Just pretend//Vikklan

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Hi... I'm back.

I'm updating in my small untold hiatus :')

I'll be confirming I'll really back in less than a week though. I'm coming back to liking Wattpad again and building up my confidence and pateince again. But for now, here CrystalHeartRing for the long awaited request you've been asking for, part 1! Since you've been desperate lmao

Main ship: Vikklan

Side ship/s: ???

Settings: Sidemen House (2nd one), the 4 still living together

Warnings: Minor cussing. F bomb in the end though

Words: 3858

Enjoy my dudes!~

Vik’s POV

I was at my room editing a video when I heard a knock on my door. I hum and say “Come in.” To whoever is in the other side of my room. I hear my door swing open and I turn around to see that it was Simon. I raised an eyebrow at him before turning back to my computer.

“So what brings you in my room, Simon?” I ask him. “Well,” I hear him breathed out “I needed to ask you something.” I slightly hummed as I stopped and swiveled my chair to fully face him. “Oh? And what would that be?” I look at him. I see him slightly fidget his fingers until he composes himself, “I… uh…” he whispers, seeming to have a hard time finding the words. I patiently wait for him until he inhales and exhales then saying something I’ve never thought he would actually ask.

“Would you go out with me?”

He looked at me dead in the eye, and I sat there in shock. He... he what? Did he just ask me out on a date or something? “W-What?” I stuttered a little. Asking him if I heard him wrong or not. Is he joking with me? “I said, would you go out with me?” he repeated himself and it made me sure that he wasn’t joking. He’s actually asking me for a date. /A date/.Well crap.

Now don’t get me wrong. I’m bisexual and everyone who I know knows I am, but I actually never thought someone, let alone my housemate Simon, ask me out. I mean, he’s a real nice and funny guy that I get along with really well along with the other guys. He’s actually pretty cool and has looks as well, but I see him more as a brother than a lover really. Other than that, there is a certain other Sideman that likes him, and I’ve been aching to set them up.

As I thought of that, I spaced out a bit as I tried to comprehend on what he just said. “So what will it be?” He says, getting a bit impatient. My eyes slowly go over to him, “I-I don’t know Simon... N-Now, it doesn’t mean that I don’t like you and you’re a real nice guy, a-and… I-It’s just… I don’t know.” I mutter. I hear him slightly grumble, “Vik, It’s a yes or no question, is it really that hard?” I mentally roll my eyes at him. In a matter of fact, it actually is hard. “Do…. Do I have to answer right now?” I question him. His icy blue eyes advert to another direction and he thinks about it. I bite my lip as think over my situation. It’s just… I don’t want to break his heart and make it awkward between us.

He sighs as he looks back me, “I’ll give you three days to decide.” He tells me, about to turn around and walk out. “W-Wait, Simon.” I stop him and he does. He looks back at me and raises an eyebrow with his head a bit tilted. “The reason why I can’t say... i-is because….” I stammered. Me trying to find a logical excuse to tell him the reason why I can’t date him, “B-Because…” He waits for my answer as he impatiently he stares at me, “Is because?...” I suddenly blurted out an excuse without half a mind to really think about it before I did out of panic.

“I already have a boyfriend.”

I told him. Simon’s eyes widened in astonishment. My face slightly flushes pink to what I just said. Oh my gosh, I said what. “Y-You do?” he asks me, and I nodded my head at him. What the hell am I saying?! I don’t really have a boyfriend! “Yeah… f-for a bit now.” I mumble, barely even thinking about my words. “Why haven’t you told any of us? You came out the closet months ago.” He urges me for more answers. My mind quickly makes up an explanation with the words going out, trying to be quiet calm. “I’ve just been waiting the right time to tell you guys...” I mumble. Simon nods as he looked a bit sad.

“Well, who is it then? Do we now him?” he suddenly asks me. Well fuck, I haven’t thought about that. “Um…” I start thinking for people that he knows that are pretty compatible with me. Someone who is close to me and knows me pretty well. Someone who can be trusted by the Sidemen as well. And especially can back me up with my problem when I explain it to them. I find the right person almost instantly as I say his name, “Lachlan.” I tell him.

He seems even more surprised at that, but he doesn’t seem as upset as before. “So Vikklan is real huh?” He grins. Oh yeah, I forgot that the whole Sidemen really like Lachlan as a friend and all kept teasing me about our ship. Honestly, I don’t mind since I am really close to him. “Well then, isn’t he flying over to London for the convention next week?” He remarks. Oh gosh, I completely forgot that Lachlan is coming from down under to join a convention with me and some others. This just went really wrong now.

Crap, crap, crap, crap-

Wait, this actually isn’t so bad...

I can explain him my situation when his plane arrives. I’ll then tell him to pretend to be my boyfriend for the day, and I know he’ll say yes since I’m one of his best friends and he also owes me in some stuff I saved him in. We could just be all lovey dovey for some time, and when he leaves we’ll be free for the rest of the time. Well, of course with some teasing after. We’ll just say we broke up in a few days or so, and Simon most likely won’t ask me out after it as well. If he soon does though, I could just say I’m still not ready for another relationship. 100 percent fool proof!

“Uh… yeah, he is! And I’m picking him up.” I reply. He smiles and nods his head. “Alright then, we’ll see your boyfriend soon, yeah?” He says as he is about to leave my room. I make a small fake laugh and nod my head. Once he leaves and closes the door, I quickly turned myself back to my computer. I save my work before going to skype and messaging him to call me.

It didn’t take him much time to see my message and call me instantly. His skype icon pop up to show he is calling me and I instantly accept. “Hey Vikky. You okay? Something wrong? My plane is going to board soon.” His think Australian accent is heard from his end as he talks. “Um… I’m alright, but… I have a little problem right now.” I answer him as I hear shuffling in the background before a response. “Yeah, what is it?” He says, sounding concerned which honestly makes me smile on how he is concerned about me. “I’ll tell you when you get here. Don’t call a taxi, I’m going to be the one to pick you up, okay?” I quickly tell him. I can tell he’s confused right now and wanting to urge me more, but he decided against the decision. “Alright. I just hope your okay. I’ll see you soon.” I slight smile and a wash of relief came over me. “I’ll be fine. Thanks Lachy, and I’ll see you soon too.” I reply with a slight smile.

He hangs up and I feel the panic that was once in me fade. I made a plan to get out of this, and now all I have to do is set it up.

Maybe saying no to Simon would have been easier.

I see the plane landing which should be Lachlan’s. I hurried through the airport to be able to find him when he gets out. Me being a tad bit early to make sure I do get him in an efficient time. It should be another few minutes before I can pick him up though, so I decided to get some coffee while I’m here.

After waiting the unbelievable short line and now waiting for my coffee. I suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap around me making me yelp. I would have screamed though if it wasn’t for the recognizable Australian accented laugh behind me. “Lachlan!” I exclaimed. I hear a giggle from the tall bastard before he finally puts me back down. My coffee was already there, so I picked it up  and looked behind me.

It was of course the blue-eyed blonde Aussie who is happily smiling at me. “Hehe, missed me Vikky?” He said, a bit tauntingly. I roll my eyes at him, “Not as much as I hate you for almost giving me a heart attack.” I say slyly. He laughed as we went on to get the rest of his luggage. I decided to tell him once we get them and start to leave.

“You remembered our call yesterday, Lachy?” I ask him, taking a sip of my hot beverage as I hold one of his stroller luggage. He nods his head, “Yeah I do…” He looks at me with a concerned expression. “What is it about?” he asks me. I slightly sigh as I glance at him, seeing the worry clear in his eyes that makes me feeling bad a bit.

“Simon tried to ask me out.” I tell him. He hums, raising an eyebrow at me “And…?” “ And I didn’t really want to break his heart by saying no, so I… uh…” I start to trail off at the embarrassing excuse I told Simon yesterday. Lachlan waits for me to answer as I try to find the right words to explain “Um… I kind of, maybe told him I had a… erm… a boyfriend..?” I stammered out embarrassingly as I advert my eyes in the other direction.

I hear Lachlan say “Oh.” Making me even more embarrassed. “I’m guessing you actually don’t have a boyfriend, and you want to ask me to pretend as one?” He says. I blush as I nodded my head. “Please? We’ll just be pretending, and I just don’t want to hurt Simon while also not being in a relationship as him, I just don’t see him in that way.” I say, maybe at the point of begging.

Lachlan looks at me and chuckles, leaving me confused. “It’s alright Vikky. I’ll back you up on this problem of yours, and I’ll be your pretend boyfriend.” He assures me followed by his comforting smile. I sigh in relief once he said that. “Thank you so much Lachy.” I thank him. He smiles at me and just nods. A comfortable silence sets in between us. I felt less tense now that I know Lachlan we’ll help me through.

Lachlan starts to laughs when we are half way there to my car. “What’s so funny?” I question him. Lachlan quiets himself a bit as a few giggles escape “It’s just that…” he makes a goofy grin as he then looks down at me, “Neither of us asked each other on a pretend date?” I roll my eyes playfully and laugh a bit, “Well then, do you want to go on a pretend date with me, Lachlan?” I say in a jokingly flirty tone. He chuckles, playing by it “Why, of course Vikky.” He responds back with a wide grin.

We both look at each other for a bit before bursting out laughing. Well, this seems to be going well already, and we haven’t even started at the pretending part. “That was so stupid.” Lachlan chuckles. “I know right.” I agree with him. I then see my car, not far away from us. I then snicker as I turn back to the taller “Oh and Lachlan?” He hums out a “Yeah?” in response as his eyes glance down at me.

“Your not allowed to fall in love with me, alright?” I tell him as a joke. He laughs and answers back.

“Not a problem.”

Time flew by pretty quickly as we joked and talked in the car. Him giving him flirty jokes that made me really made me laugh or smile. He’s such a dork. It didn’t take long for us to reach the Sidemen house either. Though, as the realization hit me, I became more nervous as I drive closer to it. My hands gripped the steering wheel harder, and my palms started to sweat. My heartbeat raced a bit as I became uneasy. Not only that but I also started to chew on my lip, a nervous habit I do.

Lachlan seems to notice fairly quickly at how nervous I am too.  “It’ll be alright Vik. We’ll get through this together.” He whispered comfortingly as he puts his hand on my shoulder and squeezes it. He does this every time I’m nervous, scared or worried and he’s physically here with me. I do the same thing to him as well when he panics or at the verge of tears. It’s just a thing between us. “Thanks Lachy.” I breathed out softly.

He nods at me as he opens his side and gets up while I do the same. He opens the back of the car so we can get his stuff. I tried assisting in carrying most of his items, but he insisted that he’ll do it. After having a slight argument, I huffed in amusement as I held two of his bags and locked my car. He followed me to the front, but before I could even open the door myself Josh already did. He was smiling at both me and Lachlan as soon as he saw us.

Before either of us could say anything Josh spoke up first. “Wouldn’t it be the lovely Vikklan couple?” I raised an eyebrow at him with a light blush, and I’m pretty sure so does Lachlan. He just chuckles while letting us in. I went in first then Lachlan. Josh smirks at both of us as he closes and locks the door again.

“So Lachlan, you’ll be sleeping with Vik I am guessing?” Josh’s remarks. Both of our faces turn bright red. I had no idea what to say or do, but Lachlan sure did. He just nodded his head as he let go of one of his bags and wraps an arm around me. “Since I’m pretty sure you know, I am.” Lachlan said with no hesitation as I looked up at him, continuing on. “I’ve been waiting to bee able to cuddle my Vikky without hiding ever since we started dating.” I blushed as he said that. His words came out so naturally and without suspicion as well.

Josh looks at my ‘boyfriend’ for a while as if he didn’t expect that. Honestly, I didn’t either. He seemed so sincere and believable that I could even believe it myself. We both looked at Josh who was looking right back at us. The then nods his head at Lachlan, “Well go on ahead. I’m pretty sure you already know where it is.” He says, waving him off. “I also need to talk to Vik for a bit.” Josh says as his eyes advert at me. Lachlan glances down at me as well before nodding his head. He picks up two of his bags and leaves me and Josh, but he sent me a reassuring smile down at me before vanishing up the next floor.

Josh then pulled me by the side and whispered to me, “Simon told me.” Of course he would tell Josh at the least. Josh and Simon are best friends, and the man in front of me has developed a crush on him as well. He told me and Tobi about it. “And I know that you asked Lachlan to pretend to being your boyfriend.” His words follow briefly. I immediately froze as I stared at him. A smirk was on his bearded face. “P-Please don’t tell—” I stuttered out, but he then cut me off “I’m not telling anyone, I promise Vik. Plus I also know that Simon confessed to you before that.” He says quietly.

I shake my head as I cross my arms at him. “I’m not into him like that.” I tell him. I know he’s a bit saddened that Simon didn’t ask him out first or even has any idea if he likes him. I know for a fact that I wouldn’t like Simon as a lover myself, seems more of Josh’s type really. “Plus I know someone better for him anyways.” I smile softly. Josh raises an eyebrow at me as I look back him. He blushes a bit and starts to shake his head, “No, no, no he wouldn’t like me the way I do.” He says, disagreeing with me. “Aw, c’mon Josh!” I whine, “I know he’ll like you sooner or later!” He knows how stubborn I am when it comes to talking about relationships and friendships statuses like this one. He eventually sighs and shakes his head with a small smile, “Alright, fine. I’ll believe you for now.”

A smile came back to my face as a nod my head. “Now since that’s out of the way, did Simon sat anything else?” I ask him. Josh hums a bit, trying to recall until he speaks back up, “Oh yeah, he said he’s planning on getting reservations for dinner at Nando’s for the Sidemen plus Lachlan. He said that he wants to you and your ‘boyfriend’ to come out to the rest of them.” He tells me. I grimaced a bit from the thought, “Oh. I guess it’ll be a big day tomorrow then?”

Josh laughs a bit and smiles at me. “For both you and Lachlan really.” He says as he picks up one of Lachlan’s bags. “Anyways we should put the rest of the luggage back up now, I’ll help you.” I nod and pick up two other bags and see Josh already going upstairs. I follow him up as we go back to my room where Lachlan should be as well. “Thanks so much Josh, I owe you.” I tell him as we both stop at my door. Josh smiles at me and shakes his head “It’s fine, but who you really do owe would be Lachlan.” He remarks making me crack a smile. “Yeah, I really do owe him a lot.” I reply to him as I put my hand on the doorknob. “Thanks again Josh.” I tell him as he leaves the bag and starts walking off to his room. “No problem Vik. Good night to you and your boyfriend.” He says, slightly teasing in the end.

I laughed a bit as I open my door to see that Lachlan surprisingly wasn’t there. I hummed in confusion until I see one of the suitcases opened in my messy room. He must have went to the bathroom to change since its pretty much late now. I sigh a bit as I walk over to my bed and sit down. I was pretty much tired at this point that I just wanted to lay down and sleep already.

That’s when I see Lachlan come in with a gray shirt and fish pajama pants. I sit up and slightly snored at seeing his dorky his outfit. Lachlan looked at me with a raised eyebrow as he holds a towel in his hand. “What are you looking at?” Lachlan says with a grin as he places he places the towel near his luggage, knowing that its either me or him picking that up and putting it out to dry tomorrow. I giggle a bit as I roll my eyes. “Your such a dork.” I tell him. He shrugs a bit as he chuckled. “Shut up, and go change ya’ goof.” He tells me as I sit up. “Yeah, yeah, whatever” I mumble as I go over to my closet and lazily pick out my pajamas.

It didn’t take long for me to finish up and change already, throwing my dirty clothes into the laundry basket, before going back to my room. When I opened my door, I was surprised that it wasn’t as messy as I left it. I see Lachlan on the floor putting aside one of his last luggage until he looked up at me. He saw my shock expression and smirked. “I know you were stressed and pressured, so I cleaned up your room a bit, for you not to do it tomorrow.” He says. Honestly I was really astonished on to the fact that between me and Lachlan—and possibly about everyone who I personally know—, I am the neatest and most organized, and Lachlan isn’t really the type of person to clean up suddenly. “Oh… thanks Lachy.” I whisper as he stands up. “I really appreciate it.”

He just nods his head and walks back to the bed and lays down. I blushed a bright red  as I closed my door. I forgot that me and Lachlan have to sleep together for the next couple of days to make it believable for the Sidemen that we’re dating. I breathed in and breathed out slowly. Calm down Vik. This is just your best friend Lachlan, he’s helping you get through this problem and sleeping together isn’t going to be that bad. I give myself I small pep talk before walking over to my bed that I’ll be sharing with Lachlan.

I lay down with him and our backs are pressed together. I slightly sigh a bit as I pull the blanket on both of us. That’s when I feel Lachlan stir and  put his arm around me. I slightly internally screamed in my head as he did this, but stopped. Holy crap what is happening. I thought to myself as I look up to see that he’s already fallen asleep and giving off soft snores. He must’ve been really tired form jet lag. I blush a bit to the fact that he is actually pretty cute sleeping.

I start thinking over this and turn myself to face his chest. I then decided to try something by pressing myself onto him. I then feel his arm pull me closer until I was trapped there. I blushed heavily as to how close we are now. But now I just realized, he is so fucking so warm and comfy. It’s actually really comforting that I could care less of the position I’m in now. I’m pretty much stuck here since I don’t want to wake him up and his warmth is just so nice against the coldness of my room. I couldn’t help, but just press myself onto him and let it be. I’ll need a good night’s rest anyways. “It’s going to be a long couple of days for us.” I whispered as I finally fell asleep in Lachlan’s arms.

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