Insane In The Mama Train

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In the lair Raph opened the fridge

Raph: eat some cake! Raph's eating some-!

The fridge exploded with feathers and Raph landed in the wall

Mikey: Hahaha! Classic Mikey prank attack!

Leo: Nice work bro! Gimme some

Mikey: Yeah!

They both high fived only for Mikey to realize he high fived a dummy

Mikey: Aw nuts

Lizzie: Look out!!

Lizzie pushed mikey out of the way right when the dummy exploded with feathers

Leo: hahaha! oh come on Liz he had that coming!

Lizzie: so do you

Leo: what-?

The couch Leo was sitting on exploded with feathers and he hit the wall

Lizzie: Haha! That was me

Donnie: not bad if I do say so myself

Raph was able to get out of the wall

Raph: Okay guys enough messing around. We need to train for Friday night's Foot mission

Mikey: But today's Friday

Leo: No It's not. It's Thursday.

Mikey: No It's Friday

Lizzie: it feels like Thursday

Leo: But the mission's on Friday

Raph: Wait If today's Friday then...

Raph walked up to the calendar

Leo: Wait wait wait! Don't touch-!

The calendar exploded with feathers and Raph hit the wall

Lizzie: Raph! You ok?

Raph stood up from the floor

Raph: yeah I'm fine but we gotta go-!

At that moment Splinter and Alexa arrived at the lair

Turtles and Lizzie: Uh oh...

Alexa: where were you?!

Splinter: the mission!

Mikey: see what had happened was-

Splinter: Enough! Do you know... How could you... I am just... very disappointed

Alexa: so am I...

Lizzie: Mom-

Alexa: I don't want to hear it Elizabeth. I thought you knew better but I was wrong

Both Splinter and Alexa walked away

Leo: Wait a minute did we get rid of all the-

They all heard another explosion

Leo: Okay that's on me...


In the living room Alexa helped splinter stand up

Alexa: are you ok?

Splinter: yes but the children... They are not ready!They are not ninjas! I have failed my ancestors...

Alexa: no you didn't we can still-

Splinter: wait a minute my ancestors!

He found an ancient scroll and opened it. Then Hamato spirits appeared

Spirit: Hamato Yoshi you have summoned the ancient Spirit of your ancestors. The Hamato Clan.

Splinter: Yes! Audiobook

Spirit: I am here to guide you

Alexa: great spirit we ask for your help

Spirit: What wisdom do you seek to carry on your sacred duty as part of the-

Splinter: We're going to need to skip ahead to the 'what to do if you lived your whole life as action star Lou Jitsu and now the Dark armor is almost complete and the children aren't ready' chapter

Alexa facepalmed

Spirit: Dude... way to leave things to the last minute


Meanwhile Raph Donnie Mikey and Lizzie were waiting Leo skateboard

Donnie: You know I'm not too worried about it. I mean what's the punishment for missing a life threatening Earth saving mission anyway? It's gotta be pretty lenient

Lizzie: not this time Donnie...

Leo: Listen everyone mixes up the calendar now and then

Mikey: Yeah we'll just say sorry I'll give him my puppy dog eyes and-

Raph: Puppy dog eyes won't cut it. Dad and Alexa aren't mad they're disappointed. We need to make it up to them guys big time

Lizzie: Oh I make cards for my mom on Mother's Day!

Mikey: that's perfect!

The five of them knocked on splinter's door then bowed when he and Alexa opened it

Splinter: kids?

Alexa: what's going on?

Lizzie: no pranks this time I promise

Raph: we're sorry. Not like our normal sorry like for real sorry this time. Will you make it up to you?

Leo: Yeah it's time we grew up and accepted our destiny as descendants of the Tomato Clan

Donnie: It's Hamato

Leo: That's it It is Hamato right?

Lizzie: yes

Donnie: We're ready to become the ultimate ninjas

Mikey: Starting right now!

He ripped off one of his stickers and screamed from the pain

Mikey: AHHHHH!!!

Mikey bowed again

Splinter: A great challenge lies before us

Alexa: to be a ninja you must be silent... but deadly

Everyone started laughing hysterically

Leo: that's a fart thing!

Splinter: Ahem

They all stayed quiet again

Lizzie: Sorry

Splinter: now a great challenge lies before us. The Dark armor is complete. According to the ancient scrolls you must learn the ways of our ancestors. Hamato clan ninjas

A montage started of the turtles and Lizzie training with splinter and Alexa

Splinter: this would require great focus and sacrifice. It is time to get serious

Alexa: this will not be easy and you must be prepared

Everyone began training together

Splinter: You must let go of your childish ways. You must become more than teenagers. You must think as one. You must become an extension of the clan ready to sacrifice all

Alexa: but the question is... are you?

The five of them were able to take down both of them

Alexa: yeah your ready

Lizzie: Yes! I mean... thank you

Splinter had ninja outfits and handed one to each of them

Splinter: The old versions of you will be gone. Shed like a skin. You will be rearranged, to the image of your ancestors. Are up for the task?

The turtles and Lizzie were now wearing black and red ninja outfits

All: Yes sensei's

The montage ended


Later that night the turtles, Lizzie, splinter and Alexa were patrolling the city then stopped on a roof

All: sensei's!

Splinter was trying not to cry

Raph: Sensei are you crying?

Splinter: No It's just this air. You guys smell onions right? Onion air?

Alexa gave him a tissue

Alexa: here you go

Splinter: thank you

Splinter blew his nose and Donnie got an alert on his tech watch

Donnie: Sorry sensei It's April's panic button Sensei I will ignore it sensei

Splinter: good good

Lizzie: Uh doesn't that mean April is in trouble?

Alexa: yes it does! Splinter!

Splinter: OH NO! April! The armor! Training over you pass graduate hip hip hooray we go now!

Everyone got into the turtle tank and drove off

Donnie: Based on April's trajectory she should be right there

Donnie pointed to the ocean but there was nothing there

Splinter takes off Donnie's goggles and used them to see a mystic train

Splinter: a mystic train. Hidden behind some sort of shimmer. Of course that's how they're transporting the dark armor

Alexa: then we must move quickly

Leo: let me portal us sensei

Lizzie: or I could get across so fast no one would see

Splinter: No the shimmer blocks all mystic powers. You must use your training to get April and the armor back. Now get to the roof and jump on my command Raph

Raph: Please sensei. Call me Raphael

Splinter tried not the cry again while the turtles and Lizzie got on the roof of the tank

Raph: How do we get on a train that we can't see?

Splinter: Trust me. Our on my command

All: Yes sensei

Splinter and Alexa: ...Now!

The five of them jumped onto the train but Lizzie almost lost her balance

Lizzie: Whoa!

Leo grabbed her hand before she fell

Leo: are you alright?

Lizzie: Yeah thanks for the catch

Leo: your welcome

Lizzie: what happened to 'I knew you would fall for me' or 'thanks for being such a catch'?

Leo: there's no time for jokes


They all broke into the train and landed on foot brute

April: Huh?

Raph: April are you okay?

April: Uhh... Why do you guys look like that whole situation?

All: we are the hamato clan

April: Donnie have you been experimenting on their brains again? Did you get Lizzie this time?

Donnie: Negative we are on a mission to find the dark armor. Are you aware of its location?

April: Yeah. It's in the front car at the other end of the train. But before we go anywhere can we talk about this?

Lizzie: I'll explain later

Raph: Ninja's and kunoichi! Follow me!

The others followed Raph into another train car and stopped at wall with hundreds of buttons

Raph: How do we get to the front with no doors?

Lizzie: Hmm... let me try something

April: Wait-!


Lizzie pressed a button and the six of them were teleported to a different car which was a spa

Leo: This is definitely not the front

Lizzie: but it is a good place to calm our minds and think of a plan

Lizzie thinking: nailed it!

Raph: good idea Elizabeth

The turtles and Lizzie started meditating

April: What plan? You guys? Okay this is really starting to freak me out!

Lizzie: we have been training for this moment

April: since when do you all train for stuff?!

Donnie pointed to every button on the wall

Donnie: It appears each of these buttons is tied to a different car but I don't know which one will get us to the front

Raph: then we'll try them all! Let's split up!


Leo April and Lizzie teleported to a car with frozen food

April: How are we supposed to find the armor?

Leo: Shh Watch We blend in.

Leo and Lizzie blended into the shadows

April: What?

Leo: we remain unseen

Suddenly Leo was punched in the face by an armored yokai

Leo: AH!

Lizzie: Leo!

Leo: I-I'm alright Elizabeth! Are you ready?

Lizzie: yes!

The both started fighting the yokai

Leo: If we're gonna get the dark armor we need to get past this guy

Another Yokai in armor appeared out of nowhere

Leo: ...And apparently this guy.

Lizzie: you want to wing it like always?

Leo: No we need a better strategy-

Then April threw a giant ice block at both of the yokai

Leo: good work

April: ...Really? Nothing? No puns? No 'chill out bro'? No 'ice to meet you'?

Lizzie: Oh what about 'ready set snow'?

Leo: Hey Let's try and keep this professional.

April noticed Lizzie was that happy

April: you good Liz?

Lizzie: Yeah I'm just... still getting used to the new us! I'm fine don't worry about it

At that moment one of the yokai punched Leo and Lizzie against the wall with the buttons


They both ended up in an empty car with Raph

Lizzie: Huh?!

Raph: What are you guys doing?

Lizzie: I don't know! We're just bouncing from one car to the next!

Leo: This train is insane! How are we ever gonna get to the dark armor?

Raph: I don't know. There's too many buttons! Every time I try to push... Wait a second! I think I just figured it out!

Each of there eyes started to glow red

Leo: Did we just ninja mind meld?

Lizzie: well that's new

Raph didn't say anything

Leo: Oh I thought so


Raph Leo and Lizzie regrouped with April Donnie and Mikey. They used there ninja skills to tie up the foot clan, used the black button to get to the front car and finally found the dark armor

All: Whoa!

April: Okay how'd you know it was the black button?

Raph: I paid attention to a small but important detail. it was the only button they didn't want me to press... Hey I paid attention!

Donnie: I did not rely on my tech once!

Leo: Raph Lizzie and I mind melded!

Lizzie: I didn't get distracted at all!

Mikey: Awesome! We followed Master Splinter's teaching! We are...

All: The Hamato clan!

Suddenly they all heard Draxum's voice

Draxum: how sweet...

Everyone looked terrified

Draxum: Daddy's little turtles and Alexa's little kitten have all grown up. They must be so disappointed...

purple vines came out of nowhere and wrapped around April

Raph: April!!

April: RAPH!

More vines came out of nowhere the turtles and Lizzie tried to fight them off but Leo saw something horrible happen

Leo: ...LIZZIE!!!

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