After story 1

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Mayday Memory - After story of Syd Ending

Year 2101

The Amusement park

I and Syd were chatting when we were sitting on a bench at the center of the amusement park. There were a lot of people around here playing and walking too.

Syd: "I love you"

Dell: "What? Why do you suddenly say that??"

Syd: "Just say for you to know~"

He smirked while saying that, what a shame that he promised to stop that "warm smile". It was really hopeless to change this guy anyway.

I sighed and replied.

Dell: "Please try to be more serious when you say important things, ok?"

Syd: "Yes, madam, I..."

Dell: "I love you too"

I cut off his words.

Love signal: received

I could hear a robotic voice resonated as if from an unknown void space.

Abruptly, I lost my conscience and fell to the ground. The last scene I saw before I closed my eyes was Syd's panic face when he caught me in his arms.

Oh my, it should be a romantic scene after our 12-months dating period.


Vigil Office

Syd: "What happened to her? Could you determine the cause after checking, Hansol?"

Hansol: "This is very weird. All data is normal and there are no damages on her body too but she is still unconscious"

I frowned as hearing their voices, and opened my eyes.

Then I could not help but bouncing to hug him tightly as fast as I can.

Dell: "Ahh..."

I suddenly burst into tears as an overflowing river that I was not be able hear Syd's confusing lament.

Syd: "Hey hey, my neck... agh... are you crying now? What's going on here?"

I could not believe it, what did I see from that "dream"? It is so terrible!

Mode: "Dell cries – Dell cries"

<Ambulance siren Mode>

Jeff: "Oh my, it is so sweet to look a lovey-dovey couple as you are ^^"

Syd: "I'm serious. My neck is going to be broken. She is using her robot power or something like that"

Dell: "Please, wait a moment... just a little bit longer"

I whispered to everyone.

My sob resonated throughout the silence office.


After a half of hour

Dell: "Please help me to release Adrian"


After hearing my words, Syd scratched his head and Hansol stared at me with his confusing look.

Jeff: "Why did you want us to do that?"

Jeff asked me with a serious tone.

Dell: "If I could give a reason, will you agree to become criminals to help me this time?"

It was clear that all of us will become criminals if we release a man with a sentence of 10 years in prison like Adrian. However, I needed Adrian's help.

By any means, he must be taken out of the jail.

Jeff: "Just tell us and think later ~"

I closed my eyes to arrange my thoughts and started speaking.

Dell: "I received a message from the future"

Mode: "Dell is kidding"

Dell: "I wish the human's extinction in year 2145 I see from that message is just a joke but it is too real. No, it is real"

Dell: "In the bottom of hopelessness, the last person in that dead world sent a message for me to change the past. It is the only one message which succeeded to fly via the thread of time. A miracle"

Then everybody's expression became harden.

Dell: "Pfffft"

I laughed to raise the atmosphere.

Dell: "It's good news anyway"

Hansol: "How can you say that?"

I scratched my head.

Dell: "All of us knew about the System that Adrian built to calculate the world end with variables, wasn't it? And now with the message I received, I could point out the exact time and the disaster's cause which will make human extinct. Luckily, through that message, I find the way to prevent that disaster too"

Jeff: "And that way connects to Adrian"

Jeff quickly caught the point.

I nodded my head.

Hansol: "Now it is worth to become criminals for releasing Adrian"

Syd: "Hang in there, if it is the case then why did you cry out loud for a long time after seeing this? Did you hide us anything else?"

I bit my lips a little.

Dell: "I was so shocked after seeing people died. Therefore, I could not stop my tears, that's it"

Syd: "..."

Hansol sighed.

Hansol: "So what is that disaster?"

Dell: "A pandemic caused by a kind of virus. And in that message I saw Adrian found out the vaccine and medicine too. But it was too late when he made them successfully, people all over the world died and that medicine... sure, that medicine could save only one person"

Jeff: "And that person sent you that future message?"

Dell: "Yes"

Syd: "What's that person name?"

I looked at Syd. Was it important?

Dell: "It is Lin, her name is Lin"

Hansol: "She must be very lonely"

Syd: "I am not really kind into saving the world but if it comes to save a lady from a terrible world, count me in"

He smirked and leant back on the chair with his normal style.


Dell: "You just asked her name to make me jealous?"

I joked to him.

Syd: "... what??"

Mode: "Syd is embarrassed"

Jeff: "Anyway, it is unbelievable that I have a chance to become a hero ^^"

Hansol: "But you must become a criminal first"

All of us burst to laugh. We were too familiar with abnormal cases.


The west prison

Jeff and Hansol started a program for Mode to hack the security of the west prison of our city. Syd guarded the main gate of Region F to make sure the jailers still be distracted by the chaos.

Therefore, I who disguised as a female jailer stood in front of Room F-04 which detained Adrian.

Adrian: "Hello Dell"

I used the stolen key to open the door. Although the dim light, he quickly realized me and greeted as we were neighbors running into each other on the street.

Adrian: "Hmn, who is this guy?"

He could realize me but could not realize the guy behind me?

I smiled.

Dell: "I hope that you did not forget your face, Adrian"

The guy behind me took off his hat to reveal his face which was exactly the same as Adrian's.

Adrian: "After a long time no see, what are you planning to do, Dell?

Dell: "I explained to you later. Now we have no much time to waste, you must change clothes with this robot and come with us. I need your help to do an important thing"

Adrian: "Now I am paying for my guilty, I don't want to go out, you know? Actually I don't want to do anything, I am just a failure. About that important thing which you want me to do, I will definitely fail to do that so you should find someone else"

I looked at his blank face.

He told he was a failure?

Dell: "Yeah, you're right. You're a failure but if you just stayed like this you will be a failure forever"

Adrian: "True, then I will be a trash until my last breath"

I provoked him to change himself but it was not easy.

Dell: "Do you know why I come to you for the assistance? It is because I believe that you want to make the world better no matter how the cause comes from"

Adrian smiled as if my words were nonsense smoke or winds.

I raised my hands up.

Dell: "Okay, I gave up. I am not good at speeches to bring any hopes or dreams to you. However, I knew the way to make the result of your Future calculating system from 0% to approximately 100%"

Adrian surprised at my confident words.

He hooked. I knew that was all he cared about.

Adrian: "How...?"

Dell: "I'll tell you when we're out but now we must hurry"

I cut off his words.

He stared at me for a second as he was examining my words as if I was telling true or not.

Nothing to be afraid, I stared back at him and at last I smiled.

He sighed.

After Adrian changed his clothes and went out of his jail, I closed and locked the door.

The robot who replaced Adrian's prison position said goodbye to us with a friendly smile.

Robot: "Have a nice trip, master's friend!"


Hansol's old lab

In summary, it was very lucky that no one detected that we broke into the jail and took a prison out.

And now as Vigil members' discussion, I instructed Adrian and Hansol to make a virus vaccine. Of course, all I could do was describing the affection of disease through Lin's description.

Dell: "The virus came with a worldwide rain. The mysterious thing was that this kind of virus could penetrate the layers of ordinary substances so everybody was infected even though they stayed in closed buildings or worked under the ground.

The virus changed the nature of cells so victims' blood changed to black color. Besides, people felt hard to breathe and saw the illusions. Then they could not control themselves from hurting other people. Finally, their bodies became perished in pain.

Of course, there was difference in devastating speed among different people... I thought it must have depended on each person's immune system or something like that.

I mean some people lost their conscience and died after several days but some people died after several weeks.

Only 2 weeks passed, almost 2/3 world population disappeared"

I continued.

Dell: "And when you found out the medicine, you could only save Lin"

I looked at Adrian.

Adrian: "Who is Lin that I tried my best to save her in that desperation situation?"

I scanned around the lab, Adrian re-built his Future calculating system and after inserting more data about the future disease, the result which was always 0% raising to 5%.

I still stared at the percent and answered him.

Dell: "Now you asked~ It is good to show more interests around, right?"

I patted on his back despite his annoying face.

I grinned as I understood his expression. He liked that but tried to show his annoyance. How could I explain? He was just afraid of being familiar with these friendly actions and he would be hurt if they were lost later.

Dell: "She is your niece, grandpa~"

After my answer, Adrian and Hansol's faces turned to rock.

Adrian: "..."

Hansol: "I must send message to Vigil group chat"

I quickly checked my phone after Ring ring sound.

Dell: "Pffft"

Phone screen

<Hansol> Hot news, Lin is Adrian's niece!

<Syd> skthklkqoneun

<Mode> Mode is so surprised!!

<Jeff> Incredible ^O^

It seemed like Syd slipped his fingers when reading the message.

After a moment, Adrian got back his language ability.

Adrian: "How can it be possible that a guy like me could marry and have children?"

His voice sounded too sad and mixed with a little sarcasm.

Dell: "That's it. I have no comments though"

Adrian kept silent as I expected from him.


Vigil office

It was 1 month later, I stared at my screen and discussed with Syd about our new case. It was an inheritance dispute.

Dell: "So, her sons and daughters fight because of money. It hurts"

Syd: "Who hurts? She died anyway"

Dell: "How little faith you have! She could feel sad in the hades"

Syd: "Hey, you talked as if she already came to the hell"

Dell: "Oh my, it is different between Hades and Hell, you should read more~ Anyway at least I feel sad for them. It is a gift to have your kin around. In my opinion, it is not worth to break that relationship just for money"

Syd: "Just ask Hansol to know more. But think easier, all they are doing now is just fighting though. If we could give them a good way, they will be satisfied and get along well each other like they used to be. They are siblings anyway"

Uh huh, I nodded. Suddenly, a light bulb popped up in my head.

Dell: "Then it must be suitable for Hansol to do this case with you?"

Syd: "Why it's so suddenly..."

I cut off his words.

Dell: "This case is about money problem and the bonus is very good too. I will text to Jeff for passing my works in this case to Hansol"

As fast as I can, I typed on my phone.

Syd: "Hansol is busy on the virus case now. Didn't you forget?"

After finishing my message, I rose up my eyes and talked to him.

Dell: "I think he is under too much pressure, it is good for him to have a break time with a normal case like this"

Syd showed his surprise face and joked.

Syd: "I didn't know that you could care for people like that"

Dell: "I am"

But as I realized something abnormal in his words, I quickly spoke.

Dell: "Hey, he is my friend. Why don't you just say <I didn't know that you could care for friends like that>"


Syd: "Now you played words with me?"

Dell: "No, there must be something in your mind that you said that"

Syd confused and looked at my eyes.

Dell: "I don't know. Try your best to think and vomit it out"

Syd: "...You are bullying me. I don't know. I just happened to talk that. Do girls often think like that?"

No way, I never let him pass like this. I learnt that people often say what they think subconsciously, those were truth buried deep inside their heart.

Dell: "Honey?"

Now I smiled with my dangerous face.

Syd: "Okay okay, I don't know this is what you want but it is the only thing coming to my mind now. There was a thing disturbing my mind recently. I have planned to ask you later when we finished our big case, you know"

Dell: "So what is it?"

I pulled my chair closed to him.

Syd: *Sigh* "I was surprised when you came up with the ideal to make an Adrian robot to replace him in the jail"

Dell: "That's all?"

Syd: "..."

He raised his hands up.

Dell: "I don't understand why you was surprised. Is it because I'm clever beyond your imagination?"

Syd: "It's not that... but didn't you feel sorry for him? I mean that... robot"

Then he continued after seeing my confusing face.

Syd: "He is not guilty but now he is in prison. He must wait there until an unknown time, it maybe lasts several months or even several years. He was made by the same way as you so he must have his own feeling too"

Dell: "Oh, Syd"

I understood his concern now. He believed I prioritized human over robots – my fellow-creatures. He was really worried that I could hurt and regret if I sacrificed robot's lives for human's lives. He definitely could not hide his true feeling. Therefore, he unconsciously spoke as if I cared for Hansol because he was a human but not my friend.

He was really more sensitive than anyone else.

Dell: "Hmn, when I think more about this, it seems like you are the kind of man who has some special feelings with robots?"

Syd: "Wh-what are you saying?"

Dell: "I mean you love me. And if remember right, you had a special time with Patricia behind my back too, now you have some unknown feeling with this new robot?

He is a male robot though"

I couldn't stop to tease Syd. His soft side was so cute ^^

Syd: "No no, it is nothing like that"

He scratched his head.

Syd: "My feeling towards you is true but there are no stuffs like that towards Patricia and that new robot though. I just thought if it was you stuck in a jail like that and waited..."

Dell: "I am okay"

Syd: "What?"

Dell: "Believe me. You needn't worry about my feeling. I am okay now. Although it is hard to believe but I am okay"

I looked into his eyes and smiled to reassure him.

Syd: "..."

Dell: "When I really need your help, I definitely shout your name, ok?"

I grinned.


Hansol's old lab

Dell: "Good evening!"

I came to visit the lab several times but when Adrian was there, Hansol was there too. It was very difficult for me to have time to chat personally with Adrian.

And now when Hansol stuck in the inheritance dispute case with Syd, I must take advantage of this opportunity.

Adrian: "What are you bringing?"

Dell: "Oh, I bought some snacks"

I raised it high to show him.

Adrian: "I do not like snacks though"

Dell: "Hey, will you die if you show any polite or kindness to me?"

Adrian smiled lightly.

Dell: "Then how is the vaccine's process?"

Adrian: "It is very hard, because all information we have is your description..."

Dell: "Hey, the percent is still 5%. Do you still remember what I promised you?"

Adrian: "Of course I do, you said it will be 100%"

Dell: "If you remember that clearly, why don't you bring it out?"

Adrian remained silent.

I smiled and continued.

Dell: "You want to see my memory on your own eyes right?"

All memory technologies as well as memory market were destroyed after Adrian was arrested. It was the reason why it must be him who could turn my memory into data that people could see that future message.

Dell: "It is necessary for you to collect directly more information through my memory to make the vaccine. By the way, even if you were lucky to make it without seeing my memory, how can we persuade other people to use that vaccine? At last, we must show them the truth. I believe you expected this since the first time you heard our story"

Adrian: "You understand me more than I thought Dell"

Then he signed me to go with him.

Adrian: "It is my room. Hansol told I could use it for sleeping. He is not the curious kind so I am free in this room. And that is what I make on my free time"

When the light turned on and Adrian opened the curtain in the corner of the room, I could see a simple memory system and a familiar headgear.

Dell: "Lock the door and we will start soon"

Adrian: "You really trust me?"

Dell: "Hmn? We should not waste any time. Hey, just take out that part of my memory and inserted into a chip. We need the data with the highest resolution"

Adrian: "... is it not okay if we just copy it? If I take out that, you will lost it"

Dell: "It is okay, I have what I need. Besides, we need a proof that could not be faked to persuade the world"

Adrian: "Now I knew one more reason that you chose me to do this, your friends will not let you do those things even it is to save the world"

Now it was my turn to keep silent.

Then Adrian put the headgear on my head and started to withdraw my memory.


Adrian's room

Dell: "Are you ok now?"

After an hour later, I woke up.

The first thing I saw was Adrian collapsing on the floor. I seemed like he watched all my memory.

Then I turned to replay the memory chip. I forgot all about that after the machine withdrew it so I needed to watch it for collecting the information.

<An hour later>

It was not shocking as the first time I saw.

However, Adrian was still frozen as a rock.

I took the memory chip and put it in his hand.

Dell: "Adrian, you must calm down"

He stared back at me.

Adrian: "How...?"

Dell: "It is not important. Now you should listen to me. Copy this memory chip. In the new copy chip, you must only remain the virus reaction part and vaccine scene. All the other parts must be deleted.

It is necessary for Vigil members to help us screen the data all over the world.

I will persuade them to show the world this copy memory chip. But in the last minute, you will exchange behind their backs to show this original chip"

Adrian: "Why must you show them the original chip? The copy is not enough? And it will be dangerous for you too..."

Dell: "No, we need the percent raise to 100% - or at least as high as possible. It is the world's destiny. We do not have the right to play with it"

Now the percent of Adrian's future calculating system showed 50% in green font.

We moved forward one more step.


Hansol's old lab

After watching the copy memory chip, everybody kept silent a few moments.

As my plan, the chip showed the virus reaction and virus medicine scenes.

Jeff broke this silence first.

Jeff: "It seems like everything is done. We made the virus vaccine and had the proof to persuade the world"

Dell: "Yeah, now the last thing we could do is to show them this data. It is their decision to believe or not"

I smiled while replying him.

Hansol: "Hacking the world's network is not a difficult thing to me and Mode"

Jeff: "We will steal all the electric network and mass media at that time. It will be chaotic"

Jeff grinned.

As I thought he was suitable to be a rebel.

Dell: "I know ^^ But I think you should set a security system when screening the chip on the world network to make sure no one could interrupt"

Hansol: "Hmn, then I will program a fire wall when screening the chip... even we could not interrupt ourselves"

Dell: "Wow! That is a big deal"

Sure, now things went on as my plan.

Adrian: "..."

Syd: "..."

Maybe there was somebody still being shock about the chip scene that I could not hear Syd telling any words.

Dell: "Hey, I want a stage to make some speeches to the world after the memory chip finished"

Jeff: "Like a singer?"

Dell "Pffft, yes, like a singer, we need to talk something after throwing them this shocking bomb right?"

Jeff: "Oh, I will call Ain, he could help"

Syd: "I will come to visit and ask him directly"

Jeff: "I heard that you must come to the West prison for our client now"

Syd: "..."

Dell: "Who's that client? The inheritance dispute case?

Jeff, Hansol and Syd nodded their head simultaneously.

Dell: "What did you do that our client was taken to the prison?"

Hansol: "I just told them something about money and they stared to fight each other. Of course, by their fists"

Dell: "..."

Jeff: "Okay okay, let me contact to Ain as always ^^"


The center square

It was high time.

I stood among the normal crowd in front of the stage that Ain helped us to prepare. Vigil members and Adrian were handling the technical issues. People around me still did their everyday things as always.

But today, they needed to face the truth.

Black out.

Everybody: "What happened?"

Everybody: "Is this a black out?"

Then, all screens turned on from the smallest to the biggest ones.

I had a call from Adrian.

I took out the phone from my pocket and picked up his call.

Adrian: "I did it as you said. Now nothing could interrupt the video"

Dell: "Thank you, Adrian"

Adrian: "I do not deserve"

I was sorry to hide all of you, Jeff, Hansol, Ain, Mode and... Syd.

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