Chapter 4: So, We Meet Again

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Fun fact: Do you guys know how long it took me to type the title correctly? 

Answer: 15 times.


Jesse's POV:

That night, Jesse and Nikki ran deeper into the woods. Still no sign of Reuben. Jesse was starting to get worried. Nighttime plus no allies meant huge trouble. They had to find Reuben fast. So far, he and his sister had found pig tracks, a carrot, and saw smoke in the distance, but that was all. A little farther up, there was a herd of pigs, but none of them were Reuben. He tried calling out, but only the older pigs responded.

"Reuben? Reu—no not you gu—pigs! All pigs but Reuben shut up!" he snapped. None of them listened, but kept on oinking. To make things worse, the herd had scattered the ash-burnt pig tracks from earlier. So now they'd have to rely on luck to find their pet. Jesse searched a nearby shrub, but a chicken popped out, slightly jumpscaring him.

"Is it weird that I'm suddenly craving bacon now?" Nikki hissed in a grave tone, eyeing the herd of pigs pushing against the siblings, trying to find food. Jesse suggested they follow the smoke before things got violent, and the pair pressed on.

"Reuben, it's getting scary out here!" Jesse called out, nervously glancing at the rising moon. He and Nikki didn't have much time left before the monsters started spawning. When they saw that the smoke was coming from Reuben's dragon costume, the siblings started to panic.

"Oh, geez! I was just kidding about the bacon! Pleased don't be toasted, Reuben!" Nikki begged. Jesse lifted the costume wing, but to his relief, it was empty. Reuben was no longer inside. Breathing sighs of relief, Jesse and Nikki stomped out the smoke and kept moving.

"Hi!" said a sudden cheery voice. Whirling around, Jesse saw a young man with gloves and a beard waving at him. He was standing with an Oriental female with blue clothes and a girl with caramel skin and a ponytail. It was the team from Booth 3.

Nikki's POV:

Nikki recognized the other team from the building competition. What were they doing here at night?

"We saw a flaming pig go running past our house," the bearded man explained. "It was wearing a dragon costume like yours."

"You saw Reuben?! Where?!" Nikki asked excitedly.

"He seemed really scared," the blue-clothed girl said. "We helped get that outfit off, then took him to our house. He's waiting there now."

"Oh, thank Notch!" Jesse breathed. "Thank you all so much."

"Happy to do it," said the ponytailed girl. "Now, let's bring you to him."

After a few short minutes of walking to a birch wood cottage, Jesse and Nikki saw Reuben reclining on the porch. When he saw his owners, he waggled his chubby haunches and sprang off the steps, racing for them.

"Reuben! There you are," Jesse sighed. He fed him the carrot, which Reuben hungrily munched up, and pat his head.

"Oh, we're so happy to see you," Nikki gushed, scratching the piglet under his chin. Reuben gave a contented squeal, then allowed Nikki to pick him up "Thanks again for finding him," she told the trio gratefully.

"No sweat," the man said modestly. "Oh yeah, I'm fighter33000, but you can call me William."

"Micherio123," said Ponytail. "But Kristine's an alternative."

"And my name's Random-Rengeki," said the last person. "But call me Van."

"Nice to meet you guys," Nikki said politely. "Thanks again!" Relieved and happy, Jesse, Nikki, and Reuben made their way to EnderCon. A little while later, in front of a cave, Nikki heard something echo inside of it. Was it the three friends again? No, they were back at their house. What was in there?

Curiously, Nikki snuck a peek in the cave. A zombie popped out, startling her! There was a whole horde of them in there, and they were coming straight for them!

"Run, guys!" Jesse cried. In no hurry to object, Nikki took off after her brother and her pet pig. A little way off, Jesse stopped, breathing hard.

"*Whew!* I think—we're good--" he gasped, right before a creeper appeared right next to them. Heart thudding with alarm, Nikki sprang away, on the run again. Once more, the trio stopped to catch their breath once they were sure the creeper was out of eyeshot.

"I think we made it--" Jesse gasped again, right before and arrow landed right next to his head! There were skeletons above them, shooting at the three with their bows!

"Your judgement skills are life-threateningly horrible!" Nikki barked as they dodged the arrows and kept going.

"It's nighttime! These damn things spawn everywhere!" Jesse retorted. "And besides, I'm leading us to safety, aren't I?" Just as he finished saying those words, he steered the group right into a wall, impossible to climb, trapping them.

"You were saying?" Nikki hissed, glancing nervously at the approaching mobs behind them. Knowing there was no other way out, she drew the only weapon she had: a wooden sword. Likewise, Jesse drew his own as well. He swung hard, knocking the first zombie back forcefully.

"Back! Get back!" he screamed. "Stay behind me, Reuben," he warned his pig. "Nikki, cover me!"

"Can't talk right now! Too busy covering you!" Nikki shouted back, deflecting a skeleton's arrow. Together, the two siblings hacked and swung until the closest zombies were reduced to rotten flesh. Then, Nikki took another swing, and her sword snapped in half.

"Stupid wooden swords!" Jesse cursed as his own poofed into white mist as well. Now they really WERE in trouble. To make things worse, a couple of spiders had joined the scene as well.

"I know it's bad, I'll think of something," Jesse assured Nikki.

"There's too many of them! Do it fast!" she urged.

"Don't leave that spot no matter what, you hear me?" Jesse ordered. "Both of you stay behind me. I've got you."

Reuben cowered underneath Jesse's legs without a moment's hesitation, but Nikki stayed in her spot for a moment. She then heard the groan of a zombie, and whirled around too late. The zombie slapped her, and she felt a sharp impact on the left side of her face, up near her forehead. The zombie had hit her eye!

Jesse's POV:

Jesse whipped around and stared in horror when he saw Nikki on the ground, trying to scoot away from the zombie behind him. "Get away from her!" he shouted, punching it with all his might. By power, or maybe by sheer luck, the zombie disintegrated. Jesse turned to his sister to examine her. Her left eye was swollen shut and purple. "Oh no! He got you!" he gasped.

"Forget it. It's just a black eye. I'll live," she tried to assure him.

With his attention on Nikki, Jesse hardly noticed the spider preparing to pounce. He only saw it when it was on top of him. "Get off me!" he growled, trying to knock the spider off. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw another spider trap Nikki and Reuben in a web and move in on them. Frightened, Reuben crouched in Nikki's arms as she hopelessly tried to punch the hostile mobs away. This was a disaster! Could no one help them?

Petra's POV:

Petra strode along cheerfully, her iron pick slung over her shoulder, feeling better than she had been at the building competition. After her embarrassing moment, she met a shady dealer named Ivor who said he would trade a diamond for a wither skull. Though he wouldn't tell her why, it was a good deal. So Petra had just returned from the Nether, her fresh victory over that wither skeleton in her mind. She personally felt lucky that it dropped one; mob heads were really rare to get. As she neared the cliff, she heard a shout of panic.

"That's Jesse's voice," she realized. What was going on? Running now, she approached the cliff, and saw that Jesse was trapped underneath a spider, and his younger sister Nikki was trapped in a spider web! Petra didn't need someone to place a sign to tell her they needed help. She leapt down and killed the spider attacking Nikki and Reuben, and whipped out a pair of shears to cut them loose.

"Thanks--" Nikki started to say, but Petra cut her off.

"Save it. We need to leave. Now," Petra answered, then ran off to go help Jesse. She shoved off the spider and hacked at it with her pick until it died. "Come on, let's get out of the open," she advised her friend, who didn't waste a second. He tore after her the first chance he got.

Nikki's POV:

Barely catching her breath, Nikki slowly crept down the ladder that led into the cave Petra was taking her and her brother inside of.

"I wanna show you guys something," Petra told the pair as they went further inside. Jesse glanced about nervously, obviously sharing Nikki's own concern for any remaining monsters nearby.

"Not that this isn't a really cool dimly-lit tunnel, but how far away is this thing you wanna show us?" Jesse asked. Nikki could tell he was fighting to keep his voice steady.

"Careful, Jesse," Petra teased. "You don't want to get a reputation as a wimp."

"This isn't my first time in a cave, Petra," he retorted.

"Yeah, but have you ever seen--" a dramatic pause. Then, Petra took something out of her pocket. "—a wither skull?" The siblings gaped in perfect unison. "Fresh from the Nether."

"That's insane, Petra," Jesse scolded. "You could've gotten yourself killed."

"Don't worry so much," Petra comforted him, putting the skull away. "I can handle myself."

"And besides, why are YOU so worried?" Nikki suddenly questioned.

"I...uh...well..." Jesse was beginning to blush.

"Busted," Nikki thought with a grin. She knew everything: Jesse had a crush on Petra. Like, gigantic. The only person too blind to see it was Petra herself, which Nikki found rather odd. But what did it matter?

"There's this guy I'm meeting up with at EnderCon," Petra went on, not seeing Jesse's mistake. "He's gonna trade me a diamond for it."

"The guy you got the skull for—what's his deal?" Jesse's concern for Petra was showing once again.

"He's kinda strange, but hey. Everyone's got their thing,"

"And you never thought to ask him— 'hey, what's with your whole...totally normal...not weird...skull thing?'"

"As long as he's willing to pay, I earned that diamond,"


"Wow, what?"

"In a single day, you went to the Nether, you killed a wither skeleton—I mean we DID build a super-cool statue, but still—it's pretty sweet being you, huh?" Jesse said, smiling.

Petra's POV:

Petra felt odd inside when Jesse complimented her, like a swarm of bats were flapping about, trying to flee the pit of her stomach. Maybe she was nervous about the deal? That's when she got the most perfect idea.

"You could come with me," she told Jesse, unable to hide the shyness in her tone and the blush in her cheeks.

"I'd be honored to be your backup," Jesse said almost at once.

"You don't have to get all excited," Petra said, realizing she was blushing even more now. "I just said--"

"That he could come with you. I know! I was right here! It was amazing!" Nikki squealed. "This qualifies as a date, right?"

Petra was sure she stopped breathing for a second.

"A what?! No!" Jesse protested, going red, which Petra was half-relieved to see, upon heating up herself. "Nikki, we're just friends!"

"Super-close friends, if you ask me," Nikki stated. "Maybe something more...?" she added with mischief in her eyes.

"No, no, no, you're dead wrong," Petra growled, turning away and continuing to walk. She should've known that just made things worse.

"Ah-ha! Denial is the clincher! You're in love, you two!"

Fighting to be calm, and to push back the fact that what Nikki said was true, Petra reached her crafting table checkpoint. She gave permission for Jesse and Nikki to make new swords for themselves, which she hoped would take their minds off Nikki's confronting statement.

When Jesse had a stone sword, and Nikki an iron one, the group pressed on until they reached the end of the cave, which jutted out to the bridge.

"Check it out—EnderCon's all lit up," Petra informed her friends.

"I can't believe it, we won!" cheered Jesse.

"Axel was right—everyone loves a creeper," Nikki said.

"Good for you guys," Petra congratulated the pair.

"It's about time we beat Lukas and his gang of jerks!" Jesse smirked in satisfaction. "What kind of stupid name is the Ocelots anyway?"

Petra's face fell a bit, and she saw that Nikki's did too when he said that. "You know, Lukas may be kind of arrogant, but he HAS come through for me in some tricky situations," she told her friend. "You might want to get to know him—just in case."

"Yeah, you might be right," Jesse reluctantly sighed.

"I'm just saying—if you run into him at EnderCon, try talking to him,"

"I don't need a lecture on the power of collaboration, Petra,"

Petra stifled a giggle as Nikki socked her brother's arm. "How about a lecture on the power of sisterly rage? It's short—but deadly."

"Scary, isn't she?" Jesse eyed Petra humorously.

"Worse than that wither skeleton I fought," Petra played along.

"C'mon, let's hurry," Nikki urged the two, dashing ahead. With Reuben following her, Jesse and Petra were left alone on the bridge.

Jesse's POV:

Jesse could hardly believe it—he was alone. At night. With the girl of his dreams. This was the perfect opportunity.

"Remember what EnderCon was like before it was cool?" Petra asked, trying to strike up some friendly conversation.

"Remember what WE were like before WE were cool?"

"Some of us will never be cool,"


"So...where do you think Nikki got the idea?"

"...What idea?"

"Of us? Being a couple?"

Jesse nearly stumbled in surprise. "What?"

"I mean; I'm not saying she's right—that's crazy! But still, as crazy as it is, how could she think up of something like that?"

The evening air suddenly no longer felt cool to Jesse. "Um...well...I, uh..." He swallowed nervously, careful to avoid looking directly into Petra's midnight black eyes. "Great," he moaned inwardly. "Now I'm a bumbling mess."

Then, as luck would have it, Reuben let out a frightened squeal, galloping as fast as his little legs would carry him back towards his owner, Nikki padding after him, her iron sword drawn.

"Hey, what's the matter?" he asked her. She turned to Jesse, eyes wild with fright.

"Creepers!" she cried, pointing to the green creatures, who stepped onto the bridge. Behind them, Jesse heard the groans of some zombies.

"Crap..." he cursed, glancing around. This didn't look good.

"Well, there's only one way off this bridge," Petra decided. "Whatever we do, we do it together."

Jesse privately felt a warmth wriggle around inside him at those words, but now was not the time to enjoy it. Then, he stared down at the water. Could it be possible to jump to safety?

No...Jesse had made himself look stupid enough in front of Petra. He didn't want to become cowardly too.

"The only way off this bridge is through them," he said, drawing his stone sword. Petra drew her own and faced the zombies behind them. Back to back, they fought the mobs the best they could. But more and more came!

"There's too many of them!" Nikki yelped.

"I DON'T WANNA DIE!" Jesse wailed. Just when it seemed like it was all over, Petra grabbed his hand, and yanked him off the bridge right before a creeper exploded, triggering many more to do the same thing.

Jesse found himself free-falling through the air, aimlessly waving his arms while Petra just seemed to naturally glide down. About somewhere in the middle of the free fall, he and Petra locked eyes. She smiled at him warmly, and suddenly, the terror of falling was replaced with an odd-yet-happy feeling of joy. The wind whistling in his ears transformed into the beating of his own heart. Jesse couldn't understand. Why was he feeling this way? He'd been told that this was how his father felt when he love?!

Jesse was completely astonished. He always knew that he had a crush on Petra, but love?! Nikki had been right all along. Just then, in the split-second where Jesse had processed this, he realized that he'd been smiling back at Petra the entire time. And now, their faces were mere inches apart. What if they...y'know!

"Huh. When Dad talked about falling in love, I never thought it would happen literally," Jesse thought with mild amusement. Should he go for it?

Suddenly, Petra's warm smile changed dramatically to a look of horror. Turning himself in midair, he saw a creeper, ready to explode! Reflex taking over will, Jesse punched it away. It exploded against a flock of chickens instead. As the fall continued, Jesse wondered if he hadn't punched the creeper away in time, if it would have made the choice he had considered making for him.

Before he could think about his current moment any longer, it abruptly ended when he belly-flopped into the water.

"Burns; it burns!" he howled in pain.

"Don't you know?" Petra called back to him. "You dive INTO the water. You don't land on top of it." Still, Jesse could see that his ungraceful move had amused her. "Pull yourselves together, and follow me."

Jesse turned to see Nikki paddling after Petra, Reuben riding her back like she was a floating log. Lost in the feeling of his own love, Jesse had nearly forgotten that his sister had fallen too. Sighing, he stroked to shore. They had a deal to make.

So, that was MY personal take on the bridge fall. Seriously, I could've SWORN that the creeper would explode Jesse into Petra if he hadn't punched it away! Am I the only one thinking this?! 

Aside from that, there were more dA cameos!

He's the only Wattpadder who I know of here, so I could only mention here ^^; Sorry, Kristine and Van.

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