Cloak And Swaggart

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In the lair the turtles and splinter were about to go camping

Turtles: Camping camping camping camping!

Splinter opened the door to the turtle tank

Splinter: Boys! we leave for intense survival training in exactly one minute!

Mikey: Survival training? I thought we were going camping!

Splinter: It's just like camping only you learn which bugs are the yummiest and how to drink your own sweat

Lizzie: Ew...

Turtles: Fine...

Leo: Thanks Lizzie April and Sunita for holding down the fort while we're gone for what I formally thought was going to be a fun weekend

Lizzie: oh come on you can handle two days in the woods

Leo: Yeah but we'll be training!

Donnie: Don't forget to change Shelldon's cooling protocol daily that means three times and give him a little skrich between the ears

Sunita: Don't worry we got you covered

Splinter: Boys in the tank! Let's go let's go move it move it!

The turtles got into the turtle tank

Lizzie: have fun!

Then April Sunita and Lizzie high fived

All: Girls night!


The three of them watched the barbecue channel in the living room

April: Seriously? The barbecue channel? This is not what I had in mind for girls night

Sunita: April shh! They're about to sauce the pig

Lizzie: hey Sunita remember when we tried to make this ourselves?

Sunita: Yep! You almost burned down your chicken!

Lizzie: no way that was you!

They both laughed and April felt a little left out until she got an alert on her phone

April: Nice!

Lizzie: what's up April?

April: Digs doing a secret concert downtown. We are going

Lizzie: I'm in!

Sunita: You don't wanna see this? It took those mountain men six months to craft that sauce

April: You need more than barbecue TV in your life girl. Grab your cloaking brooch and let's go.

Sunita used her cloaking brooch to turn into a human

Sunita and Lizzie: let us rock and roll!


April Sunita and Lizzie went to the concert and were crowd surfing. Lizzie was wearing a hoodie to hide her ears and tail

April: Yeah!

Lizzie: Woo!

Sunita: I'm floating on a sea of fingers!

Suddenly Sunita changed back into her goo form because her cloaking brooch was gone

Lizzie: Oh no

April: Sunita! Your cloaking brooch!


The three of them made out of the club and suntia used April's jacket to cover herself

Sunita: My cloaking brooch! That was a gift from my Grand Googly

Lizzie: don't worry we'll get it back

April: We gotta hunt down that jerk who stole it.

Sunita: Too bad your turtle friends are off in the woods

April: We don't need them! I know New York better than anybody! If anyone can get your brooch back it's me. April O'Neil with her two best friends Sunita and Elizabeth Miller!

Lizzie: that's right!


April Sunita and Lizzie made it to a place called the brooch district

April: Rumor has it any brooch store in the tri-state area eventually ends up going through here. the brooch district

Sunita: Oh should we do good job bad cop? Lizzie's usually bad cop

Lizzie: because your to nice to be bad!

Sunita: Aww thanks!

April felt left out again

April: I got this so I'll do the talking

She walked up to one of the sellers

April: Hey yo Brooch man. I'm looking for a very special  kind of brooch. One that someone may or may not just have tried to sell to you on account of its specialness... wink wink

Lizzie thinking: nailed it

Loose Lips: Look kid my clients expect a certain level of discretion. You think I'm just gonna tell you the brooch was brought by some big guy with a thick neck and an upturned nose in a paper hat on his way to channel six in a late model charcoal gray stretch limo? Oh no you ain't getting nothing from old Loose Lips Malinowski here

April just smiled


The three of them made it to channel six news

April: See? What did I tell you? April's got your back! And Lizzie to! See we didn't need to bother the boys on their serious training mission

Lizzie: Oh we should have a team name! Just for us girls!

Sunita: how about combining the first letter in our names?

April: we can come up with a name later. Right now do your thing googly girl

Sunita: Party!!

Sunita explodes into a gooey mess and scaring the guard away

Lizzie: Haha! That never gets old

Sunita: I know right?


April Sunita and Lizzie snuck into channel six news

Sunita: Maybe it's not worth it. I mean I want my brooch but I can't risk being seen in my googly form

April: Come on would April O'Neil and Lizzie get their good friend Sunita into a pickle? Together our team
name will be... The Wild Cats!

Lizzie: finally a name that makes sense!

Sunita: I get it cause the boys call themselves the mad dogs-!

Suddenly the lights turned on. Sunita blended into the green screen while Lizzie tightened her hoodie

Director: Who are you two?

April: Oh we're the new weather people! I'm April O... Nimbus?

Lizzie: I'm uh... Lizzie Mildred?

Director: whatever we're rolling

April: We've got sunny skies inland but uh oh! Looks like some rain storms coming on the coast

Sunita opened her eyes

Lizzie: with a pair of eyeballs hovering over New Jersey! Better wear your goggles.

April: Channel six weather this is April O... Nimbus

Lizzie: And Lizzie Mildred

April and Lizzie: signing off

Director: I like your stuff kids! Tell Mel Nino he's fired!

Then another cameraman ran into the room

cameraman: We've got an emergency at the hit cooking show Kondescending Kitchen! Our abusive host Guy Flambe is missing! It's an even meaner guy trying to take his place!

director: What?

Cameraman: I said-!

Director: Okay okay! let's go!

Everyone runs off and Sunita saw someone wearing her brooch on another screen

Sunita: My brooch!

Lizzie: that guy kinda looks familiar


The three of them snuck onto the cooking show set

April: This is bad

Sunita: What?

April: That's Meat Sweats. He's a crazy dangerous mutant and thanks to me he's using your grand googly brooch to disguise himself

Lizzie: he even tried to cook Donnie alive once

Sunita: then i'm not sure about this... Maybe we should just leave?

April: Not a chance. I'm not leaving you exposed like this and I promised I'd get your grand googly's brooch back and I will

Lizzie: that brooch belongs to you not him! The three of us are in this together!

April didn't feel left out anymore

Lizzie: Remember our new name is the mad cats

Sunita: Yeah! Your right!

Lizzie: April do your thing

April smiled and dressed up as a waiter then pushed a kart of food in front of meat sweats

April: Chef for you today I've got a simple risotto with a touch of unleashed flavor.

Meat Sweats: Nobody likes a suck up! Except for me

He tasted the food until fire came out of his mouth

Meat Sweats: What is this wretched flavor?!

April: It's just an old family recipe called... TOO MUCH HOT SAUCE!

April held six hot sauce bottles

Meat Sweats: My pristime palate!

Lizzie quickly grabbed the cloaking brooch whole meat sweats was distracted

Lizzie: I got it! Now it's time to go!

April Suntia and Lizzie made it off the set then meat sweats turned back into a mutant pig

Meat sweats: My face! My gorgeous face!


Meat sweats chased after the girls down the hallway

April: This way!

Lizzie: leave the big to me!

Lizzie threw a smoke bomb in meats sweats face giving them time to hide

Sunita: Phew...

April: I'm so sorry Sunita. None of this would have happened if I hadn't dragged you out all because I left out today

Sunita: what why?

Lizzie: we're a team!

April: I know but you both were already such good friends and had girls night before

Sunita: hey we made memories but now we'll new ones together!

Lizzie: yeah because we're the Wild Cats!

Suntia: your amazing April! Sure you convinced me to go to that concert where I got robbed and then you took us to that shady part of town and then came here and unleashed a seven foot mutant pig who wants to filet us but this has been one of the most exciting nights of my life!

Suddenly meat sweats smashed the box they were hiding behind

All: AH!

Lizzie kicked meat sweats in the chest

Meat sweats: OW!

April: Nice!

Lizzie: Your turn Suntia!

Sunita: Party!!

Sunita exploded into goo right into meat sweats face then put herself back together

Sunita: This is way more fun than that barbecue show!

April: Barbecue show! Great idea!

Lizzie: Oh I see where you're going with this!

April: we just need to get past that pig!

April and Lizzie used two trays like surf boards and rode on Sunita

April: April O'Neil!

Lizzie: Elizabeth Miller!

The three of them hit meat sweats right in the face and got past him


April Suntia and Lizzie made it to another door but meat sweats caught up to them right when Sunita used her clocking brooch to turn back into a human

Meat Sweats: End of the line lassies! Enough's enough!

April: Is it? Do you smell that girls?

Sunita: I sure do

Lizzie: so do I! It must be delicious

The three of them ran onto the new set but meat sweats grabbed Sunita and Lizzie

Meat sweats: I want the cloaking brooch and I will not be stopped!

Lizzie: quick question how burnt big?

Meat sweats: What-?

Lizzie electrocuted meat sweats causing him to drop her and Sunita

April: you guys ok?

Suntia: we're good!

Suddenly the lights turned on and all the chefs saw meat sweats

Chef: Look this little piggie wiggy! That some prime swine. Get me my slicing blades.

Chefs: Sauce that hog!

April Sunita and Lizzie left channel six news then high fived

All: best girls night ever!


The three of them made it back to the lair

Sunita: we're sorry we made you feel left out April

April: don't worry about it! We had a great time!

Lizzie: if anything you make girls night even better!

Then they noticed the turtles and Splinter in the garage

April: Back already? How was your trip?

Lizzie: why do you guys look so scared? Was training that bad?

Leo: we were trapped in turtle tank!

April: seriously?

She noticed a big red button on the wall

April: Hey what's this brand new giant button do?

Turtles: No no no no!

April pressed the button and the garage door closes on them

Speaker: 24 hour garage lockdown activated

April: know what this means right?

Sunita: of course I do!

Lizzie: Girls night 2!

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