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"Here's what I got on Anna Schneider, now Marlo Schneider."

Diego gave Luther the report on Marlo Schneider (former Anna Schneider, uses the pronouns they/them). Luther raised his brow as he reads on.

Apparently, they gave birth to them when they were 14. No wonder Schneider didn't charge much for the babies, they probably just wanted them out of their sight.

"Have you told anyone else about this?" Luther asked.

Diego shook his head.

"N-Not yet, but you must." Diego pocketed his hands. "I've al-also searched about M-Marg-garita de León, I'm visit-ting her."

"Diego, don't do anything brash to de León," Luther begged. "I can't stop you from seeing her but you have to see things from her perspective. A sudden birth would be terrible news for most people."

"I-I know. She's not my m-mum and I won't force her t-to be." Diego shrugged, looking away. "W-Why are you looking for Sch-Schneider?" Diego looked up to see Luther's face.

"I won't force them to play the role of my ren," Luther confirmed. "I'll just talk to them, maybe try to befriend them. Or something."

"Yeah, or someth-thing." Diego nods.

"I mean, I'm prepared for whatever reaction," Luther added. "Dad bashed me when I approached him in the 1960s, I'm prepared for if they don't want to talk to me."

"Where's the j-journal?"

"At dinner, I think everyone should read it too." Luther raised his foot to leave, but Diego held him back.

"Sl-low down," Diego hissed. "You knew first."

"I do."

"Why do you always get to know first-" Diego pressed Luther's chest with his forefinger. "Number One?"

"Move, Number Two," Luther hissed. When Diego doesn't, Luther sighed and pushed his way through, run out the door and back to his room, locking the door before taking out the journal. He heard a thundering noise of knocks on his door.

"Open this door, Ape Man! You don't just give me Mummy issues and run away with it!"

Luther immediately hid the journal beneath the many layers of his jackets along with Schneider's report. Luther then opened the door, facing Diego.

"I'll give you Dad's journal, alright-" Luther glared at his 'younger' brother. "But I need to talk to Five first."

"Why? What's the problem with Five?" Diego asked back, his forefinger pressing on Luther's chest. "What is it that he- sorry, they- have to know that we can't?!"

"They're my twin, alright?" Luther revealed. Diego widened his eyes. "We're both born of the same parent. I'll tell all of you but later. I want them to know first so it won't come off as a shock to them, then we meet Schneider."

"Ok-" Diego nodded. "But let us know later, ok?"

"I will." Diego lets Luther go and he walks out, heading to Five's room.

As he arrived in front of their room door, Luther took a deep breath in. How will Five take it, he doesn't know. Luther knocked on the door a few times, time to find out, isn't it?

"Come in!" He heard a yell coming from inside and Luther opened the door, closing it behind him. There, he sees Five on their phone.

"Allison got me this and I'm looking for a puppy," Five said, not looking up from their gadget. "She says I need to spend my time obsessing over something else other than the apocalypses."

"May I take a seat?" Five nodded and Luther moved to Five's bed, sitting on the edge. "Five, put that phone down. We need to talk."

Five did. "What?"

"I found Dad's journal." Luther took out the red book from his overcoat and gave it to Five. Five gave him a scrutinizing look before opening the book.
"What did you find here- assuming you've finished reading it?"

"I learned that we're twins, Five," Luther answered. Five looked up to him, still with the scrutinizing gaze with a hint of confusion, this time. "We share the same parent."

"Who's she?"

"They," Luther corrected them. "And their name is Marlo Schneider, though in the journal you'd see Anna Schneider."

Luther handed Five the report. With intent, Five read the whole paper. "Huh."

"Maybe we can pay Schneider a visit?" Luther suggested. "We're not going to force them to assume the role of our ren now, but maybe try to befriend them?"

"Give me time, I want to read the journal." Luther nods and Five bowed their head, flipping the pages to 'Number Five'. Luther intertwined his fingers, waiting for Five to be finished reading the report.

"You don't have to act differently with me," Luther added. "Just thought you'd like to know."


Well, obviously they still treat him the same. Luther nodded his head, looking around. Five obviously hadn't done much decorating their room, he notes. There's already a full-body mirror, a shelf full of more-normal clothes and not a bundle of the same-looking uniform (though there's no guarantee they won't wear the suits- there's so many of them), and a study with a couple of books.

"How far-"

"Talk again and I'll cut your tongue out."

That's scary.

Luther swallowed his saliva and nodded, looking around the room again. A puppy sounds nice, Luther can see him cuddling the puppy endless, Diego taking it out on a walk, Klaus making adorable dresses from their older dresses, and Vanya talking to it like it's her new friend. Yeah, he can see that. Maybe they all should get puppies, who doesn't love dogs?

"I'm done reading," Five declared, breaking the silence. "So, you and I are twins."


"And our biological parent is Marlo Schneider."

"Also yes."

"Will you show this to the others?" Five asks. "Who else knows?"

"I will and Diego knows," Luther answered. "I told him in exchange for information on Schneider."

"Alright, twin brother-" Five nodded. "Can I give you a hug?"

"Sure, come here."

"No, you come here."


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