Chapter 1. I almost reck and die...

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Hi my name is Allyssa and before you read this I want to tell you that I wrote this story WAY BACK when I was thirteen.

    I'm fifteen now and though that doesn't seem like a long time, I have learned a lot and grown as a writer.

   This story sucks major bad word and there's literally a million typos. Point them out if you please and I will try to come back and fix every mistake.

I mainly keep this story for sentimental reasons and I love the plot. Everything else is crap though so laugh at me if you must.

Thank you.


Why? Why is life so unexpected? So...unpredictable? Well I guess knowing what will happen tomorrow kind of steals the beauty of 'the mystery of life' or whatever.

But what if you want to know you're future? What if you want to know who you're going to marry and how many kids you'll have?

No such luck.

Most people's lives are like that. Unexpected. Like BAM you're moving, and BAM you're parents are divorced when you had no idea they were having issues at all.

Sometimes I feel like God's punishing me. Which is stupid because God would never do that, right?

So right about now I'm thinking about how my life sucks and I need to get a new one. I'm thinking about how my butt hurts from sitting on my bike seat for so freaking long.

I'm also thinking about how I'm going to KILL my brother Andrew and his oh so brilliant plan to set my alarm clock back. So all this morning I thought it was 7:00 when It was actually 7:30 Good thing I figured it out before it was too late.

Do I hate my brother? No I just strongly dislike him. Am I jealous of him? Well...sort of. You see, I'm the black sheep of the family. Always thinking of ways to get on a teachers good side, bringing them apples, doing extra credit know all that jazz. But he's well known at my school being the captain of the basketball team and all. But me? I couldn't shoot a basket to save my life....make a basket? Score a basket? Either way I suck.

So here I am. Trudging along on my old trusty bike. The handle bars are twisted in like the bikes on The Brady Bunch, It's blue, and I love it.

I'm looking around and breathing in the air as it hits my face. See...this is the reason I don't take the bus. How else would I appreciate Gods creation? It sounds cheesy and don't worry, I'm not a religious christian like "if you don't love God I hate you." I don't judge you for what you've done because I've done some pretty bad things myself. Not that I'll get into that right now. But you know, Gods cool. He's easy to talk to and all that.

Just the I realize my head is in the clouds and I should probably get it down before I wreck or something. And what do you know? I almost did. What a fantastic always.

My tire hit a huge rock and I lurched.

Just as I was thinking 'Why the crap would someone leaving a flipping gigantic rock in the middle of the sidewalk?!' A hand grabbed the back of my seat and stopped my from falling to my death. But that didn't stop my glasses from flying off my face. But not that I want to wear glasses, I mean seriously.

The reason I wore my big nerd glasses is because I ran out of my three month supply of contact lenses so my mom has to get some but....big surprise! It didn't go my way..she can't get them until tomorrow.

So all this is going through my head as my glasses fly off my face and land in the grass. Well that's one good thing that's happened..they didn't land in the pavement and break.

I let out a breath of relief and try to get my heart rate down.

You know when something happens that makes you freak out and get sick to you're stomach? Well this was one of the moments and as I look at my rescuer my breath hitches in my throat and the sick feeling comes back.

He's adorable! Literally I kind of want to pinch his cheeks even though that'd be weird because I haven't told him my name and he looks about the same age as that weird?

His hair is short on the sides and longer on top. It's kind of curly and flops on his forehead. It's the kind of hair that you want to play with but are too afraid to mess it up.

His eyes have a blueish greenish/ hazel thing going on and I'm instantly jealous of his eyes. You can tell they're the kind that change with his mood and the stuff he wears. His nose has a good guyish shape to it (is that even a word? Probably not but it's true.) His jaw is defined but you wouldn't be able to tell unless you look closely...which I was. His lips were also guyish..I mean it would be kind of weird to describe some hot guy's lips am I right?

He's wearing a blue TOMS shirt and a dark jacket with skinny jeans and tan worn Sperrys.

I shake my head as I realize that he's probably noticing the fact that I'm not so subtlety checking him out.

"Hello. Uh sorry about the whole almost flipping over thing. I mean, that doesn't happen a lot. Well actually stuff like that happens a lot for me but I can't imagine it does for you. How did you react so fast? Where are my glasses? Wait..who are you?" I babble all at once. He squints at my mouth as I talk and my voice fades out as he starts to laugh.

Its a nice laugh but something's off about it. Not bad a off...its cute. Really cute.

"It's okay, I'm sorry about that, yes things like that happen to me too, I don't know I just did, I think they're over there in the grass, and Ian Mitchell. I just moved here last week. " He answered. At the last part he held out his hand.

I took it and replied,"Tara Jeffrey. And why did you move here at the end of the school year?" I ask as we shake hands and he asks.

"We were in a hurry and I only missed a week or two of school so I can easily catch up you always talk that much?" His voice was kind of nasally but you wouldn't notice unless you paid close attention, which (again) I am doing. It suits him though and it didn't bother me at all. And was really cute.

He seemed to know what I'm thinking about and points to his ear where a hearing aid is discreetly hidden in his ear.

"I'm deaf." He said,"but please don't feel bad for me. It makes it worse."
I scrunch my nose at the statement.

"I don't feel pity towards you at all."

He raises an eyebrow.

"You don't?"

"Nope." I say with certainty.

He nods.

"Why not? Not that I want pity it's just usually people are all over me asking how it happened and how I get by when it's really none of their business."
I mouth the word wow and he nods.

"Yeah I know."

I think for a moment.

"Well I envy you in a strange way. Without your sense of hearing you learn to appreciate your sight, taste and feel more than anyone else. I wish I had that appreciation."

He studies me and I squirm under his gaze. But I stand strong, trying not to let him know that he makes me uncomfortable. Finally he smiles

"You're really something."

I purse my lips. "I know."


ew ew EW. This sucks so bad it physically hurts. I'm so sorry. Please PLEASE PLEASE don't disclude my other books just because this one is so awful lol.

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