Chapter 17. To date or not to date

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I'm finally back...I got back from vacation like three days ago and I admit that I'm procrastinating epically.

But just now I realized how much I wanted to write so here I am.




I wait for Tara to come down the stairs as I sit on the penny topped kitchen counter.

My legs hang over the side and my hands are folded in my lap, my thumbs swirling over one another in attempt to force myself to be patient.

Why do girls take so long?

Okay, so in reality it's only been like...ten minutes, but that's practically hours in guy time.

Just as I'm about to march up the stairs and demand to know what she's doing that's so important that it takes a million years, I see Tara and suddenly it was worth the unbearable fifteen minutes of waiting.

Okay, so maybe it's not one of those slow motion movie scenes where the girl's hair is blowing and the guy's eyes light up and his jaw drops.

Okay maybe the last part is slightly true...

And it's not even what she's's how she's wearing it.

I smile as I examine her movie watching attire.

She's wearing a dark purple short sleeve crop top that looks insanely incredible with her dark hair, black high waisted jeans and white high top converse.

Her hair is down in natural waves and she isn't  wearing any make up except some mascara...or so I think. I can never tell which is fine with me.

So basically she looks freaking gorgeous.

I shake myself out of my trance long enough to see what she's saying.

"Are you ready?" She asks and I can tell she is embarrassed by my ogling.

I mentally face palm myself.

Way to go hotshot. If you keep practically eye raping her sooner or later she's gonna send you to the nut house.

But I wasn't checking her out in a perverted way so I don't think it counted as eye raping...does it? No I don't think so...

"Uh...yeah I mean yes, I'm ready to go." I reply, slightly awkward.

Oh who are you kidding Ian? If it was any more awkward you'd be...oh wait, you couldn't have been more awkward!

Shut up stupid subconscious...

Why am I talking to myself?

Because you're an idiot.

I said shut up!

Tara suddenly makes her way to the door and I quickly follow.


"Holy crap Tara you drive like an insane person!" I say as I clutch the door handle, ready to jump onto the road.

Which is looking like a pretty good option right about now.

She doesn't answer (or I don't think she answer) as she veers to the right and into the movie theater parking lot.

I practically jump out of the car and release a huge sigh of relief.

She walks around to my side as we walk into the theater building.

I look over at her.

"I thought I was about to joke. I was literally writing my my head." I tell her and she rolls her eyes.

"Oh please...was I in your will?" She jokingly asks.

I laugh.

"I guess you'll never know...well I guess you would if I randomly died..then you'd know." I say thoughtfully.

She chuckles a little and I open the door for her.

"Ooh chivalrous." She mutters and I pat her lightly on the back of the head.

"Hey..." She whines and pats down her hair.

We head up to the ticket counter and I look over the movie playing list.

"What movie?" I ask.

She grins wickedly at me.

"Let's watch a scary movie!" She says excitedly.

I shoot her down quickly.

" You watching a horror film? Not a good idea."




"Because..." I can't think of a better reason.

"Fine." She crosses her arms over her chest. "Then we can watch a romantic movie. You know, the ones where they always look deeply into each other's eyes and always say those cheesy lines?" She says, trying to manipulate.

It works.

"Okay okay, but if you get nightmares it's totally not my fault." I warn her.

She squeals.

"Yes! victory!" She yells.

"Shut up! You're embarrassing me." I scold her and and she just glares at me.

Just remember this moment when I warned her because I get the feeling that I'm going to need the evidence.


Tara gasps and attaches herself to my arm as the ax murderer/doll kills yet another innocent person.

At this point the whole decapitation thing is monotonous. I mean all that's happening is the baby doll wakes up every night, searches houses and murders women and children in their sleep. But somehow Tara manages to freak out every time.

I admit that the first three times the creepy doll killed someone or opened its freaky eyes I jumped a little...but after like the sixth time I was fine.

By the end of the freakishly redundant movie Tara was looking over her shoulder every chance she got. In the theater, in the parking lot and even in the car...which was dangerous because she was the one who was driving. I'd reluctantly let her drive again since it is her car after all.

After we are driving for a bit she loosens up a little and stops looking behind her.

I, on the other hand, am clutching onto the hand rests for dear life.

I swear that girl is the only driver that scares me like this.

She swerves to the left to avoid a little boy riding his bike on the side of the road and I wonder for the millionth time how we haven't gotten pulled over yet.

When we finally pull into her house I look over at her.

"Do you want to hang out at my house tonight? Since we're always here?" I ask her she shrugs.

"Sure but you can drive since I know I give you a heart attack." She says sarcastically.

I fake relief by putting my hand to my chest and letting out a sigh.

"Thank the Lord...seriously Tara. I think I need to give you driving lessons one of the days."

She slaps my arm lightly and I feign hurt.

She rolls her eyes.

"Oh please, there is no way that hurt."

I give up.

"Yeah you're right...I think I need to teach you self defense too."

She just laughs at that.

I get in the drivers seat as she gets into the passenger side.

And we're off.


"Where's you're sister?" Tara asks me as I hold the door open for her.

"What do you mean? She's here." I tell her.

I shut the door and walk beside her to the kitchen.

I pull a Pepsi out of the fridge as Tara walks over and pulls out the lemonade.

I smile at that and love the fact that she just pretends that this is her house.

She pours the lemonade into a glass and takes a sip.

"Well, last time I came here on the Saturday we went to the beach she wasn't here. And then when you were at my house late with Lola and I that one night, you never said anything about her even though your parents were working." She says.

I nod in understanding.

"Well, she's a pretty independent seven year old. Plus her best friend lives right next she just runs over there basically all the time." I explain.

"Oh she here now?"

I nod.

"Lilly!" I tell for her and soon after I see Lilly coming down the stairs.

She comes and stands in front of me in a pink sundress.

"Yeah? Can't this wait? I was in the middle of a painting."

She's a very serious artist...*cough*

"I want you to meet somebody. Lilly this is Ra-I mean Tara. Tara this is Lilly." I introduce them and Tara holds her hand out to my little sister.

I watch the interaction as I sip on my Pepsi.

"So you like to paint?" Tara asks her and I walk into the living room, not bothering to pay attention to the two girls.

When Tara comes over and Lilly goes back upstairs I turn toward her.

"So Ra. What's it going to be?" I ask her and she looks at me weird.

"What do you mean?" She asks me.

Okay this is getting boring.

"What do you want to do?" I ask slowly like I'm talking to a little kid.

She scowls at me.

"I don't know. Since you think you're some sort of hotshot why don't you choose what we do?" She says, immediately regretting it as I smirk evilly.

I was hoping she'd say that.

"Ian-" she cautioned.

"Okay okay nothing too about a simple game of...never have I ever?" I suggest slyly.

She shakes her head once.

"That game involves way." She says and I roll my eyes.

"I'm not that stupid...we can play with something else."

She scrunches her nose.

"Like what?"

I shrug.

"We'll think of something."


Five minutes later we're sitting cross legged, across from each other, a bottle of hot sauce between us.

"This is disgusting. We can't drink straight up hot sauce." She says and I smirk.

"We can and we will. I need to spice up your life." I say, laughing at my lame joke.

She rolls her eyes.

"You're hopeless."

I smile.

"Oh come on. You know you love me." I say and she blushes a little then recovers.

"Well then...let's get this over with."

I rub my hands together and spin the hot sauce bottle. It spun until I came to a stop in front of me.

"Never have I ever gone skinny dipping." I say and Tara reluctantly picks up the bottle of hot sauce, takes off the lid and takes a sip of the spicy substance.

I laugh at her.

"Seriously?" I ask her and she blushes.

"It was once and it was with Lola...we were twelve I mean, come on."

I laugh as she spins the bottle and it lands on her.

She sighs as she thinks.

"Never have I ever...kissed anyone." She says, embarrassed and I stay where I'm sitting.

I get the feeling she was expecting me to have to take a drink because she drops her mouth open.

"You've never kissed anyone?" She asks and I roll my eyes at her.

"Oh come on Ra...what girl in her right mind would want to kiss a deaf guy?" I say bitterly and she scrunches her eyebrows in concern.

"A lot of girls're a great guy." She says.

I shake my head.

"Like who? I bet you only hang out with me because you feel like you have to...what am're pity project?" I scoff and she did setting I've never seen before.

She got mad.

And boy did it scare the you know what out of me.

She stood up and I stood up with her.

She got in my face, pointing a finger at my chest.

"Oh shut up! Who do y I think you are making assumptions like that?" She yells and my eyes widen.

She didn't stop.

"You're an idiot you know that?!"

"Oh thanks for the inspirational advise, Tara I really appreciate it." I spat, my voice laced with venom.

She pushes me backwards onto the couch.

"I said shut up! I'm tired of you expecting pity from me because guess what? You aren't going to get it. I'm going to be a real friends and tell you to get over it." She says with a tear streaming down her face.

I'm such a jerk.

I try not to let the build up of tears come racing out as I slouch down into the seat.

"I just feel alone sometimes Tara. Like I don't belong." I say.

She sits down next to me and hugs my side. It should be awkward...but it's not. And I shouldn't want to be more than just friends right now.

But I do.


Thanks so much for reading:) this sucks so bad it's burning my soul but you know whatever.


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