Chapter Nine

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I rolled over till I felt comfortable enough. After turning over a few more times, I gave up and got up. Clearly, I wasn’t going to sleep anytime soon. I walked to my window, staring out at the sky.

“Since when did you start looking out of your window all dreamily?”

I jumped in fright, “OhmyPineapple, Lola!”

She shut the door behind her quietly and stood beside me.

We stared out silently, watching the stars twinkle, until she started giggling.

“I feel like we’re in a movie and we just had sex so now we’re staring out-”

I shoved my fingers into my ear and started singing, “LALALALALALALA! Can’t hear you!”

She laughed and then grabbed my hands, “I’m joking, silly.”

I pretended to gag, “Gross.”

“Whatever. You know you want to tap this.”

This time, I really gagged. “You’re my sister. That’d be incest. Also, sleeping with a Woman? Please. Don’t make me sick.”

Lola giggled and hugged me, “Aww! Look at you! All gay!”

“I thought we had all established that fact.”

She smirked, “Kay, thanks. That’s all I needed.”

I looked at her in confusion until she pulled out her phone and pressed the Stop Recording button.


She nodded.

“Gimme that!”

“Nuh uh. Now everytime you say you aren’t gay, I will play that.”

“You are evilshmevil.”

“And YOU are a cutiepatootie! Oh wait, a very GAY cutiepatootie!”

I groaned and threw myself face first, on my bed, “Get out of my room.”

Lola jumped right on top of me, shoving my head into the pillow, “Then stop hanging out with Xavier.”

I thrashed around and pushed her off, “You could ask nicely! Without trying to kill me!”

She shrugged, “Instilling fear is how one should rule.”

“You...need therapy.”

She pressed play and I groaned as I heard myself saying,

“Sleeping with a Woman? Please. Don’t make me sick.”

“Aww! Look at you! All gay!”

“I thought we had all established that fact.”

I kicked Lola off my bed and she fell on the floor, laughing.

I angrily curled up and pretended to sleep.

“I’m serious though, Kenny. Xavier’s aura is freaky.”

I muttered, “Takes one to know one.”

She jumped back on me, pulling my ears, “Did you just call me a freak?”

I tried clawing her, “Yes, you fatty. Get off me!”

She poked my tummy, “You are!”

“Let me go to sleep!”

“ONLY if you promise to stop talking to Xavier!”

“I can’t promise you anything!”

“If you don’t, I swear I’ll tell Julian. AND I’ll give him this recording.”

I stopped struggling, “Be cool. Be cool, Lola. Be cool. We’re all siblings here.”

She smirked, “Ah. Playing the ‘I’m your sibling card’ now? Smart. Sadly, it won’t work on me. You know what my conditions are. Stay away from that weirdo.”

She got off me, “I’m just looking out for you, KennyBenny.”

I glared at her, “He’s gay. So no offence but if this is just because he’s hot-”

Lola scoffed, “Please. He may be hot and all but I have someone else in mind.”

I sat up straight, “You like someone?”

She just shut the door behind her, “Night Night KennyBenny!”

That girl was definitely crazy. I wonder if Mom would be open to the idea of having her tested for any mental disorders. I quickly grabbed my phone and texted Hannah.

Uhh. Slight prob. Lola dislikes Xavier.


I blinked at Hannah’s text. That was incredibly fast.


Haha. XD I love that silly girl.

Uhh. She doesn’t want me talking to Xavier.

Oh. So?


Oh. She has something on you, doesn’t she?


You’re too easy Kenny.


You know it’s true~

I don’t care. What do we do now!?

Well, Lola can’t blame you if you guys are partners in class. ;D

But we’re not partners.

For heavens sake, YOU WILL BE, OKAY?

O_O Okay.

Now, go to sleep.

O_O Okay.

Good boy. Look extra smexy tomorrow.

O_O Okay.

Wear that blue shirt.

O_O Okay.

With no pants.



._. I think I should just stop talking to all you crazy females.

>:D Fear me, my precious!

...Night. >_>


Maybe it’s my fault. I’ve surrounded myself with females with mental disorders.

When I finally went to sleep, I had a very...interesting dream.

Let’s just say, there were no pants involved. And I woke up with a little problem.

I quickly jumped into the shower before anyone came into my room to wake me up.

In less than 20 minutes, I heard my Mom banging on the door, “IF YOU DON’T GET OUT OF THERE IN 5 MINUTES, I’LL SEND LOLA HERE.”

I jumped right out.

I checked my phone and saw another text from Hannah.

Dress smexy.

I grabbed my favourite pair of black jeans. I was going to dress comfortable. No tight jeans today. Hannah would kill me but frankly, after the random attacks from Lola last night, I think I’d dress like I wasn’t trying to impress. Lola would suspect I was up to something.

I fixed my hair quickly and winked at myself in the mirror. Then wiggling my booty, “I’m sexy and I know it!”


I glared at Lola who was holding her phone up again.

“If you recorded me again, Lola, I’ll kill you.”

She ran away as fast as she could. Oh, this was war.

I ran after her, yelling, “LOLA I WILL EAT YOU FOR BREAKFAST.”

Mom stood downstairs with her arms folded, “You’ll probably have to do that. You guys are late. RUN. NOW. Here, take this sandwich.”

I hugged my Mom and then continued chasing Lola out of the house.

As we ran out on the street, I heard a car honking. Lola stopped suddenly, causing me to bang right into her.

Her fists were clenched as she turned to face me, “What is he doing here?”

I peeked over her head and nearly fainted when I saw Xavier waiting in his car with Hannah.

Hannah got out of the car, “We’re late! MOVE IT! BOTH OF YOU.”

Lola pointed at Hannah, “You have some explaining to do.”

I sighed in relief. Lola turned back to me, “As for you, I understand now.”

She hugged me and walked to the car, leaving me standing there in confusion.

I followed her and got into the car. Xavier turned around, “Morning, you.”

Hannah turned as well, glaring, “Nice jeans.”

I gulped and just stared out at the passing trees. Even though I didn’t dress ‘smexy’ to avoid Lola’s crazy fits, I was going to face Hannah’s wrath. Hey, I didn’t look bad though. I think.

The moment we got to school, I jumped out of the car, “Kay, thanks for the ride! See you guys later!”

I walked to the main entrance as fast as I could without looking like I needed to pee. I smirked as I thought of the three of them alone. Oh, Lola and Hannah were going to kill each other. And Xavier.

I skipped to my locker and opened it, only to have it slammed shut.

I froze. My heart immediately went into overdrive. I was pushed against the locker and I winced, waiting for the punch. I opened one eye to see Amy staring at me, her head slightly turned to one side.

I sighed in relief, “OhMyPineapple. I thought you were going to-”

She shut me up by raising one finger in the air, “So that’s why you won’t admit you’re gay, even though it’s obvious.”


“You were bullied.”

I slapped my hand over her mouth. She touched my hand lightly and then moved it, “Your hand is shaking.”

“Stop it.”

She smirked, “Oh? So it still bothers you?”

I felt my breathing become more shallow as she came closer, “Poor little KennyBenny. Bullied? What did they do? Did they slam you into lockers like this?”

She pushed me against the locker as I stood there frozen, as the horrible memories slowly started coming back.

“Did they punch you in the gut?”

She lightly poked my tummy. I flinched, “What do you want, Amy?”

She blinked innocently, “Me? Nothing.”

Then she quickly moved her hand to my face and I let out a whimper. I clenched my fist, in anger. Dammit.

“So they punched you in the face a lot too?”

I gulped, and started walking away. It’s simple, Kenny. Just keep walking. Baby steps. Move away from the crazy woman.

She grabbed my shirt from the back, “What else did they do Kenny?”

I pulled away from her, glaring, “That really isn’t any of your business, Amy.”

She smiled coldly, “It may not be mine, but it is his.”

She pointed at someone behind me. I turned to look at Julian who was standing at his locker, looking at me with pity.

I glared at him. That’s what I DIDN’T want. Pity.

“Fuck you. Fuck both of you!”

Then, realizing I just cursed, “I’m sorry. I never curse. But, I’m mad right now. I’m sorry.”

I babbled as I quickly turned and ran as fast as I could.

I ran past a few people on the way to the school staircase. I needed some alone time. I ran up the stairs as fast as I could till I finally got to the Roof.

I grabbed the watering can and let myself in. The Janitor let me up here since I helped him keep the plants alive. As I watered the plants, I heard someone come in after me.

I stood there, ready to yell when I saw it just the Janitor.

“Hey, Joe.”

Joe nodded at me, “What’s going on, kiddo?”

I shrugged, “Nothing new.”

“Ye’ say that every time something’s wrong.”

I smiled slightly, “Yeah, well.”

He stood there silently.

I continued, “I just remembered stuff. Old school.”


I nodded and continued watering the plants. I think Joe had figured out what happened to me ages ago. It wasn’t really a big deal. It just bothered me how easily I let people get to me.

“Son, you have a long life ahead of you.”

I stared at Joe in surprise.

“As my wife says, KILL THEM CREEPERS.”


“Yeh. They suck the life outta yo tree. Then, yo tree dies without even growing into what could have been somethin’ amazing.”

I stared at him in bewilderment.

“Basically, sonny, YOU gotta grow. If you let em parasites grow on you, how the heck are you going to grow?”

“I’m not bothered by what happened.”

He snorted in disbelief.

“Okay. Maybe I was bothered a little. It just upsets me when people bring it up.”

“Ye don’t say?”

“It upset me how people couldn’t deal with who I was!”

“So? Yo style be the bomb!”

I laughed, “Thanks, Joe. But you’d probably think I was queer too.”

“You’re gay. So?”

I stopped watering the plants, “YOU KNOW TOO?”

“Boy, I’d ‘ave to be stupid not to.”

“Oh. Okay.”

Joe patted my back, “Look kid, you love whoever YOU wanna. Nothin’ wrong with that shit.”

I nodded slowly, “I’m okay with being gay.”

“Yeh. But you care bout what people think about you bein’ gay. I geddit. Look ‘ere, sonnyboy. Them people will learn to deal with it if you stop backing down! The people around here are nice. Give yoself a chance.”

I nodded, “Man, Joe. I think I should send more people up here. You could be a therapist.”

He laughed, “Naw, Kentucky. Wise words are only for kiddos I like. Now get outta here.”

He pushed me out and yelled after me, “Fight yo parasites!”

I shook my head in amazement.

That had to be the oddest therapy session ever.

What he said, did make sense though. I needed to find Julian.

I jumped down the stairs, landing on top of someone. I looked down to apologize and nearly screamed.

Noam smirked, “Still can’t keep yourself off me, can you?”


SO how many of you are lining up to shoot me for not updating for two weeks? :D Well, since I wrote such a long chapter, it should be fine~ Right? Right. Sorry, I have random urges to go on Road Trips. So I grab someone who can drive and WE'RE OFF! :D 

Heh. Just when you put down those guns..


*It is super effective.*

Mclovin' Lovers use HUNT ACRAA DOWN. 

;D Oh, Pokemon references never get old.

Hope you liked this chapter. It was serious-ish. I can never write mega serious scenes. ~_~ 

Teehee. <3

Also, the random line by Joe The Janitor (Original, I know), where he says, Kenny's style is the Bomb, it was because I was listening to this epic song. YOU GUYS MUST LISTEN TO IT. Because your style is the bomb digi bomb di dang di deng diggi~

It makes no sense whatsoever, but hey. It's funky. ;D There are two versions~ The Teddybear version and the Robyn version~ Both are awesome *_* I'm putting up the link to the Robyn version. GOGOGOGOGOGO McLovin' Lovers!


Sorry for the long note thingy! >:D

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