Chapter Eleven

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I sat down on my bed, staring at Xavier and Hannah, who were both glaring at me.

“It wasn’t my fault!”

Xavier snorted, “Sure. You couldn’t stop him from kissing you. NOR could you stop him from spanking you?”

Hannah shook her head in disappointment, “HOW do you expect to win against him?”

Xavier rolled his eyes, “Why am I helping him get back at Julian? What do I get out of this?”

Before I could say anything, Hannah interrupted, “A date with him.”

Xavier smirked, “Interesting.”

“Excuse me?”

“Leave him to me this weekend. On Monday, we’re going to meet a totally new Kentucky.”

“Yeah, I have work.”

Hannah and Xavier glared at me, “Call in sick!”

I stared at them wide eyed, “Uh, okay.”


I jumped back on my bed slightly, “Man, you two should have never met.”

Hannah and Xavier smirked the same way and crossed their arms at the same time.

I reached for my phone, a little scared now. It was spooky how they were so alike.

“Heeeeey, Mandy, you sweet piece of candy!”

“Cut the crap, Kenny. If you’re skipping this entire weekend, I’m going to hunt you down and pull your insides out.”

I nearly dropped the phone. Is it just me or were all the girls in this town crazy?

“I’m sick.”

“I know where you live.”

I squeaked, “No, you don’t.”

“Expect it when you least expect it. In your bathroom, in your bed, in your closet, under your bed, in your kitchen, in your-”

I cut the call, throwing my phone on the bed, waiting for it to explode it or something.

I pointed at it, shaking, “What the hell is wrong with you girls? Every time I think you guys are okay, you make me change my mind. Even though I know its hard being gay, I’m so happy I don’t have to deal with your creepy moods.”

Hannah pushed me, “I’m helping you, Ken. Watch it.”

I grabbed a pillow, hugging it. Xavier grabbed the pillow, “YOU need to man up.”

“Oh no, you didn’t. Don’t make me hit you with my purse.”

Xavier stared at me blankly, “You have a purse? Not cool.”

“It was a joke. Clearly, wasted on you.”

Hannah was trying not to laugh though, “Oh, that was good.”

Xavier grabbed me by the arm, pulling me up.

He looked at me, straight in the eye, “I need you to know what you’re getting into. You’re going to be going through some major personality tweaks.”

“But...I like being me!”

“Well, then I’m not going to bother trying to make you a player. No offence, but you don’t have any game.”

I gasped, “I have game!”

Hannah coughed, “Lies.”

I gasped again, “How dare you!”

Xavier shook his head slightly, “No player would gasp OR say ‘How dare you’, you idiot.”

I shrugged, “Maybe, I could be different. Look, Xavier, I can’t be all sexy and mysterious like you. I like dancing to Glee versions of songs, especially this really awesome version of Whitney’s song which Blaine sings and-”

Xavier slapped his hand over my mouth, “The moment I heard the word Glee, I knew I was doomed. This is going to be tougher than I thought.”

Hannah laughed, “Did you not hear him call you sexy and mysterious?”

Xavier smiled slightly, “I did.”

“Gee, thanks Hannah.”

“Anytime, KennyBenny. I always got your back.”                 

Xavier looked down at me, still giving me that little smile. I licked his hand which was still clamped over my mouth. He just frowned, “Are you licking my hand?”

He pulled it away, wiping it on his pants. “I could give you something else to lick.”

I felt myself go red. “Wh-what? Ew, shut up.”

He laughed, “Smooth.”

Hannah stared at both of us, “Make out. Do it!”

“Hannah, get out.”

“Then take a video.”

“I’m going to kill you.”

Xavier laughed, “Wow, you’re a yaoi fan, Hannah?”

She nodded eagerly. Too eagerly.

I glared, “I’m waiting for you to leave.”

“You need me. I’m here for moral support.”


“And I don’t want to miss out on you making out with Xavier.”


Hannah sat down on the bed, a little shocked while Xavier stood up, looking at me seriously. I stood by the door, waiting for a response to my outburst.

Then suddenly, Xavier came over to me and grabbed me, “Now THAT was fucking hot.”

I stared at him bewildered, “What? Me yelling? So you want me to go yell at Julian? He tends to just laugh in my face though.”

Xavier shook slightly with laughter and then looked at Hannah.

“I have an idea. We can work with his random charm.”

Hannah raised both her eyebrows, “We can?”

I looked at him incredulously, “We can!?”

“Imagine this. A sexier outfit, a little more attitude when he’s being random and more eye contact.”

Xavier pushed me against the wall and stared at me.

Hannah came beside him and looked at me too.

After a few seconds, I started feeling a little uncomfortable. “No feeding the animals at the zoo.”

Hannah and Xavier seemed to snap out of whatever trance they were in.

Hannah nodded slowly, “I can see it. He does have gorgeous eyes. And if he has a little more attitude, that illegal voice of his can be used to his advantage.”

“My illegal voice?”

Xavier nodded, “I’d love to hear you screaming my name.”

I gulped, not trusting myself to say anything.

Xavier snapped his fingers, “I need you to go shopping for him. You know what to buy.”

Hannah looked at me carefully and nodded, “I need all your sizes.”

Xavier smirked, “And I’ll work on him all night.”

“I don’t like the way you said that.”

“After this weekend, that’s not what you’ll be saying.”

“Hannah, please don’t leave me with him.”

Hannah just grabbed my wallet, checked to see if there was enough money and left.

Right before she left though, she peeped back into my room, “If there’s any action, record it.”

I looked at her disgusted, “What is WRONG with you?”

She winked at me, “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t.”

I shook my head at her when she left.

Then I immediately turned to Xavier and pointed at him, “YOU! I’m not doing anything with you.”

He walked towards me slowly, “You sure about that?”

I stumbled backwards as Xavier kept walking toward me. Is it just me or do I get into situations like this a lot more recently?

I ended up staring at his chest as he had me against my own door. I looked up at him, to see him grinning, “I’ll ask you again. You sure about that?”

“Su-sure about what?”

He asked quietly, “You don’t want this?”

As he said that, he stroked my cheek slowly with his thumb. I felt my breathing become more shallow, “You’re supposed to be teaching me.”

“So, pay close attention.”

He leaned down and my breathing hitched. He chuckled softly, “See how I got you all worked up, without even trying?”

My eyes widened and I pushed him away as he laughed. I crossed my arms, “That wasn’t nice.”

Xavier straightened up, “So you wanted me to go further? Wow, Kenny. I thought you were Team Julian.”

I snorted, “I’m AGAINST Julian. He thinks he can treat me like some kind of toy.”

“So, you’re going through this whole process just to get back at Julian?”

“Yeah. I hate him.”

Xavier laughed, “Yeah, you’re changing your wardrobe and your attitude, just to show him how much you hate him.”

I glared at him, “Don’t say it like that. You make it sound like I’m some girl who’s still in love with her ex-boyfriend and wants to get back at him or something.”

Xavier smirked.


“Took you long enough.”

“But I just want to get back at him!”

“No, you want to get WITH him. Though, I don’t see why since you could just have me.”

“You’re as bad as him. I want him to know that I’m not going to be one of his many boy toys.”

“So you’re admitting that you have a big fat crush on Julian McHarden.”

“No, I don’t.”

“Then why am I helping you?”

“Stop making me say stuff I don’t mean!”

“What stuff?”

“I don’t like McHarden!”

“Nawww, you love him!” he sang.

“Real mature, Xavier.”

“Kenny and Julian, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!”

“How old are you? Five?”

“Or is it, F-U-C-”

I jumped on him and slapped a hand over his mouth so he couldn’t say the rest. He raised an eyebrow and grabbed me around the waist. I let go of him in surprise and he continued, “K-I-N-G!”

I glared at him, still in his arms, “Let go of me, you perv.”

“But I’m so comfortable!”

“Xavier, I like Julian. Do NOT tempt me. Where were you when I thought Julian was straight?”

“What was that?”


“Did you just say you like Julian? Julian McHarden?”

“FINE. I’ll admit it. I like Julian. Okay!? I’ve liked him for ages. I had creepy gay fantasies about him but I’m only human! He’s sexy and I love the way he makes me feel and -”

Xavier dropped me and walked towards my door. I sat on the floor, looking at him confused, “Where are you going?”

He opened the door to reveal Hannah and Lola sitting outside.

I stared at them in horror, “Oh no. Oh God, no. Please tell me you didn’t hear that.”

Lola grinned devilishly, “Creepy gay fantasies?”

Hannah held up her phone and pressed a button. My voice filled my room, “Xavier, I like Julian.”

She kept hitting replay and I smacked my head against the wall as I heard myself say repeatedly, “Xavier, I like Julian. Xavier, I like Julian.  Xavier, I like Julian. Xavier, I like Julian. Xavier, I like Julian.”

I picked a pillow up off the floor and threw it at Hannah, “YOU’VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME.”

Lola stood up, looking pleased with herself, “This week has been great. I got him to finally come out of the closet again and now I got him to admit he liked Julian.”

Hannah and Xavier glared at her.

She quickly corrected herself, “I mean, WE got him to admit he liked Julian.”

I nearly screamed.

I clenched my fists, “So are you guys happy now? You evil conniving-”

“Yes, we are.”

Before I could continue my sentence, Lola interrupted again, “Julian thought he was so smart. Getting me on his side? NO ONE EVER BLACKMAILS LOLA KENTUCKY. LOLA KENTUCKY BLACKMAILS PEOPLE.”

All three of us stared at Lola while she stomped around, “Now we’ve got him. With sweet little Kenny admitting his feelings, we can finally move forward with our plan.”

I froze, “Plan? What plan? Wait, WHAT? You guys have been planning this for how long exactly? And I thought you hated Xavier, Lola! And what happened to Noam?”

“Noam was an unnecessary distraction. I don’t know what that boy thinks he’s doing but if he ruins another one of my plans, I will end him. Painfully. JULIAN was supposed to meet you after you cried to Joe.”

“I didn’t cry!”

She waved at me dismissively and continued, “NOW, Xavier, make yourself useful.”

“I really don’t like your sister, Ken.”

I scoffed, “Yeah, get used to it.”

Hannah hugged Lola, “This girl is craycray. I love her!”

Lola laughed manically, “I love me too! We have so much in common, Hannah.”

Xavier sat down beside me, “If they go all lesbian on us, I’m going to be a little scared.”

Hannah smirked, “Lola’s got her mind on someone else, my little gay Chihuahuas.”

Lola sighed, “My love life comes second to Kenny!”

I groaned, “Why!? Was I as bad as Hitler in my past life? God has a cruel sense of humour, I must say.”

Lola pointed at Xavier, “So your job starts here. Hannah, I need details.”

Hannah nodded, “Julian is going to be at The Jets, tonight.”

Lola clapped her hands, “Bowling! How delightful! I know exactly what Kenny should wear.”

I turned to Xavier who looked pretty relaxed on the floor next to me, “How are you okay with all of this?”

He shrugged, “It was your love life or mine. Sorry hun. You may be cute and all but I do not need the TWO of them messing with my love life.”

“Gee, thanks. What a great friend.”

Xavier winked, “With benefits.”

“Don’t even think about it.”

“Oh, I’m all about the action. No thinking.”

I shoved him away, “Shame on you.”

“I’m not joking.”

I stared at him, carefully. That’s when I noticed the sudden silence in the room. I turned to find Lola and Hannah sitting on my bed, smiling at me sweetly. I looked at each one of them, slowly putting the pieces together.

I pointed at Xavier, “Friends with benefits.”

Then, pointing at Hannah, “You stalked Julian to find out where he’d be tonight.”

I finally got to Lola, who was still smiling sweetly, “And you’re on Team Julian...”

I scrunched my nose up and put my fingers to my head.

Hannah looked worried, “Is he having a seizure?”

Lola shook her head, “That’s how he thinks.”

I gasped, “NO. LOLA, NO!”

She smiled, “Good, so you’re on the same page as us. Come on, go have a shower. We need to be there before Julian is.”


“Fake-dating, you cutiepatootie!” Hannah corrected me.

“Why would I even do that!?”

Xavier spoke up, “You want to make a player jealous without changing yourself? Simple. Play his game. Just change the rules.”

I pointed at him, “You’re crazy. Fake-Dating never works out.”

Xavier smirked, “Oh Ken. I’m in it for the hot benefits.”

I stared at him with big eyes, “Benefits? HOT Benefits?”

Xavier stood up, “I’m gonna go change and then I’ll pick you guys up. Also, you, put on some flavoured ChapStick. I know you have vanilla or something.”

He left, leaving me staring at the door as he shut it behind him.

Lola giggled, “I have Cherry flavoured ChapStick.”

Hannah giggled too, “He likes Vanilla though. I think Ken should stick to Vanilla.”

I imitated them, giggling, “Oh yeah, maybe Ken should also shove some flavoured ChapStick up your nosy noses.”

Lola stuck her tongue out, “Or maybe he should stop talking about himself in third person.”

Hannah pulled me up, “Look at it this way. You get to make out with someone who is WAY hotter than Julian while you make Julian jealous!”

“Xavier is not hotter than Julian.”

Hannah scoffed, “Sure.”

“You’re just saying that because you’re related to Julian now.”

Lola smirked, “In all fairness, Julian has the Golden Looks.”

I smirked, “Thank you!”

Then she continued, “But Xavier has this hot mysterious, bad boy aura that kind of turns me on a lot more than Julian’s ridiculously good looks.”

I glared at her, “Excuse me? Julian has plenty of bad boy charm. When he had me up against the lockers and bit my-”

I stopped myself. Lola and Hannah immediately looked at each other, grinned, and then looked back at me, “Spill. Now.”

I groaned, “I’d rather not. It was pretty embarrassing. Though it was mega hot.”

Just thinking about it had me all hot and bothered. Him, up against me, kissing my neck, rubbing against me and his hot breath curling around my neck gently as he whispered evil things into my ear.

Hannah giggled, “Someone needs a cold shower.”

I snapped out of LaLaLand to see them grinning at me. I quickly got up and strolled over to the bathroom casually, hiding my arousal.

Lola called after me, “We’re picking out your outfit. You better wear it without throwing a fuss.”

I rolled my eyes, “Sure, as long as you don’t make me look like a whore.”

Locking the bathroom door behind me, I sighed and stared at myself in the bathroom mirror.

Kenneth Kentucky, you’re in for one hell of a night.

I winked at myself, “You can do this. You’re sexy and you know it. Wiggle that booty!”

Suddenly, I heard Sexy And I Know It blast in my room.


I heard faint giggles outside my door and then Lola yelling back, “Just making sure you’re taking a shower and not doing anything else. If you know what I mean.”

I turned the shower on, glaring at the wall. It was way creepy that my own sister was expecting me to have special Me Time in here after just thinking about Julian.

I heard Lola whisper, “I think I scared him.”

I moaned, “Oh yeaaaaah. Mmmmmm. Ohhhh, Julian.”

I heard two startled shrieks on the other side of the door.

I nearly laughed but I stopped myself. I could do this. I continued faking moans and groaning until I couldn’t stop myself from laughing.

Lola banged on the door, “YOU PERV!”


Wrapping my towel around my waist securely, I stepped out of the bathroom, having finished my shower. Both of them looked a little red. I hugged both of them and backed away as they yelled at me, looking at me cautiously.

I smirked, “I’m sorry, did I get you ladies all wet?”

I walked back into the bathroom, grabbing my clothes. Right before I closed the door I moaned again, “OHHHHH HANNAH. LOLAAAA. MAKE LOVEEEE TO MEEE.”

Both of their eyes narrowed as they figured out I had been making them feel awkward on purpose by pretending to be having ‘Me Time’ in the bathroom. I quickly locked the door, just in time as they both began banging on it, swearing to make me pay.

Oh well, at least I got back at them for now. I grinned at myself in the mirror.

Who said Kenneth Kentucky didn’t have game?


WhatWhatWhat? I UPDATED IN TWO DAYS? It's to make up for the short chapters, it's not going to a usual thing, silly pineapples. Don't get yo hopes up. ;o

Sorry about the last part but I need KennyBenny to have some fun since everyone seems to be getting to bully him xD Also, did you see what I did there? "Did I get you ladies all wet?" Pfft, Kenny. Shame on you. Lola's your sister. ;o You don't want her all wet. :P LOLOKAYI'LLSTOPNOW.

So Mc some Lovin' to that Vote Button for this super long chapter ;o And Mc some Lovin' to me when you comment. ;D Okay, that sounded creepy. ._. 

*slowly turns invisible* Don't mind me. o-o 

Teehee. Also, the Glee song Kenny is talking about is 'It's Not Right But It's Okay'. It's so FUNK-AYYYY. It makes me want to jump around and shake my booty and point at some jerk and sing it while snapping my fingers and shaking my head and- >_> Alright. Shutting up.

Kenny: *points at Julian* It's not right, but its okay! I'm gonna make it anyway! Pack yo bag...UP and leave~!

Julian: Wut.

Kenny: *snaps fingers and shakes head* Things are going to changeee~!

Julian: Uhh..Is this the part where you start stripping?

Kenny: *throws pineapple at Julian*

Lolwut. Maybe I shouldn't eat too much candy while I write. I never know when to shut up. You want a link to this awesome song? Pfft, okay. :3


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