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"Would Schneider be somewhat likeable like Krause?"

Luther, Five, and Klaus are on a train from Erfurt to Leipzig. After meeting Krause and a few sightseeing around Erfurt (a hotel neighbour suggested that they try biersuppe and thüringer rostbratwurst [although Five tried the vegan version of biersuppe and no thüringer rostbratwurst]).

"I wouldn't be surprised if not." Five shrugged. "I mean, Schneider would be humiliated to meet their 30-year-old children when they're 44, only 14 years older. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if they kick us out to save their own skin."

"We should get a hotel first today, see Schneider tomorrow," Klaus suggested. "I mean, we checked out at 11 and the ride to Leipzig is an hour, so we'll arrive at 12, and we haven't found a place to stay. And collect the heart."

"And collect the heart." Luther nods.

Luther knew that Schneider is not their parent and they shouldn't treat them as such, but ever since he found out about them, his head gets filled with the childish fantasies of him, Five, and Schneider being a proper family. Probably just a vent, probably he just wants them to fill the void Reginald fails to fill, probably he dreamt the fantasy as a getaway from the bitter truth Allison gave him.

"And collect the heart." Klaus nods.

"What about the others?" Five asked. "Any news?"

"Well, Diego's visiting de León-" Luther shrugged. "I don't know about Vanya, though."

"She's accompanying Diego visiting de León before they visit Federova, actually," Klaus added. "Allison is back in LA."


"Don't," Luther cuts Five. "Don't."

"She's still your sister, Luther!" Klaus exclaimed. "It turns out the relationship is fake and all but-" Klaus pouts. "She's still a Hargreeves."

"Dad was a Hargreeves and we hate him-" Five huffs. "You don't have to immediately forgive someone just because they're related to you."

"But Allison is always great to Luther in other ways!" Klaus insisted. "She helped you with your gender transition! She talked to you the most about your feelings!"

"Was," Luther said. "After Claire, it's mostly Claire. Don't you remember that she stormed out of the bowling house, making me think she was upset over what I did-"

"You popped your cherry, we all know." Luther sighed.

"Yeah, whatever-" Luther bit his bottom lip. "I mean, she could've just told me that she needs my voice to talk to Claire."

"But she also stood up for you a damn lot of times too, Luther," Klaus countered. "Come on, we can't be a destroyed family now. Not when we need each other the most."

"Do you even need me, Klaus?" Luther looked up to her, his gaze dark and blue. "I killed you."

"You didn't kill me!" Klaus shook his head. "That guy in the rave did, not you."

"I'm the reason you're there in the first place-" Luther sighed, pressing the cheeks of his face with a hand. "I'm so sorry."

Klaus leans back his seat defeatedly, seems to be at a loss of words of retaliation (to make him feel better, of course). He doesn't blame him- not at all- but he seems to blame himself and nobody can truly get someone to stop blaming themselves for shit except for that person themselves.

Five is not, however, having it.

"Yes, you killed Klaus in the rave-" Five sighed. "But is he not here right now, his flat arse sitting on a train car with us?"

"My arse is not-"

"You cut me again and I'll cut your tongue out of your mouth," Five hissed to Klaus. Klaus closed her mouth. "Better. Yes, you may do some horrible shit, but none irreversible. Klaus is sitting in front of us, is he not?"


"You didn't kill him," Five stated. "I've killed many people and seen many people dying in front of my own two eyes, and Klaus is far from it."


"If he manages to close his mouth," Five hissed again. "He'll be far from death."

That got Klaus to shut his mouth.

"I'm really sorry, Klaus."

"All is forgiven, Nummer Eins." Klaus crosses his chest whilst having his other hand out. "And Ben didn't blame you."

"What makes you-"

"I'm a literal human ouija board, Luther." Klaus rolled his eyes. "Ghosts are my shit. Before-" Klaus took a shaky breath in. "Before Vanya, he told me that you always blame yourself for his death. But you were fighting for your own life too, Luther. It's a pity that he died in front of you, but his death isn't because of your leadership incompetence, or rather lack thereof."

"Oh, we've arrived," Five said as it was announced that they've arrived in Leipzig Hbf Ostseite. Luther grabbed his trunk from the compartment above their heads and helps bring down Klaus' and Five's before Five starts to leave, Luther wanted to go last because the door is too small for his inhumanely broad shoulders.

"So," Klaus started as they've all left the train. "Where are we going?"

"There's a hotel nearby- just follow me," Five said. Luther and Klaus shrugged as they did trail behind Five, turning left.

"Luis and Luther," Klaus said, his hands moving as if it's a new idea. "What about that?"

"Five doesn't want a name, we don't give them a name," Luther retorts. "End of story."

"But Luis sounds good!"

"End. Of. Story."

Klaus pouts as the three of them arrived at said hotel Five arranged for them. They went to the receptionist.

"Hello, can we help you?" The receptionist asked.

"Do you have a room available?" Five asked.

"Yes, for how many people and how many nights?" The receptionist asked.

"Three people and two nights," Five answered, repeating from the last hotel. The receptionist nodded and typed on the computer.

"A triple single-bedroom for two nights, that'll be €244." Five took out the money from their wallet and handed it to the receptionist. The receptionist gave Five a key.

They're so close.

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