~ Chapter 3 ~

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After getting dressed up like a doll, Aditi was left alone as Dusshala had to look over the preparations for samaroh. With nothing to do and a whole palace unexplored she obviously started roaming around.

Aditi's POV

I was wandering in the corridors looking at how the palace is decorated like a new bride, there were so many flowers that the whole palace smelt sweet, diyas were lighted everywhere making it clear that there is no place for darkness in the palace. All of this on the arrival of the rajkumars, there definitely is a lot of love in this family, I was too absorbed in these thoughts when I bumped into someone. "Ouch!" I said and rubbed my head. "Excuse me." He said and offered his hand, I looked at him, he looked exactly like the boy who came to the battlefield with the big bird. "Are you the one who came flying with the bird?" I asked as I took his hand to get up. "No, no. He was my brother Nakul, he is the best! I think you are his fan now. Seeing his fighting skills, many heroes are already piled up. Girls go fangirling for my brother. Well are you one of them too? If yes, my brother is busy now, He can't meet you right now." He said in one breath and started to walk away. What does he think of himself?! I didn't come here to play love! I just have to find that boy and pay off his debt. But who can be that. Wait! I can ask that boy to make me meet other princes here, maybe that will help? I went after the boy and said to him, "Listen, what's your name?" The boy replied, "Sahadev, yours?" I smiled and said, "Aditi. Can you introduce me to other princes? I am new here. Please?" Sahadeva nodded and looked at me suspiciously. Seconds passed and sweat dropped of my forehead. "Fine. Come." Finally he sighed and we both walked towards a chamber. I hope he didn't see my bunny ears. 

Soon we entered a room where four kumars were talking. One of them was definitely Nakul. "They are my brothers. Bhrata Yudhishthir, Bhrata Bheem, Bhrata Arjun. Bhrata Nakul and I am the youngest." Said Sahadev. "Baby Brother!" Nakul teased him, making everyone laugh. I giggled as well. "Don't call me that bhrata!" Sahadev frowned . Nakul laughed and said, "Okay okay, who is she?" I smiled and said, "I am Aditi. Nice to meet you all." Yudhishthir got up and said, "Welcome princess Aditi. Make yourself comfortable." He pointed at a seat next to Arjun. "Princess?" Sahadeva turned to me with a suspicious and shocked look. "Dev, she is daughter of mata Gandhari's sakhi. She is here to spend time with sister Dusshala and Subhadra." Said Yudhishthir. "Oh, rajkumari do you know how to cook? We can cook together, though I will eat half of what we will cook." Said Bheemsen and laughed. He is so cute, but I don't think he will be the one. Maybe Yudhishthir, Arjun and Sahadev. One of them is definitely my saviour. I smiled and said, "I cook better than anyone kumar." Of course we know how to cook food and know the perfect ingredients needed to make the perfect dish, that is why food from swarg is considered as tasty as amruth. "You can't beat bhrata Bheem, Aditi. Don't challenge him." Said Nakul as he turned to me and I saw Sahadev leaving. "What if I won?" I arched an eyebrow. "Then all my mirrors will be yours." Said Nakul and everyone laughed except me. Mirrors? What's special in them?  

"Are you backing out princess?" asked Bheem as Yudhishthir shook his head. "You don't need to accept rajkumari, my brothers are just kidding" he said. He is so sweet but I won't back out or they'll think I can't cook and I was just bluffing, "It's ok rajkumar, when you are good at something and yet you back down when challenged that would be an insult to both your teacher and the skill itself." Arjun leaned forward and said, "I like your ideology princess". But Nakul interjected by saying "Bhrata, let's wait and see if she is actually good at cooking as she is with words." Yudhishthir just stared at his brothers and the princess. It is said 'Athidi devo bhava', so challenging a guest who is considered as god is disrespectful, yet the princess herself accepted the challenge and as she said if she doesn't prove herself it will be a disrespect to her guru as well as kala, he is in a dharmsankat now. So he let Mahadev himself solve this.  

3rd person POV

So they proceeded towards the kitchen. Once they reached there, they could see a lot of hustle and bustle going on as everyone was busy cooking for the samaroh, they received orders that today's food should be the best of the best as their princes have come back after long and anyone who knew their rajkumar Bheem's appetite knew that making all the food in the kitchen wouldn't be enough for him let alone the 105 other princes. And they also have royal guests who could complain if they didn't like the food. Today there is a lot of pressure on the poor cooks of Hastinapur

So when Bheem entered the kitchen the cooks were confused as to why the rajkumar is here. They knew that the prince loved to eat, but he only came at specific times like after breakfast and before lunch or at midnight, never before a huge dinner like this as he says, he has to be hungry enough to eat all the food items as it would be an insult to Mata Annapurna and also the ones who prepared the food to not taste everything. 

They all looked at him, confused, when he said with a booming voice, "Everyone can continue cooking, we won't come in between, we just want some space for princess Aditi to cook". By now most of the people in the palace have heard about the beautiful princess Aditi who is like a putri to their maharani, so they immediately came to her service, asking her if they should help her. Finally Aditi got all the ingredients she needed after telling all the cooks there that she can cook on her own and they don't need to cook for her or help her. As she has very less time and she also has to get ready for the samaroh she decided to make simple dinner, she decided on making puri, roti, rice, dal, potato curry, paneer curry, bitter gourd curry ( Why not? They said she can't cook, now let them eat this), papad, kheer and ladoo with lots of ghee and other milk products like curd (Yep that's definitely simple and lite food for them, but if I eat all that I'll not be able to eat anything else the whole day). She started making all these and soon completed them, she was one of the best once in her class, so she is sure everyone will like the food. She served them into four plates (Remember, Sahadev left before) and took them to the four brothers waiting in the dining hall. Smelling the food Bheem started feeling more hungry. Rest of the brothers also definitely loved the smell as everyone could see that they were waiting to taste the food. Once they tasted the food, they couldn't speak as the taste had them captivated. Hence without much talking everyone completed the food.

Aditi stood waiting to know what their opinion is, she stared at them with curious eyes. Finally Bheem spoke "Not bad, you definitely can cook." Saying that he left to get ready. She stared at his retreating back, shocked at what he said. What does he mean by she can cook? If the food was just ok, then why did he clear the whole plate? She heard laughter from behind and turned to glare at the others. That is when Arjun came to her and said "This is the best food I have eaten apart from my mata's, you are a wonderful cook princess." "Yes, Bhrata Bheem just couldn't believe you are better than him at cooking." said Nakul laughing. "Nakul!" Yudhishthir reprimanded him. He turned to her and said "I agree with Arjun, your cooking is really excellent, your guru would definitely be proud of you." Hearing that she again felt sad on not being able to meet her gurus or her friends, but she remembered her guru saying that duty comes first, even before relations, she decided she'll follow that and one day will make everyone proud. That's when she heard Nakul say "Too bad Dev couldn't eat this wonderful meal." and slowly all of them left to their rooms to get ready.

And all the time as she was getting ready all she could think of is, why is Sahadev so mysterious, why does he give her those suspicious looks. She should talk to him about this soon. After getting ready she was feeling bored, so she again started roaming the palace. This time lost in the thoughts of Pandav kumars she again ran into someone. Today definitely wasn't her day, first Sahadev now someone else, why does she meet new people by bumping into them, if her friends in swarg get to know this, they'll surely tease her for years. She rubbed her head, when she heard a strong yet gentle voice ask "Are you ok Devi". She nodded, but when she tried to get up, her leg gave out, looks like I sprained it she thought. The person seeing that she can't get up, gave her his hand as support, she took it gratefully. "I'm sorry for bumping into you and thank you for your help. I am Aditi" she said. He looked at her, he did hear about the new princess but didn't know she was so down to earth that she just said her name instead of introducing herself as the princess of her rajya. "Kumar???" she called snapping him out of his thoughts. "You don't have to say neither sorry nor thank you devi. It was even my mistake as I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking and it is my duty to help people when they need it, especially when they get hurt because of me." "You are very kind kumar, but I still don't know your name" she said innocently. He smiled at her as he said "I'm Karna". She did hear about him, all the gossips in the palace are about him. What with the sudden arrival of Maharani's friend's daughter and rajkumar making Karna the king of Anga, the gossipmongers are very busy. Some say he's a sutputr or something, she didn't really know all those divisions, a person should be judged by his skill not his birth. And she has seen him use the bow, he is definitely very skilled. And she respects that. "Pranipat Angaraj" she said. "Pranam rajkumari Aditi, but please call me Karna not Angraj, I am very grateful to my mitr that he recognized me as skilled and worthy to rule a kingdom but I would like people to know me as myself rather than the raja of Ang desh." She nodded and tried to walk but couldn't as her leg hurts when she tried to move. "Devi let me help you, I've heard that rajkumar Nakul and Sahadev are good physicians, let me take you to them, they might help you." "Sure, mata Kunti might also be there and if I call you Karna, you should also call me Aditi, not devi or rajkumari." He was surprised but he nodded. 

Slowly they made their way to the Pandavas room, they can hear laughter from inside. Karna knocked on the door. Soon it was opened by Nakul. On seeing Karna he was shocked and suspicious but when he looked at Aditi he understood something is wrong and she's in pain, instantly he took her hand to support her and asked what happened. Karna answered for her, telling how she bumped into him and fell twisting her leg. Mata Kunti and another beautiful girl came to help her, they invited Karna inside too but he declined and left. 

She was taken to a nearby bed and was laid down. Mata Kunti and the other girl sat with her as Nakul started checking her leg and talking to Sahadev. Soon they decided it isn't a broken bone and wouldn't be a problem but for today she has to be under observation to see if it worsens, but she should keep moving her leg as it would pain more if she rests it too much and then try to move it. So it is decided that she will go to the samaroh with the Pandavas and she'd be with Nakul and Sahadev so that they can help if it hurts too much. 

"Why is it that you always bump into people when you first meet them? Is it how you great people in Saurashtra?" Nakul joked. Saurashtra, what's he talking about she thought. She was about to ask when Kunti said, "Putron, I and Subhadra will help her, why don't you go and meet tatshree Bhishma by then, once you come back we'll go to the samaroh together." While leaving rajkumar Arjun turned back to look at Subhadra before blushing and looking away. It didn't go unnoticed by Nakul and Aditi, both shared a look and decided to talk later. Aditi stared at Sahadev but he wasn't looking at her, it was like he is purposefully trying to avoid her. She needs to talk to him too. 

Once the pandavas left Kunti turned to her and said, putri Krishaa this is Subhadra daughter of my brother Vasudev and sister of Balaram and Krishna. Hearing this Aditi remembered all that time she waited to listen to the flute of Krishna, his leelas, seeing Subhadra here just made her feel happy, like she is near to her god. "Pranipat rajkumari Subhadra" she said. "Pranipat sakhi. You are sakhi to Dusshala so you are my sakhi too. I guess this is what bhrata Krishna is telling me" said Subhadra. "What do you mean sakhi?" "When I was coming here, Bhrata said I'll find a family here, I thought as it is my aunt's house so this is also my family but he also said I'll get a sister for life and I have a feeling that he was talking about you." she said in a single breath. "Breath Subhadra, putri Krishaa isn't running of anywhere" said mata Kunti while smiling. Then she turned to Aditi and said "We talked to Krishna about you being divine and of your mission here and he talked to Maharaj and Maharani of Saurashtra, they now consider you as their daughter, as they don't have daughters and always wanted one, now they feel god has fulfilled their wish, they have 2 sons, your bhratas, they all are very eager to meet you. Maharani of Saurashtra is a friend of mine and jiji Gandhari we have talked to her too. You are officially their daughter now, Rajkumari of Saurashtra, Aditi, the gift of lord Indra."

"Mata you have done so much for me, I will always be thankful to you." said Aditi. "You call me mata, and you don't expect a mata to be there for her putri?" Mata Kunti kissed her forehead and said "Let's go, or we'll be late."

Finally they arrived at the samaroh, the celebration on arrival of the princes. Mata Kunti sat with other ladies while Dusshala finally being free came to her sakhis to show them around and also point out how she helped in setting all this up for her bhratas. "Both of you have 2 brothers each, just imagine having 106 brothers like me? I had to work hard to set everything up perfectly" she said. They then reached the place where instruments were being played and dancers were dancing while the Pandav kumars were standing there talking, Aditi looked at Subhadra again staring at rajkumar Arjun. She smiled and looked at rajkumar Nakul telling him to look at Arjun and Subhadra lost in each other's eyes and smiles. A mischievous smirk made its way on his face. Dusshala was saying how she can't play instruments, but Subhadra plays them well, when he said, "Bhrata Arjun can play any instrument, he is very talented." Arjun tried to protest but when his bhrata Bheem and Nakul and all the three princesses present there requested he had to oblige. He started playing the veena. Aditi felt herself immerse into the tune. She looked at Subhadra and could see she also was mesmerized by it. He finished playing and all the pandavas clapped while the princesses were smiling. Everyone clapped as he smiled and again stared at Subhadra. He bowed down and thanked everyone.

That is when a voice interrupted the claps "Wonderful, you played so well bhrata Arjun." There stood the eldest Kaurava prince clapping, he took a necklace and threw it at Arjun, while the kauravas laughed and Karna smiled. Duryodhan asked Karna if he plays any instruments and Karna replies that it'd be an insult for him if anyone asked this question. Duryodhan continued by saying that Arjun is tarnishing the pride of Kuru vansh. Everyone there were staring angrily at Duryodhan and Karna while Aditi was shocked at seeing such disrespect to people of their own family. Is the love seen in this family just a show? Don't these people even respect each other. Because she learnt that love is born through respect. And Karna, when she first met him she felt that he is a gentle and sweet man but now, he along with others are disrepecting a kala. She heard the brothers fighting about yesterday's kala pradarshan. And then enters Gandharraj, who instead of breaking up the fight was adding ghee to the fire. What kind of elders try to make brothers fight thought Aditi. 

That's when Karna said "Continue Rajkumar, to entertain the princesses you might even become a dancer." That is when Arjun lost his patience, he took out his knife and advanced towards Karna as Yudhishthir asked him to restrain himself. And looks like bad things always happen to Pandavas, no one was there to see what the kauravas did but when Arjun has his knife out at Karna, the elders, Pitamah Bhishma, Mahamantri Vidur entered questioning his deeds. And Gandharaj as usual twists the thing and says Arjun rose his weapons against their guest, a friend of Hastinapur. And as luck would have it, Maharaj and Maharani enter at that time and again blame Arjun. 

Aditi had enough "Aparadh? Then is disrespecting kala not an aparadh? Is disrespecting devi Saraswati, the devi who gives us all knowledge not an aparadh maharaj" she questioned. Everyone stared at her. She turned to Mahamantri Vidur, " Mahamantri I have heard about you a lot, you have to do justice, but is justice in Hastinapur one sided? Won't the other person get a chance to state his side?" she questioned. "Devi, Who are you?" asked Bhishma Pitamah. "Pitamah I am rajkumari of Saurashtra, a gift from Devraj Indra to Maharaj Rakshapal and Maharani Sulochana. The only sister to two warrior brothers Dharmapal and Dhanpal. My name is Aditi." She bowed down and took his blessings. Gandharaj Shakuni tried to interject by stating that it is Hastinapur's matter. "Sorry Gandharaj, but Saurashtra is a friend of Hastinapur for generations, I am as much of a guest here as Angraj Karna and you are, Gandharaj. When you can state your opinion then why can't I. Is Saurashtra not being considered as a friend or am I not being considered as a guest. Also I speak as an unbiased witness. Has Hastinapur stopped taking witness statement before passing judgement?" she questioned. Gandharaj couldn't answer as pitamah Bhishma is already smiling, he understood what rajkumari Aditi is doing, if she is asked not to speak, then being an outsider Gandhar naresh also can't speak. Only Angraj would be able to speak as it concerns him. And Shakuni knew Karna wouldn't twist words like he did, so he had to shut up. She turned to the elders with folded hands and explained everything that happened, how Duryodhan had disrespected both the Kala and rajkumar Arjun too. "I agree that rajkumar shouldn't have lost his patience, but words spoken by them made him do that" she said. After listening to this Mahamantri finally passed the judgement that Arjun should wash the legs of Karna with milk as an apology for raising a weapon on him. 

Aditi could see both Karna and Arjun glaring at each other, none of them apologetic at their actions. She shook her head, this will someday lead to bad outcome, she doesn't know how but she could feel it. Everyone were seperated. While Duryodhan was fuming at Aditi, Karna is shocked to see a girl brave enough to speak her mind out in front of all. While all the pandavas were thankful, Arjun was more than thankful, he vowed to not let anything harm her, his little sister in a way, he did feel a connection when they first met, but now he understood why, both of them are Indradev's gifts, and a beautiful friendship is budding between the divine siblings.

As they were talking, Pitamah Bhishma came seeking Aditi, when he knew no one could eavesdrop on their conversation, he spoke, "I knew you were divine when I first saw you putri. You have a rare combination of, Dharma, Duty, Justice, Intelligence and Courage. Putri I request you to keep supporting righteousness, the Pandavas though right are too naive to see the trickery of Shakuni, I would like you to support them in their every step."

"Pitamah, I will always support those who are righteous and follow dharma, just like I did today. And I have seen the Pandavas enought to know they'll never be adharmis, hence I'll always support them. It will be my duty, I promise you." Bhishma smiled and said "Kalyan ho putri, may all your wishes come true. Arjun just like you is a gift to us from Lord Indra putri, all the Pandu putr are gifts to us from gods. Hastinapur is really blessed" he said and went away. She was still thinking about what he said to ask back. All are gifts of gods? Does that mean my guess is right? Is one of them an Ashwineya? As she was thinking she heard Dusshala, Mata Gandhari and Mata Kunti call her. She reached them and said "Pranipat." "Sakhi you are very brave, if it was me I would never have talked in front of so many people said Dusshala." " Dusshala I just did what is right, why should I be afraid to talk when I know I am right" she asked. "You are right little sister" said Bheem coming along with the other Pandavas. Gandhari spoke, saying "Putri, I know you are right. But it would be better if you wouldn't come near my chamber or Dusshala's for few days, as my putr Duryodhan is very angry at you. It isn't your fault and he'll understand that soon enough. Till then it is better you stay with Kunti as my sons would be with me or their sister, it has been long since they are with us so they'll spend time with us. If you are with us they might say something to you in anger, they definitely don't mean it, they aren't bad at heart, they just don't know how to control their anger. Please understand putri." she pleaded. "Mata you don't need to ask me, you have the right to order me. I'll stay with mata Kunti, Subhadra and Pandavas till you feel it's ok." After her assuring, Maharani left to meet her sons. while Subhadra left with Dusshala. "If that stupid Duryodhan tries anything I'll just smash him like an ant" roared Bheem. While Arjun looked protectively at his sakhi who is also his divine baby sister. "Bheem!! Duryodhan is our brother" warned Yudhishthir. "Let's go to our room, we can talk there."

Once in the room everyone started talking and laughing, everyone formed a bond with Aditi. Yudhishthir: as the calm elder brother who always saves you from everyone and never scold you even if you prank him, Bheem: the protective brother who also teases you, but even if a mosquito bites you, he can't bear it, Arjun: the sakha and the brother who is always there for you, Sahadev: The quiet friend who helps you in need. But Nakul was that one who soon became her best friend as she became his partner in crime. Being around the same age and enjoying pranks and teasing automatically built a bond between them as they continued laughing all night. They decided to sleep and go out to the gardens the next morning.

Aditi prayed to Indradev as she slept. In her dream, Indradev appeared in front of her "Putri Aditi, on the request of Lord Krishna himself, I have talked to the Maharaj and Maharani of Saurashtra, they have been wanting a daughter for long. From now on you will be known as their daughter. You will be known as a blessing of Indra, here by you will be known to the whole world as my putri Indraja:- Daughter of Indra. You have a part to play in this dharmasthapna, I trust your brother, my putr Arjun, he'll always take care of you. You must be their shield as they are yours putri. May you always be strong, Shri Krishna will always guide you my child. Ayushman bhava." he blessed and vanished as she woke up to find a glittering pendant on her. It was shaped like raindrops and hearts, telling her that she'll always be loved by the lord of rain, Indra. And it shone brightly like a star, telling her that her pitashree's blessings will always shine on her, protecting her from any harm. 

Just as the rain by Indra brings new life to earth, she being Indraja should bring new hope to people.

The next day everyone woke up early or rather they weren't able to sleep as they found new energy upon the arrival of Aditi. They again started enjoying life without any troubles, like they used to. They all went to the edge of the garden and settled near a river, Mata Kunti and Aditi were busy weaving flowers so that they can offer it to god when they went to mandir. They kept talking, soon Aditi and Nakul started pranking Bhrata Bheem who fell asleep due to the cool air after a heavy meal. Yudhishthir and Sahadev sat reading books while occasionally glancing at the pranksters. Arjun was also enjoying the different sounds of animals and birds there. Suddenly they here a squeal of a baby animal. Everyone turned to look where it was coming from. They glanced at the river, in which a baby deer is trying it's best to stay afloat and not drown. Looks like it came to drink water and by mistake fell into the rapid currents. Everyone stood up to save it, but Sahadev who was nearest ran to it, removed it from the water. Took off his angavastra and wrapped it around the baby deer. He brought in onto the land and laid it down, checked it for injuries, brought some herbs from nearby plants and helped it breath properly again. Slowly it gained consciousness and stood shakily on it's legs, One can see the gratefulness in it's eyes, it slowly went away thanking everyone. All looked normal except Nakul who made a sound which I understood to be "Your Welcome" in the language of deers. I know I can speak animal languages, but I never tried it here on earth, I thought it would only work in swarg like my immortality, but guess I still have it, I turned to Nakul and asked him in the same deer language "You speak animal languages?" He stared at me shocked and said "Yes." 

She continued thinking about everything that has happened when suddenly like a lightning bolt it striked her, " If Kul can talk to animals, and is also a physician, then he definitely is an Ashwineya, then being his twin____. I think I found the one, I think I found my saviour, he might be The Ashwineya I am looking for, who else will save an animal like that, same way he saved me years ago. I'm sure he is who I am looking for all this time.", she thought. She prayed to Indradev for him to be the one.


I hope you like the chapter...

Sorry I took so long to update, I'm lazy and also college work has been keeping me busy. As an apology I wrote the longest chapter till now (More than 4500 words), even longer than my OS. I'll try to update the next chapter soon, but I have my exams in August, after those I'll surely update again.

And by the way, did u notice Nakul forgetting something??? Or was that on purpose???

Yes you are right, his mirrors, Aditi definitely won the cooking competition. But she didn't get his mirrors yet, should tell her to claim the prize... 

Do vote and comment. I'd love to know your opinion.

Have a nice day!!!


-- Ashwini...★

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