10 days of 10 deaths//Sad song-shot

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Another update, be happy (or not cuz this is a sad). This is a FULL sad one. Hold dem tears back, fam, you most likely will cry.

Type: Sad. Death.

Ship/s: Skylox, MunchingUniverse, SetoSolace, Crundee (idk, I'm doing it, cuz FUK IT Idk if I ship this rlly), Merome, Vikklan, Poofless, Noochzahhutt (I fukin' ship it, plz don't hate meh), Keneco (plz don't kill me), Doubdil40 (idfk, I found some tweet in google about it).

Warnings: Sad. May make u cry. Death. Trigger warning.

Words: 1100+


Day 1 -Merome-

 "You and I.." Jerome whispers, tears falling from his cheeks. Mitch layed limp, with a arrow on his chest. As the hunger games' fireworks started sparking in the sky.

 "...We're like fireworks and symphonies exploding in the Sky..." he added, looking at his dead best friend, who he had a crush on. This hunger games, was the last hunger games he would play, without his Benja.

 'I would take a shot for you' 

Day 2 -Doubdil40-

 "...With you I'm alive..." Bodil remembers, when Double pushed him away from the falling solid metal. And instead crushed him instead. The most horrible thing that would ever happen to him.

 "...Like all the missing pieces of my heart, they finally collide..." tears pricking his eyes. Then slowly fall onto his cheeks. Just remembering the last smile he saw from Double.

'I'll take the weight from your arms off you'

Day 3 -MunchingUniverse-

 "...So stop time right here, in the moonlight..." Tyler sang. It was a night. Tyler , sat, crying, under the moon, the reflected light shimmering under him. He looked down, at the lifeless body of a Spaceman, he loved so dearly. Some red scars here and there.

 "...'Cause I don't ever wanna close my eyes..." he looked down at the, red scars and bruises visible on his face. He proctected him from a hord of hostile mobs. But it cost his life to do it.

'I'll protect you from the monsters'

Day 4 -Noochzahhutt-

 "...Without you I feel broke like I'm half of a whole..." Matt muttered. He felt like his heart was broken into half. Crying onto the slime player's numb body, who was poisoned to death.

 "...Without you I've got no hand to hold..." he sobs  holding onto his hand. He loved his touch before his lover was poisoned by a splash potion from some kind of evil potion maker. That was suppose to land on him, but Brandon had to push him away and it had to be him, now he's watching him die in pioson.

'I would take the poison out of you'

Day 5 -Keneco-

 "...Without you I feel torn..." Kenny sings softly. Sobbing as he watched the Chocobo stop breathing.

 "...Like a sail in a storm..." He had to save him from that storm of waves. He had to push him out of storm to save him, but drown. The lifeless Choco was pushed to the land by the water, after he died.

'I won't let you drown in tears'


 The five boys followed, each one of them...

"...Without you..." Mitch sings...

"...I'm just a ..." Double sobs...

"...Sad song..." Jason whimpers...

"...I'm just a..." Brandon muttered...

"...Sad song..." Choco adds...

They sang, even though they can't hear them...


Day 6 -Crundee-

 "...With you I fall..." Crainer looks down at the empty cliff. Almost as empty as his heart is. He has to pull him away from that fall, and it had to be him to fall.

"...It's like I'm leaving all my past silhouettes up on the wall..." He remembers the day before his death. The day when Iam confessed to him, like he forgot all the scary shadows haunting him. Now it's coming back... he wished He was back.

'I will take the jump of the empty void just for you'

Day 7 -Poofless-

 "...With you I'm a beautiful mess..." Preston muttered under his breath. Remembering a month before him being in a hospital room, with Rob on a bed. A memory of how Rob placed a red, orange and white flower crown on his hair and how he complimented him on how beautiful he was.

 "...It's like we're standing..." He trailed off before looking at the doctor who pulled the plug. He broke into tears, the salty water falling onto the beautiful flower crown, somehow still looking fresh and pretty. 

'Your still beautiful even with your life gone'

Day 8 -Vikklan-

 "...Hand in Hand..." Vikk says softly. Holding the Aussie's pale hand- that was used to be full of life and happiness... now just cold and feeling of emptiness.

 "...With all our fears, up on the edge..." Memories came swirling in his mind. He remembered when Lachlan would give him soft kisses, and warm cuddles. That would make him feel safe around, and forgot all the fears he had. But the only fear that came true to him, was losing his love one.

'Even if I'm dead, I'll chase away the fears around you'


"...So stop time right here..." Ian says flying at the edge of the cliff, right infront of Crainer...

"...In the moonlight..." Rob watched Preston let his tears stream down his face...

"...'Cause I don't ever..." Lachlan whispers as he sat down beside Vikk, holding the hand of his dead body...

"...Wanna close my eyes..." the trio all sang...

Merome: "...Without you...

Doubdil40: "...I feel broke..."

MunchingBrotato: "...Like I'm half of a whole..."

Noochzahhutt: "...without you..."

Keneco: "...I've got no hand to hold..."

Crundee: "...Without you I feel torn..."

Poofless: "...Like a sail in a storm..."

Vikklan: "...Without you..."

All: "...I'm just a sad song..."


Day 9 -SetoSolace-

 "...You're the perfect Melody, the only Harmony..." Brice whimpers. As he keeps remembering the lovely voice of a sorcerer. It was music to his ears.

"...I wanna hear..." he added, trailing off. He only wished he could hear his voice again. He would if a crash didn't hit him in the roads, from a truck. Oh how he miss him, especially his voice like from the concert he told his feelings to.

'I'll take the pain of a crash for you'

Day 10 -Skylox-

 "...Your my favorite, Part of me..." Adam moves the hair bangs of Ty. Some tears falling down his pale face. Hoping that he'll come back. But sadly, of course it wont work

"...With you standing  next to me, I've got nothing to fear..." he quickly adds the lyrics in. Just wishing that he could have come sooner. Ty was hung to death. Adam just came a second late before seeing his soul leave his mortal temple swinging on a noose of a rope. He was tortured to death.

'I'll take the noose of the rope' 


Jerome: "...Without you...

Bodil: "...I feel broke..."

Tyler: "...Like I'm half of a whole..."

Matt: "...Without you..."

Kenny: "...I've got no hand to hold..."

Crainer: "...Without you..."

Preston: "...I feel torn..."

Vikk: "...Like a sail, in a storm..."

Brice: "...Without you..."

Adam:  "...I'm just a...

All of them (alive): "...Sad song..."


 Mitch: "...Without you..."

Double: "...I feel broke..."

Jason: "...Like I'm half of a whole..."

Brandon: "...Without you..."

Choco: "...I've got no hand to hold..."

Ian: "...Without you..."

Rob: "...I feel torn..."

Lachlan: "...Like a sail, in a storm..."

Seto: "...Without you..."

Ty: "...I'm just a..."

All of them (dead): "...Sad song..."


All (both dead and alive): "I'm just a... Sad Song..."


Ok, I told you it's a full sad song-shot. Did ya' cry? I did a bit. But my fams (Irl and Wattpad friends) got me to make me happy! Tell me what is your favorite ship/part in this chapter! Please if you enjoyed any part of the book, vote and comment! I like all the feedback your giving me!

Song: 'Sad Song' by We The Kings ft. Elena Coats

Help in lyrics: A-Z lyrics

Characters are them selves and ships are for anyone and everyone.

That's it for this chapter. Tell me what ship/s should I make. Thanks and I'll see you guys in the next chapter! Good-bye!!!!!


September/8/2017 (Its only been a few days since I fricken published this why am I still adding this? Oh yeah, cuz I'm a douché.)

Hey, there! So, I'm asking if you bogus want me to make a sequel to this! Hmm... I don't know... should I? Tell me what you guys want by commenting down below! Thank you and Good bye!


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