, followed by a plate from Five and two plates from Luther.

"I'll get the plate up." Diego volunteered as they left. Five held Luther's shoulder but he shrugged their hand off.

"I'm sorry it has to happen to you," Five said. "It shouldn't have happened."

"It still happened," Luther scoffs. "It still happened."

"I know. And it'll always be Allison's fault for not freeing you from the rumour sooner." Five nods. "But Allison was a kid and you were too."

"Can you just leave me alone?" Luther asked, closing his eyes. Footsteps can be heard going away from him, and he knew he was alone. Luther opened them again and finished his burger.

"Now that Five's grown up and you've had your SRS, I can see the facial resemblance between the two of you." Luther faced Grace, a questioning look evident in his face.

"What are you saying, Mum?"

"Maybe if both of you are blonds or both of you brunets, you two would look more similar," Grace continued.

"Mum, do you know anything?" Grace chuckled.

"I know a lot of things, Luther."

"Do you know if we're twins or something?" Once again, Grace chuckled.

"I'm younger than you, remember?"

"Of course, love you Mum-" Luther shook his head and stood up to leave the kitchen to his room.

Grace said that he looks like Five. The journal stated that Luther is a twin. The twin has to be German too, leaving both Five and Klaus as the possible candidates. Is it Five? Maybe. Is it Klaus? Hearing Grace's comment made him doubt it. Maybe he, Five, and Klaus are triplets? Maybe, he doesn't know. He'll read Klaus' report after reading Five's.

If Five is really his twin, they should know about this. Should Luther let them know about this? No, maybe he should find out if it's really true or not first before telling anyone else. Luther opened Reginald's journal and opened Five's report, skipping Klaus' report.

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