Chapter 11. No cussing.

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I realize that I never mentioned Tara's eye color.

It's blue.

Lol okay so thanks for reading and I hope that you are enjoying it:)



Ian (again)

After school I ran the events of the day through my head.

Well, nothing exciting happened. I aced my chemistry project and well...all of my other projects and assignments but that's about it.

So here I am in the present, walking along side Lola and Tara, making our way to Tara's house.

According to Tara, Marcus didn't make it to school today because of some doctors appointment so he's meeting us at her house.

To say I was happy that I'm not the only guy in our little group is a major understatement.

"So, what's he like? I mean I don't want to sound like a nosy chic but I'm hoping he doesn't turn out to be a total di-"

"Hey!" Tara interrupts me. "No cussing around me!" She punches me in the arm and I smirk at her.

"I was going to say dipwad. Where's your mind, Tara?" I tease and her face turns bright red.

Tara turns to Lola and I can't see their lips so I just face ahead.

The amount of times I've wished my ears could be rid of this invisible clog is more than stars in the sky.

In my vision, looking around at the world is like turning on a movie and muting it.

People who can hear don't know how lucky they are. They go about their day, never once thinking boy I'm glad I can hear.

Not that I blame them - I mean - don't go around every day thinking oh boy I'm glad I can taste. Or feel, or touch or walk or even breathe.

I feel someone tug on my arm so I turn to see that it's Tara.

She smiles up at me and says, "I hope you're hungry."

I give her a confused smile.

"What? Why?" I ask her.

We walk up to her front porch and enter her house.

"Because Marcus is already here." She grins.

The first thing I notice is the smell.

The amazing smell.

Lola pokes my arm to get my attention and I look over at her.

"This, is Marcus." She says as she gestures to the guy behind the counter, cooking.

I look at the boy.

He's well built probably from being on the football team (as Tara tells me...I'm not a stalker). He has light brown hair and green eyes. He's wearing a plain grey pull over sweatshirt and basketball shorts with a pair of keds.

"Hi nice to meet you, I'm Ian." I said, holding my hand out to him.

He smiles.

"Nice. I'm Marcus. So how did you meet Tara and Lola here? Do you go to our school now?" He asks.

I nod.

"Yeah I just moved here. My dad's a doctor and my mom's a nurse. I met Tara and Lola yesterday...well Tara first when she almost crashed on that bike of hers," I say with a laugh, "and yes, I'm going to your school."

He smiles at Tara.

"Yeah, she can be a bit clumsy at times." He laughs as Tara smacks his arm.

"Thanks a lot bestie."She whines. "You're so mean."

Marcus wraps his arms around her waste and tickles her stomach from behind.

"Aaaah!" Tara yells and I can tell by the way she opens her mouth wider than normal. Girls only do that when they're yawning and screaming which in this case I'm guessing she's screaming.

"Stop it Marc!" She attempts to pull away but he's much bigger than her so she didn't get very far.

"Fat chance T." He laughs and looks towards me.

"Ian? Help!" She whines.

I laugh and walk towards them.

Marcus raises an eyebrow as I approach.

I quickly but swiftly push my left arm between her back and his stomach and put my right arm under her legs and swiftly pick her up, successfully pulling her from his grip.

I walk over and plop her into the leather couch and she keeps laying
there, recovering from the tickle attack.

Marcus walked over and rolled his eyes at her.

"You're so dramatic." He sighs.

She gets up and pokes him in the chest.

"You could have killed me! I was losing air! And tickling hurts me, you know that you jerk!" He laughs along will Lola and I.

"So." Marcus says. "Whose ready to eat?"

"Me." All three of us say I'm unison.

* * *

I hope you enjoyed this crappy piece of crap. Don't be too harsh haha.

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