Chapter 19. Wild berries

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So after our really late night pancake escapade, Tara headed home once I finally noticed that she was about ready to fall asleep.

I wake up feeling happy and refreshed.

As I put on a dark grey v-neck and a pair of skinny jeans, I think about the hug Tara had given me the night before.

It wasn't necessarily the way she smelled of wild berries, or the way her hair tickled my face.

Though that was part of it.

It was that she shared my enthusiasm for something that would be so insignificant to others.

She cares about the smallest things and I think that's the reason I find her so beautiful.

Okay so the outward appearance is part of it too because I'm deaf...not blind.

I slip on some black converse and grab my backpack before heading outside to wait for Tara.

Since we didn't walk together the past few days we agreed last night that we would walk together today.

Some days I feel like a chick. I hang out with a chick. Walk with a chick. Talk with a chick.

Soon I'll be doing all those things like a chick.

I shiver slightly at the thought and I look up to see Tara walking towards me.

I nod at her to say 'hey' and she rolls her eyes.

"Stop trying to be all macho...or you'll end up like those wannabe gangsters." She says and I laugh.

"What does that even mean?" I ask her and she gives me a 'you're hopeless' look.

We begin to walk and by pure instinct I almost grab her hand.


But I didn't so I'm safe...for now.

I guess I'm just really comfortable around her. Which isn't necessarily a bad's just at that moment if I grabbed her hand things would get complicated.

And I can't lose my only friend right now. I mean, sure. I'm not really good friends with Lola and Marcus yet so basically I only have Tara right now.

And I can't ruin that with feelings I might have towards her.

But I have to get over it. There's no way she likes me back...she's too good for me.

She'll want someone who can...hear.

Hear her laugh.

Hear her say their name.

And I can't even hear at all.

I feel a tug on my arm so I turn my attention to Tara.

"You okay there? You zoned out for a little bit there." She says, her face contorted into a worried expression.

"I tried to get your attention like three times...but you just stared ahead with a weird look on your face." She informed me and I tried for a smile. When it didn't work I put on a fake one.

"I'm fine...really." I said, trying to lighten my tone.

I can't help but notice how pretty she looks today.

She went with a plain look today...which is my favorite look on her.

Her hair's in a high ponytail and she forgot a short strand that she concealed my tucking it behind her ear and she isn't wearing any far as I know. If she is it looks extremely natural.

She's wearing a pair of dark grey spandex shorts (but thank the Lord they aren't too short) and a old purple short sleeve soccer shirt. And on her feet are her black vans.

I decide to change the subject.

"You played soccer?" I asked her and she looked confused before I pointed at her shirt.

"Oh...uh no. I'm not athletic at all. It was Andrew's. After the season was over he gave it to me since it's purple." She explained and I nodded.

Then she seemed to realize I dodged our conversation.

She pointed a finger at me and for the first time I noticed a ring on her left hand...around her ring finger.

I compulsively grab her hand.

"You're...engaged? How is that legal?" I ask as I examine the small diamond on the ring.

She seems to recover from the shock of me just grabbing her hand and she laughs.

" Plus it would be legal if my parents signed a paper but that's beside the point. It's a purity ring." She tells me and I drop her hand.

" man those rings that mean you won't have sex with anyone until you're married?" I say and her face goes slightly red at my blunt words but she nods.

"Uh yeah I guess...but just because I believe in that it doesn't mean you have to you know." She says awkwardly and I raise an eyebrow.

"Uh Ra? I'm not a man slut if that's what you think..." I say and she shakes her head, her face turns a darker shade of red.

I laugh internally that I can make her blush so easily.

I'm sure that others can too, of course...

"Oh uh...well - that's not what I meant." She rambles and I throw my arm around her shoulders casually as we continue to walk. She stiffens under the weight of my arm but then quickly relaxes.

"I know what you mean Ra. I was just teasing you." I laugh and she throws my arm off and slaps my arm.

"Violence is not the answer Hun." I say and she glares at me.

"You humiliated me for no reason." She says.

"Who's there to be humiliated in front of? It's just me." I say and she scoffs.

She turns her head so she thinks I can't see her face and says,

"Sure...just you. Might as well have been the president."

I laugh and her head whips around so I cover it up with a cough.

Maybe just maybe...she might like me too.

So I got an idea.

"So Ra." Is say and she turns her head toward me.

"Yeah?" She responds and I put my theory to the test.

"Do you know why I call you Ra?" I asked her and she scrunches her nose in thought.

"Uh...because it's at the end of my name?" She guessed and I shook my hand and stopped walking. She stopped with me, a curious sparkle in her eye.

"That's part of it but do you know what it means?" I ask and she again doesn't know the answer.

So I go in for the kill.

"Ra is the Egyptian god of the sun. He ruled over all the other gods and in the morning until sundown he road his sun boat across the sky creating light. You are my light. My Ra." I finish and her face goes red.

She tucks the escaped hair behind her ear.

"Oh." Is all she can say as she just stares at me.

"Of course I don't believe in the Egyptian gods but I just thought the name suited you." I tell her.

The wind blows the piece of hair out from behind her ear and I lean forward and tuck it back.

We just look at each other and I come to a conclusion.

She likes me.

I think.


We make it to school and part ways to go to our lockers.

When I come back to see if she wants to walk to class with me, my smile that was there moments ago on my face vanishes.


What do you think?

Come on people I need some feedback here. You guys are too silent.

Why do you think Ian is suddenly upset?

Well you'll find out if you keep reading so I'll leave you to it.

Read on;)


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