One Man's Junk For His Daughter

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The turtles and Lizzie set up a fake store called 'Mystic Metal Merchants'

Raph: I don't know about this plan. If we want to find the last pieces of the dark armor shouldn't we be out there chasing down rumors and shaky leads?

Lizzie: I know I good museums in the hidden city that might have a piece of the dark armor!

Donnie: that will be plan B and It's called crowd sourcing Raph. Why bust our own humps

Mikey: When there are thousands of yokai in the city who can bust their humps for us? They slap their scraps to us and we just chilax here and see if it is part of the dark armor!

Leo: Okay I do like the laziness angle but I'm not taking sides yet. What about you Liz?

Lizzie: I guess we can try it this way first

A man opened the door holding a box

Mikey: Ooh a cellar! See what happens when you give our ideas a change Raph?

The man opened the box but there was just a fidget spinner inside

Lizzie: is that even close to what we're looking for?

Donnie: Excuse me we are a reputable fly by night organization! How dare you bring this worthless garbage in?!

The turtles kicked him out of the fake store

Leo: Haha! Epic plan fail!

Lizzie: that was only our first customer though

Donnie: exactly! And we haven't failed yet!

He points to a yokai walking up to them holding a glowing box

Donnie: The glow on that piece is off the charts!

Mikey: Told you Raph! Dark armor here we-

Suddenly a truck stopped right in front of the yokai

Repo: Hey! You owe me money!

He stole the glowing box

Repo: Now we're square

Repo drove back to his junkyard

Donnie: Repo stinking Mantis!

Lizzie: Repo Mantis...

Leo: Uh oh

Raph: Now you see why I had my doubts?

Leo: Raph not a good time

Lizzie was getting more and more frustrated

Leo: Lizzie just breathe in and out he isn't important to you!

Lizzie: I know but we still need that piece back!

Mikey: yeah!


The turtles and Lizzie parked the turtle tank right outside repo's junkyard

Raph: Now here's the plan. We're gonna smash our way in and keep smashing until we smash that armor piece right into our smashy little hands!

Lizzie: honestly that could work

Donnie: While you were planning your predictable Smash capade Michel and I were crafting a superior plan based on our extensive knowledge of the subject

Mikey: Question who is Repo Manis?

Lizzie: a big jerk who doesn't care about anyone or anything except for himself and money

Mikey and Donnie were suddenly wearing business outfits

Mikey: yep! He is motivated my greed!

Donnie: dollar dollar bills y'all!

Lizzie: Huh?

Mikey: Now you guys stay in the car, while Donnie and I pose as wealthy junk buyers and smooth talk Repo into giving up that armor piece baby

Leo: Sure this can't go wrong

Mikey and Donnie went into the junkyard but Leo noticed Lizzie was clearly upset

Leo: You good Liz?

Lizzie: yeah I just want to leave the moment we get the armor piece

Leo: don't worry we will!

Raph Leo and Lizzie waited for Mikey and Donnie to find the armor was several minutes

Lizzie: How long is this going to take?

Repo (on the screen): Everything is for sale. Just don't be in the bus over there. No matter how much you might think there's something great in there do not go in that bus. Do you understand?

Raph: That's it. It's on the bus!

Lizzie: then that's where we have to look! Come on!

Leo: wait Liz-!

Lizzie left the turtle tank and into the junkyard


Lizzie found the bus and looked through the window

Lizzie: I don't see anything-

Raph and Leo walked up behind her

Leo: find anything?

Lizzie: AH! Don't do that!

Leo: sorry!

Lizzie: it's ok and I answer your question no I didn't

Raph: then repo must be using the bus to block whatever is inside this pile of junk!

Leo: So any ideas?

Raph: A bus only weighs like 25,000 pounds. I got this

he starts to lift up the bus

Raph: Lifting like a boss!

Raph passed out so Leo and Lizzie checked to see if he was ok

Lizzie: Raph!

Leo: Raph? Raph? Hey Raph?

Raph slowly wakes up

Raph: huh? What happened?

Leo: You passed out trying to single handedly lift a school bus!

Lizzie: you didn't even use your mystic powers!

Raph: how far did I move it?

Leo: I mean you wiggled the bumper a little but your neck vein was huge! Let me try something

Leo made a portal, reached inside the bus and opens the latch but the door hit him in the face

Leo: Ow!

Lizzie: Leo! Are you ok?

Leo: N-Never better! And it worked!

Raph Leo and Lizzie walked into the pile of junk but it was pretty dark

Leo: Well somebody put the 'rust' in rustic charm!

Lizzie: Haha! Good one

Leo: I got another one! Are you trash because I can take you out

Lizzie: Aww! That's cute and funny!

Leo: Hmm... Oh! Trash won gold at the Olympics in dumpster diving!

Lizzie: Hahaha! Keep going!

Leo: Ok I got one-

Raph: Guys! Focus!

Leo and Lizzie: Oh right!

Raph: That armor piece has to be in here somewhere so eep your eyes peeled

Leo: I would if I could see two feet ahead!

Lizzie: relax I have night vision remember?

Leo noticed Lizzie's eyes were glowing

Leo: Hey Liz your the light of my life!

Lizzie: Aww!

Raph just facepalmed but then found a red button

Raph: My leader instincts are tingling these must be the lights.

He presses the button but a cage opens and they all saw glowing red eyes

Leo: OK those are the glowing eyes I don't want to see!

Lizzie: ...what is that thing?

Raph: who cares?! RUN!

Raph Leo and Lizzie ran back into the junkyard but the monster was casing them

Leo: I'm starting to think mikey and Donnie's plan was better!

The three of them ran up to Donnie Mikey and Repo


Mikey: Guys! I told you to stay in the car!

Repo: who are these guys?

He got a better look and recognized them

Repo: the turtles and Lizzie?! Is this some kind of scamming family visit?!

Lizzie: you do NOT get to call me family Repo! Not after everything you did!

Leo: Uh Liz? Giant monster!

The monster pushed Repo against a car

Repo: Ow! and you let my cat out?! Are you crazy

Lizzie: Your... WHAT?!

Raph: Liz can you tell it we're friends?

Repo: it won't help! Mrs. Nubbins used to be so cuddly unlike some cats I know

Lizzie got even more mad but Leo comforted her

Leo: Dude... not cool

Repo: but then she was mutated into a mantis! Now all she wants to do is eat my head!

Nubbins started chasing Repo while the turtles and Lizzie just watched

Donnie: fun fact prying Manti often practice cannibalism!

Repo: not for me!

Leo: I think we're done here you guys wanna bounce?

Lizzie: yeah Repo can handle my replacement

Mikey: but we haven't found the armor and we can't leave him to get eaten

Lizzie: Oh great we get to save the guy who was never there for me or my mom, teamed up with draxum to help kidnap me and just replaced me!

Mikey: He's still your dad Liz! Without him you wouldn't be here! And your mom wouldn't have an amazing person like you for a daughter!

Raph Leo and Donnie were giving signals for Mikey to stop talking but Lizzie actually thought about what he said

Lizzie: Ok you guys take care of that thing I'll get repo out of here

Raph: We're on it!

The turtles went into action while Lizzie found Repo hiding behind an old car

Repo: Lizzie?!

Lizzie: come on I'm getting you out of here!

They both started running out of the junkyard. then lizzie saw the turtles falling from the sky so she as fast as lightning and caught them before they could hit the ground

Leo: Ow...

Lizzie: you guys ok?

Raph: we're fine. You?

Lizzie: I've been better

Donnie: wait Lizzie! You're a cat!

Lizzie:'re just realizing that now?

Donnie: No but you have to know how to stop that thing!

Lizzie: well I do like a good chase

Mikey: hey what if we made one of the cars look like a mouse?

Raph: Sounds like a great plan!

The turtles and Lizzie made one of the cars look like a mouse

Mikey: it's playtime Mrs. Nubbins!

They drove passed Nubbins who followed the car towards the pile of junk

Leo: everybody bail on three! Three!

The five of them jumped out of the car and nubbins ran into the junk pile

Mikey: Raph put the bus back!

Raph: I got this!

He started to push the bus

Raph: Pushing like a boss!

Raph passed out and by the time he woke the bus was blocking the entrance

Lizzie: Raph?

Leo: Hey Raph?

Raph: What happened?

Leo: You passed out again. Are you getting enough iron? Anyway while you were out we drove the bus back. Big scary kitty is all locked up oh and by big scary kitty I mean-

Lizzie: yeah I know

Raph stood up

Raph: great plan team!

Just then Repo walked up to them

Repo: Nice work putting my pet cat away. She gets so cranky when she's hungry. And Hey Lizzie you're finally good at something! Almost makes me regret teaming up with draxum! Almost

Leo: Dude really?

Raph: talk about being a jerk

Mikey: Not cool man

Donnie: it's just disappointing

Lizzie: Ok that's it!

She walked angrily up to Repo

Lizzie: I don't care if you're my 'dad' I still hate you!

Repo: hey! I'm giving you a compliment!

Lizzie: you're just despicable! And you know what?! You never loved about me! you never cared about mom! And you never even visited!

She started crying


Repo: I never even wanted to be your dad in the first place! You were a mistake! An accident! Never meant to happen! Alexa and I-

Lizzie: stop talking! I know how that works! Now the only reason we came here was to get the mystic metal! SO TELL US WHERE IT IS!

Repo: Mystic medal? Oh! That was a special order from a couple of shoes salesmen with flame heads they picked it up just before you guys got here-

Suddenly Lizzie punched Repo in the face

Repo: Ow!

Turtles: Whoa!

Lizzie: we're done here


The turtles and Lizzie drove off in the turtle tank

Leo: Hey Liz I know that was a lot back there but if you ever want to talk we're here

Lizzie: honestly I could use a hug...

Mikey: Aww! Bring it in!

The turtles hugged Lizzie and she hugged back

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