Vlyad X Reader

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This was requested by a couple people XD So I'm doing this one first.

(F/C) Favourite Colour
(V/N) Village Name
(E/C) Eye Colour
(Y/N) Your name
(F/C) Favourite colour
And so on and so forth. XD I'll explain more later.

Your POV:
I ran as fast as I could to get away from (V/N). I can't believe they kicked me out, just because I have Magiks! I wasn't looking where I was going, and I ran into a man who looked about my age.

Vlyads POV
I was looking at the trees, when all of a sudden, this girl ran into me. She started to fall backwards but I fought her before she could fall. She was beautful..."Are you ok?" I ask. She looks up at me. "I-I'm fine..." She blushed. "Thanks for...Saving me..." She looks down, blushing. I smile. "Your welcome." I look into her (E/C) Eyes that are shining like a million stars! I blush and lean in to kiss her. She pulls away before I could kiss her and she whaps my head hard. "Ow! That hurt!" I rubbed my head. She giggled, "My name is (Y/N). Your's?" "Vlyad. Pleased to meet you (Y/N). Why don't you come with me to my village?" I ask her. "Ok!" She nods and I pick her up bridal style. She wraps her arms around my neck and I start walking. She kisses my cheek and I stop. I feel my face heat up. She giggled, "Your cute when you blush," she kissed my cheek again. "T-thanks..." I smile and set her down. "What are you doing Vlya-" She starts to ask, but I pin her to a tree before she could finish. I put one hand on on each side of her so she can't get away. "I love you (Y/N)." I grin. I could tell that she looked scared... but I didn't really care...I kissed her. Her eyes widened. She kisses back. I gently bite her bottom lip, asking for her permission to explore. She playfully declines my request.

Your POV
I declined him playfully. He grabs my butt and I gasp. He kisses me, forcing his tongue into my mouth. I moan quietly, hoping he doesn't hear me. He smirked. Yep. He definitely heard me. He pulls me away from the tree. I wrap my arms around his neck and he kissed me passionately. He put both his hands on my hips and pulled me super close to him. I blushed. "So...Did you like it when I grabbed your butt?" He gave me a cheeky grin. I rolled my eyes. "Meh." I shrugged. He grabbed my butt again but harder. I squealed. "That's too cute!" He laughs. I blush. He pulls away. "Well, come on. Let's go to my village." he said running off. I sigh and follow him. Once we got to his village, the guard, who was also his older brother name Garroth, let us in. He led me to his house. "Wow! You have a nice house! Its awesome!" I smile at him.  "If you think thats awesome, come look at this." He cheekily grinned and grabbed my hand. I role my eyes as he leads me into his house. He throws me onto the couch and locks the door. He gets on the couch and hovers above me. I kiss him and wrap my arms around his neck. He sits us up so that I'm on his lap. He puts one arm around my waist and i squeak. He pulls away and kisses my neck, searching for my soft spot. 

Vlyad's POV

I kissed (Y/N)'s neck and tried to find her sweet spot. Once i found it, I abused it. She moaned loudly. (FYI, There will be no smut/lemons in these one-shots unless you say you want a lemon) I bite it softly which caused her to gasp then moan again. Someone knocks at the door and we pull away. "Um...I guess its time for you to bed (Y/N)..." (Y/N) nods, standing up and walking into the hallway. I SIgh and get up from the couch and walk to the door. 

XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD THATS THE END!!!!!!!! LOL! You get to decide what happens next.

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