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At night the turtles and Lizzie were spying on someone at big mamas hotel

Raph: Purple Rain do you see the target?

Donnie: As we pan across the asphalt savanna we find the noodle Bullhop. Survival in these creuset streets will require harnessing all of his fine tuned natural instincts

Bullhop walked out of the alleyway but slipped on a banana peal causing people to honk their horns on the cars

Bullhop: oh boy...

He ran back in the alleyway

Donnie: and the king of all vertical veldt will go hungry again-

Raph: Donnie! Quit messing around where is the target?

Donnie: Why must you always put science on the back burner!?

Lizzie: to be fair science doesn't have anything to do with the mission

Donnie: you take that back! *sighs* Bullhop is in the alleyway by big mama's hotel you happy?

Lizzie: yes. thank you


The five of them find bullhop in the alleyway

Raph snuck behind him and put a bag over his head

Bullhop: You'll never take me!!

He bumped into a wall and fell on the floor unconscious

Donnie: Now I'm not going to get to test my tranquilizer dart

Donnie shot a tranquilizer dart in Lizzie's arm

Lizzie: Ow...

She became unconscious and fell on the floor

Leo: what the heck Donnie?!

Donnie: she's fine! It'll ware off eventually


Bullhop woke up in the lair and saw the turtles and Lizzie

Bullhop: Where am I?

Leo: Hey bud. You may not remember us-

Bullhop: Oh I do! You're those bug hunting buffoons who turned me into a klutzy bull!

Mikey: He remembers us!

Lizzie: I wouldn't say we're buffoons though

Leo: if we never went to the hotel me and Liz would've never confessed our feelings and become a couple and we were just trying to stop the oozequitoes

Donnie: In fact we strike that I built the technological astounding bug slapper so we can catch them all

Mikey: But it ran out of Big Mama's web goo

Lizzie: which is what we used to trap the bugs

Mikey: so we failed

Leo: anyway we feel pretty bad about what happened

Raph: So we mad dogs are going to make it up to you by showing you the best day ever!

Lizzie: surprise!

Bullhop: You mean you're all just gonna be nice to me without expecting anything in return?

Raph: yep

Bullhop: That's how we do it in my native Etobicoke Canada!


A montage started of Raph Donnie Leo mikey and Lizzie spent the rest of the day doing nice things for bullhop but it turned into multiple days and bullhop was starting to get annoying

Then the five of them realized the mission was today so they started coming up with a plan

Raph: Okay Big Mama's party's tonight this is our chance to get some web goo.

Lizzie: am I the only one who thinks that's a little gross?

Leo: not at all

Raph: Here's the plan we're going in dress as waiters sneak on past her and take the keys to the vault where she stores her goo

Lizzie: sounds simple enough

Raph: exactly! It'll be like taking candy from a-

The ground started to shake and they all looked in the living room to see it was a mess and bullhop exercising until her sat down on the couch

Donnie: That's it he has to go!

Raph: Yeah! We've gotta sneak into the party tonight. We can't leave him here and we sure can't take him with us

Leo: But I feel terrible we're the ones who made him into this

Lizzie: plus what happened to trying to be nice to him?

Mikey: Guys I'm Dr. Delicate touch. Let me handle this

Lizzie: oh no...

Mikey walked up to bullhop

Mikey: Bullhop we're friends so this will be easy to say. YOU GOT TO GO HIT THE BRICKS SLAPPY!!!

Bullhop: What? You're kicking me out?

Mikey: That's right! You have working a nurse hozer!

Leo: whoa let's take it easy-

He saw bullhop wiping his mouth with his comic

Leo: are you wiping your mouth with my Jupiter Jim comic?!

Bullhop: nope

Lizzie: how would you feel if someone did that to your comic?

Bullhop: I'm sorry! Please let me make it up for you

Mikey: No way we've got a mission tonight and we don't have time for this whole situation

Bullhop: A mission? I can help!

Lizzie: sorry bullhop but you would only get hurt

Leo: we're sneaking into Big Mama's

Lizzie: Leo don't-

Leo: to get her web goo and a klutz like you would only get us caught

Bullhop: ...I wasn't a klutz until I met you guys

Leo: Okay if you just sit there and not break anything til we get back we'll talk okay?

Bullhop nodded and Mikey Leo and Lizzie left

Bullhop: or i could!

Lizzie: did you say something?

Bullhop: No!


Donnie and Raph were waiting for them in the kitchen

Raph:I  don't hear any sobbing so it must be going okay unless he's just crying silently on the inside like after Liz found out her dad was evil

The three of them came back

Leo: Good news guys! I totally punted we'll do our mission and deal with the unpleasantness later

Raph: Okay let's get to Big Mama's gala


The turtles and Lizzie went back to the living room and saw their uniforms were ripped and raph's was gone. Donnie was facing the other way

Donnie: I don't even have to turn around to see how this turns out

He turned around

Donnie: Well I've turn around and I see

Raph: Looks like Goldilocks tried on all your waiter outfits before he got to mine

Lizzie: why did he try on my outfit? It's for girls

Leo: Would he really be insane enough to try to make up for everything by doing our dangerous mission on his own? Of course he would! Let's go!


The five of them looked through a window at big mama's hotel from the roof and saw bullhop dressed as a waiter

Leo: Oh man I've never should've told him our plan why didn't anyone try to stop me?

Lizzie facepalmed

Leo: Donnie what are the odds he can pull this out?

Donnie: The guy once broke a pillow so 1% he said overconfidently?

Lizzie could hear Bullhop talking to himself

Lizzie: is talking to one of you guys?

Raph: no then who's he talking to?

Donnie: I told him earlier that if he touched his ear he could talk to anybody and the world. I was trying to get some work done

Mikey touched his ear

Mikey: Roger that Mr. President

Lizzie could hear what bullhop was saying

Lizzie: he said he found the keys to the web goo room and is engaging

Donnie: perfect...

They all saw bullhop talking to big mama

Mikey: bullhop don't blow your cover!

Bullhop started dancing with big mama and he was actually good

All: whoa!

Mikey: the boy can move baby!

Lizzie: he must be using his dance dance revolution skills

Bullhop was able to get the keys after the dance was over

Raph: He actually did it! He's got the keys! we have to get down there!

The window opened

Lizzie: that's not good...


The turtles and Lizzie fell in the hotel. The turtles landed on the buffet of food while Lizzie landed on her feet next to them

Lizzie: are you guys ok?

Leo: yeah at least that's the fast way down

Bullhop: Guys I've got the keys!

Big mama: the turtle boos and Elizabeth?! Get them!

Big mama's staff attacked them

Leo: time to crash this party! Literally!

Lizzie kicked an owl yokai in the face

Lizzie: nice one Leo!

Mikey started running towards the web goo room

Mikey: bullhop! The keys!

Bullhop threw the keys at mikey and he was able to catch them

Mikey: hold them off! I'll get the goo!

Big mama trapped mikey in her webs

Lizzie: mikey!

Mikey: I'm ok!

Big mama turned into her spider form and attacked Raph Donnie leo and Lizzie

Donnie: We've got to get out of here!

Leo: What about the web goo?

Raph: We'll get them some other way!

Lizzie: but we can fight her!

Big Mama: Well you little meddle doos It's time for you to find out why you don't crash Big Mama's box socials!

Lizzie: it's called a party!

Bullhop: Hey Big Mama!

Everyone looked at bullhop who came out from his hiding place

Bullhop: You dance like you have eight feet!

Big Mama: So your feather feet mask a stanktonious traitor?!

Big mama shot a bunch of webs at bullhop but he caught most of it in jars

Bullhop: Guys I've got the eight pitches of goo!

He fell on the floor breaking seven of the jars but got back up

Bullhop: Guys I've got one pitcher of goo! Let's go!

Raph: we out!

Mikey: alright!

Lizzie: great gala!


The turtles Lizzie and bullhop ran in an alleyway next to big mama's hotel

All: Yeah!

Raph: Okay Bullhop Listen we've been thinking about it and uh-

Leo: Come on Raph you can do it unless Liz has room at her place-

Lizzie: nope! I mean... me and my mom don't have a lot of room

Raph: then bullhop you're welcome to stay with us anytime you want

Bullhop: Hey thanks guys but you know I was thinking I got to get myself together. I get to learn how to deal with this whole situation and I think I found the way though the dance! Mutant Canadian ballet!

Leo: uh that's sounds great good for you

Bullhop literally danced as he left the alley

Mikey: You sure you don't want to join the Mad dogs? Cause I was all set to kick Donnie out and give you Lizzie's scythe

Donnie shot a tranquilizer dart in Mikey's back and he fell on the floor unconscious

Lizzie: really donnie? I wanted to tell all four of you I got more web goo

She was holding a few bags of big mama's web goo

Raph: wait what?! When did you-

Lizzie: before bullhop yelled at big mama I already summoned my electricity powers so I used them to grab the key unlock the door and grabbed as much goo as I could

Leo: but... you were next to me the entire time!

Lizzie: i literally moved as fast as lightning. I did all that in the blink of an eye

Donnie: so science do you have something to do with this mission!

Lizzie: pretty much yes

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