Minotaur Maze

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On top of a building the turtles and Lizzie were practicing using there mystic weapons. Lizzie summoned electricity from her scythe

Lizzie: hey I did it! This is getting pretty easy

Leo: I-It's also easy for me! I'm going to make a portal to New Jersey!

Leo was able to make a portal but it was really small

Raph: hahaha! That's not going to get you across the street let alone to New Jersey!

Lizzie: it was a good try though

Leo: thanks and it's better then no portal at all!

Mikey: what did you get Donnie?

Donnie: while you guys took mystic weapons from Draxum I took a more cerebral one.

He held out a small Crystal

Donnie: See this crystal combined with the elements-

Leo: get to the point!

Donnie: Now I can see all of the mystic energy hidden around New York you are welcome and thank you

Donnie put the Crystal in his goggles and looked around. He saw Lizzie had a lot of mystic energy coming from her

Donnie: whoa Lizzie that's a lot of mystic power!

Lizzie: really? I guess Leo got me the best weapon!

Donnie: No it's from you! Not your scythe!

Mikey: that's so cool!

Lizzie: so wait does that mean I can do mystic stuff without my weapon?

Donnie: I'll have to do more research but that is a possibility.

Then Donnie saw a yokai disguised as a human go into a wall and entered a mystic pizza place. Everyone else saw it to

Mikey: She just disappeared into that wall.

Donnie: I believe she went into some sort of cool mystic pizza place

Lizzie: oh yeah me and my mom go there all the time

Mikey: you have?! my blood sugar's getting low. I need to eat bad!


The five of them land in the alleyway

Leo: Step aside. Ladies first

Mikey: Aww!

Lizzie blushed

Lizzie: your so nice Leo.

Lizzie was able to open the mystic door and they all went inside


It really was a pizza place for Yokai and mutants

Raph: alright. Everybody be cool. Expect for Lizzie this is our first time in a classy restaurant uhh establishment. What do we do now?

Lizzie: follow me

She sat a table big enough for the five of them grabbed a menu and started reading it

Mikey: that's it?

Donnie: I think we just sit at it and ask for stuff like Lizzie is doing right now

Mikey: Like regular people?

Donnie: I think here we are regular.

Raph Donnie and Mikey sat with Lizzie while Leo noticed a hallway called 'prove your a championship'. When Leo came back he smacked a pizza slice out of Mikey's hands

Mikey: My salvation!

Lizzie: Leo what did you do that for?

Leo: he won't have to eat that garbage when you can have the world's greatest pizza!

Leo showed them the Champion hallway that had a door leading to a maze and a sign saying 'worlds greatest pizza'

Donnie: Oh please. Every place in New York claims to have the world's greatest pizza.

Lizzie: true but we're not in technically in new york right now

Donnie: hmm good point


The turtles and Lizzie entered the maze

Raph: Leo what is this place? I thought we were getting pizza.

Leo: It's nothing. We just got to solve an easy straight forward maze first.

Lizzie: I slowed mazes on paper when I was a kid but this is completely different!

Raph:Wait what? I didn't sign up for a pre meal maze.

Mikey: Yeah. This looks really hard. My tummy wants easy food.

Leo: Don't worry just follow me. Onward boys and girl!


The turtles and Lizzie got lost immediately

Raph: No we're lost!

Leo: trust me. It's this way.

Lizzie: I think we're going in a circle

Leo saw the pizza deadhead

Leo: Relax we solved it. The pizza is just over-

A giant wall block their path in front of them and another one blocked their path behind them

Leo: oh come on!

Raph: I'll just use my power punch to take down this wall

Leo: wait no! Funny story. But I may have left one thing out. The only rule in the Maze of Death is no mystic powers.

Raph: maze of what now?

Leo: ok two things

Lizzie: why didn't you tell us this?!

The walls started closing in on them and spikes and fire also appeared on the wall. Lizzie mikey and Donnie started dodging all of the fire

Donnie: uh guys?!

Raph: not now Donnie! What's going on here Leo?

Leo: Nothing we're just here to get the pizza to get my photo on the wall of champions and get Lizzie to like me more

Raph: I knew we weren't here for pizza! You wanted to come here so you could get your picture on the wall and to get Lizzie to like you more! To prove your the best at something.

Leo: I just said that

Raph: Don't try to deny it Leo. All you want to do is show off!

Leo: then how am I supposed to get Lizzie to like me?

The war was getting closer to crushing them


Leo: We're trapped how are we gonna get out of here?

All: Make a portal!

Leo: I can't its against the rules. I'll never get my picture on the wall of champions and Lizzie will never go out with me!

Lizzie: what was that last part?

Raph: Who cares about that stuff when we're gonna be crushed?!

Leo: Fine.

he tried making a portal but nothing worked

Leo: I can't do it. I got no mystic mojo. I'm useless!

Lizzie: none of that is true! We believe in you!

Raph: you also have to know this If I die in this maze I will haunt you for the rest of your life.

Donnie: Well in theory you'd both be ghosts so I'm not sure how you would-

Raph: not helping Donnie!

Leo: You know It'd really help me if you guys said that I was your champion

Lizzie: your my champion Leo. Remember when I said that to you at the wrestling match?

Leo: y-yeah I do!

Lizzie: I meant it. now please open a portal before we die!

Leo was finally able to open a portal

Leo: I did it! I really am the best at-!

Lizzie: we get it! Your sweet we're supportive let's go!

they all jumped into the portal right when the walls finally crushed


The turtles and Lizzie landed at the end of the maze and Leo grabbed the pizza

Leo: I am the champion!

Suddenly everyone was tied up in vines and a yokai Minotaur showed up

Minotaur: You can't escape me! I am the assisted manager of this maze! You cheated. Now you will all pay!

Leo: Wait! I'm the one who cheated. I created the portal to save my brothers and Lizzie. Punish me I'm their champion.

Raph mikey and Donnie: Yes! Punish him!

Lizzie: or at least give him a warning to never cheat again!

Minotaur: You all tried to cheat out my world's greatest pizza!

Leo: How can you call it world 's greatest? How do you know we haven't had better?

Minotaur: What do you mean better? You're not talking about Famous Minotaur Pizza are you?

Leo: You talking about FMP? I love that place.

Minotaur: That garbage that's called pizza? Just wait until you try mine!

She let them all go each have them a slice of pizza and they ate it

Minotaur: Best you ever had?

Lizzie: uh yeah! The best ever!

Leo: First where do we go to get our picture taken for the wall of champions? Cause I want to make sure they capture my good side.

Minotaur: on the cheaters wall


The turtles and Lizzie started heading home

Leo: I got a picture! It's on the cheaters wall but It still counts!

Lizzie: you may have cheated but we still beat the maze and got the pizza.

Leo: thats right! Look Liz part of the reason why I did this in the first place was so you could like me more but you did say I'm your champion so I was wondering if you would like to go out with me sometime?

Lizzie blushed a lot more then she usually does

Lizzie: I would really like that

She kissed him on the cheek

Lizzie: tomorrow night. Don't be late

She entered the portal the leads to the hidden city and then it closed

Leo: ...I have a date... I have a date!!!

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