Donnie's Gifts

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In an alleyway the turtles and Lizzie were fighting mutant silver fish

Raph: Okay mutant silverfish you've eaten people's laundry for the last time!

He attacked the fish but it just split in two

Donnie: Every time you smash them they just split in two

Raph: I know! Isn't it cool?!

Donnie: think Raph think

Raph: I guess it does double the problem. Which means double the smashing!

Raph kept Taking a silverfish in soon there were so to many to count

Lizzie: 1 2 3 4 5 6... Raph you just made it worse

Raph: I can see that

Mikey: I got you Raph!

Mikey tired to help but hit his face on a fire escape and fell into a dumpster.

Leo: I got this!

Leo cut open a fire hydrant and water shot out of it and hit the sliver fish. Lizzie used her mystic weapon to electrocute the water and the fish were electrocuted

Leo: Looks like these fish are wait for it your going to love this... all washed up

Mikey Donnie and Raph: Boo!

Lizzie laughed

Lizzie: good one Leo!

Leo: thanks Lizzie!

The sliver fish attacked everyone except for Donnie

Donnie: this is getting old

Donnie hit all the sliver fish with us tech Bo staff and they all ran away

Mikey: mission accomplished!

Lizzie: it's almost becoming to easy

Raph: Nice work Donnie. I knew we could deal with this as a team

Donnie: Actually it was pretty much just me but I think I have a little something to kick our skills into high gear.

Donnie presses a button and drill comes out of the ground in front of them

All: whoa!

Mikey: it's beautiful!

Donnie: no it's no that

Leo: What do you mean not that? That should totally be the thing

Lizzie: it's so cool!

Donnie: the drill is just in beta. Do not worry about it. The real thing is much more personal and thoughtful and I really hope you like it because if you don't I will just be crushed!

Raph: just show it to us. I'm sure we'll all love it

Lizzie: whatever it is your about to show us

The drill opened to reveal a blue collar for Leo a red helmet for Raph an orange suit mikey and Gary goggles for Lizzie

Mikey You even got my life colors right!

Lizzie: are the goggles mine?

Leo: I don't know what mine is but it's super shiny!

Raph: Whoa nice headgear!

Leo mikey Raph and Lizzie put on there new gear

Don I'm so glad you like them! Now let me show you how they work.

They all hear the sliver fish in the Distance again and go check it out


The turtles and Lizzie go see what's going on in a restaurant and see mutant big putting the fish in a pot

Leo: Another mutant? What's his deal?

Raph You know what that guy looks like the Meat Sweats!

They all laughed at raphs joke

Meat sweats: A little salt. A pinch of savory. Lemon for the tang. Unleash the flavor!

Lizzie: what do you guys think he's cooking?

Mikey: I'm not sure... wait unleash the flavor? Omigosh! It's Rupert Swaggart!

Raph: Who?

Mikey: The celebrity chef. Host of Condescending Kitchen the show where he screams at chefs until they give up their dreams? I love that guy!

Lizzie: he sounds really mean

Mikey: I saw him become a mutant pig on TV

Donnie: You saw a celebrity chef transform into a pig mutant and you didn't tell anyone?

Mikey: I didn't wanna burn my risotto! This is his restaurant. No wonder why he's here.

Lizzie: do you think he would share some of his recipes? I would love to try some of his food

Mikey: that would be so cool! We should ask him!

Before they both could meat sweats absorbed the silver fishs powers but then smelled something

Meat sweats: Am I picking up the delightful aroma of mutant with a stench of turtle? I'm thinking lime turtle tenderloin over a bed of saffron rice and a cat for dessert

Mikey: that sounds good!

Donnie: He's talking about eating us!

Mikey: Excuse me for wanting to be eaten in style

Lizzie: we shouldn't eaten at all

Raph jumped out of there hiding spot and started running towards meat sweats

Raph: hot soup!

Helmet: Charging the enemy?

Raph: what the? This thing talks?

Raph tripped and fell

Helmet: Perhaps you should reevaluate

Raph: Uh Donnie the helmet's talking to me!

Donnie: good! It's working!

Meat sweats attacked Raph and he started fighting back

Lizzie: I'll help you Raph!

Lizzie got in on the action and punched meat sweats in the stomach making him multiply into tiny meat sweats. They all started attack Raph and Lizzie

Donnie: Fascinating. He must have absorbed the silverfish's powers. This represents a new level of mutant abilities!

Lizzie grabbed one of the tiny meat sweats

Lizzie: Aww it's kinda cute-

The goggles activate a camera flash hurting her eyes making her drop the tiny meat sweats

Lizzie: what the-?!

Goggles: focus on defeating your opponent

Lizzie: the goggles talk to?!

Donnie: yay your gift is working to!

Mikey Donnie and Leo join the fight. Donnie is captured but the others were Too busy fighting to notice. Mikey was being reckless so his suit inflated

Mikey: hey! This is totally messed up my scene!

Leo threw one of the tiny meat sweats against the wall

Leo: you'll beat me when pigs fly!

Lizzie: hahaha! That's another great pun Leo!

Leo: I've got so much more-

His collar suddenly electrocuted him and Lizzie's goggles activated the camera flash hurting her eyes again

Goggles: focus on defeating your opponent

Leo: what was that shock?

Lizzie: and what's wrong with my goggles?

Leo continued fighting the tiny pigs

Leo: These little pigs are gonna cry wee wee wee-

The Collar shocked Leo again and he fell on the floor right before Lizzie was about to laugh at Leo's pun

Leo: this thing doesn't like my one liners?!

Lizzie walked up to Leo

Lizzie: I think your funny Leo.

She grabbed his hand and helped him stand up

Leo: you really think I'm funny?

Lizzie: of course-

Lizzie's goggles activated the camera flash hurting her eyes again

Goggles: focus on defeating your opponent

Lizzie: oh come on!

Mikey lands on Lizzie and Leo. They all bounce across the train tracks and then a train goes by so the tiny meats would think they win and left

Leo: Mikey what did you do?

Mikey: I don't know! It's this suit! Every time I do some razzamatazz this thing inflates and throws me off my game! I need my razz and my tazz!

Leo: And every time I drop a killer joke bomb this stupid collar zaps me! What's wrong with your gift Lizzie?

Lizzie: every time I do something other then fight meat sweats my goggles activate a camera flash on my face and tell me to focus! think I'm going to go blind if this keeps happening

Raph: Well my gift just keeps nagging me. I don't need to be told how to think!

Mikey: Does Donnie really think I'm a crazy kangaroo who needs to wear a suit so I don't hurt myself?

Raph: Yeah does he really think I need to be told what to do all the time?

Lizzie: also what's wrong with being curious about meats with new power and liking Leo's jokes! There funny!

Leo: thank you Lizzie! Who else love my one liners? They fire of the team right guys?

Lizzie: yeah!

Mikey and Raph didn't say anything

Leo: anyway we need to tell Donnie that he doesn't get to tell us what to be

Raph: Yeah I know. But he's got such a soft shell

Lizzie: literally and figuratively because he's a soft shell turtle.

Leo: But it's like he's trying to fix us. What are we broken?

All: No!

Mikey So what're you gonna do about it leader? You going to stand up to Donnie and tell him that his gifts stink?

Raph: yeah! I think I am!

At that moment Donnie called Raph and he answered

Raph: hey Donnie! Really loving the gifts you got us. we know how long it took you to make them and it was so thoughtful of you-

Donnie (on the phone): Where did you guys go?! They're all over me! They're going to cook me alive!


Raph mikey Leo and Lizzie go back to meat sweats restaurant and find meat sweats trying to cook Donnie

Helmet: Hey Raph you need a plan

Raph: Okay. according to Donnie's hat I need to make a plan

Leo: what do got?

Raph: ...I'm not good at making plans!

Mikey: Of course you're not! And I'm not good at fighting if I can't razzamatazz!

Lizzie: nobody's perfect. We all have flaws and that's not a bad thing

Leo: And I'm not good at suppressing my lightning wit. Lizzie is right nobody's perfect and we are who we are

Raph: yeah and the only way we're going to save the guy who's roasting on a stick is by being ourselves


Meat sweats was getting ready to start cooking Donnie when Lizzie jumped in front of him

Meat sweats: your with those turtles!

Lizzie: yep!

She put her goggles on meat sweats

Lizzie: smile for the camera!

Lizzie's goggles activated the camera flash hurting meat sweats eyes

Leo: hahaha! Great pun Lizzie!

Lizzie: thanks! Meat sweats can't catch what he can't even see!

Raph got away with Donnie

Meat sweats: Come back! I used an entire pound of butter on him!

Leo pun his collar on meat sweats

Leo: Hey Meat Sweats Looks like you're about to get some shocking news

Meat sweats was electrocuted and Lizzie started laughing

Leo: I love the smell of frying bacon in the morning.

Meat sweats was electrocuted again and Lizzie was still laughing

Meat sweats: I must admit I do smell delicious

Donnie: wait what are you guys doing?

Leo: me and Lizzie are getting the most out of your gifts

Lizzie: watch this. hey meat sweats can I borrow your recipes?

Lizzie's goggles activated the camera flash hurting meat sweats eyes again

Leo: hahaha! And check this out. Meat sweats I hear Bologna is full of you!

Meat sweats was electrocuted

Lizzie: hahahaha! How do you come up with this stuff?

Leo: it's a gift! Get it?

Lizzie: hahaha! Yes!

Leo loved seeing Lizzie laugh.

Donnie: no that's not how-

Leo: I got another one. He's getting a little hot under his-

Meat sweats punched Leo in the face and Lizzie helped him up

Mikey: Chef Swaggart! Big fan. I was wondering how do you get your meat so tender?

Meat sweats: You've got to pound it-

Mikey jumped in the air making his suit inflate and hitting meat sweats multiple times

Donnie: that is not how you were supposed to use those! I spent a lot of time on-

Meat sweats got back up and was about to attack Donnie.

Raph put his helmet on his fist and punched meat sweat right in the face. meat sweats was hit by a train

Raph: Donnie your gifts really brought out the best in us

Leo: I'm funnier!

Mikey: I'm bouncier!

Raph: I'm smashier!

Lizzie: I'm more creative!

Raph: Your gifts are the stuff!

Donnie: But you were supposed to... forget it. You guys are great the way you are. Bring it in. Group hug.

They all do a group hug

Suit: Impact imminent.

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