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A Year Later

I moaned, "Oh god, yes. This tastes amazing!"

"How does it feel to be beaten by a pineapple?" snickered Lola.

Julian's eyes were unreadable as he wore his aviators, making him look like even more of an Abercrombie and Fitch model. He folded his arms, looking away as Lola kept giggling.

"Jules, are you sure you don't want some? This is literally the best pineapple I've tasted. OH MY GOSH CAN WE GET PINEAPPLE CAKE? THIS PLACE HAS PINEAPPLE CAKE!"

Stuffing the last pineapple slice in my mouth, I ran to the counter, to order Pineapple cake.

"Hi, can I get a slice of that..."

That's when I noticed the guy behind the counter. Besides ridiculously perfect hair, that contrasted in the sexiest way with his sapphire blue eyes, his smile nearly made me melt into a puddle.

I tried to continue but all that came out of my mouth was, "Hubba Hubba."

He chuckled slightly, "I'm sorry, but the last time I checked, we've never sold Hubba Hubba."

An involuntary squeak managed to sneak out of my mouth when I heard his Australian accent. Oh dear god, what was a guy like him doing here? He should be out on billboards or on a TV Show that required him to be shirtless at all times.

He leaned across the counter, lowering his voice, "I noticed you really liked the Pineapple. Perhaps you were planning on getting some cake?"


He winked and got me a slice of Pineapple cake. As he slid it towards me, he said, "I'm James. And you are?"

Before I could answer, I felt a hand clamp on to my shoulder, "He's not interested. How much is that?"

James smirked slightly at Julian behind me, "10 bucks. But for this cutie here, it'll be 6.9, only."

I felt my cheeks go warm as I noticed the 69 reference in that sentence. Julian slapped the money down on to the counter and stormed out, while grabbing on to my hand.

"Geez Kenny! I leave you alone for two minutes and you're making eyes at Lola's boyfriend."


His eyes narrowed, "Why does that bother you?"

"When did Lola start dating someone!?"

Just then, I noticed Lola snuggling up to James behind the counter. My eyes widened, and I let out yet another involuntary squeak, when James made eye contact with me through the glass door and winked.

Julian let go of my hand, "Remember when Lola was on my side? Well, James was part of the deal. She wanted him. In exchange, I'd get you. It seemed pretty fair."

My jaw dropped, "You think I'm equal to that piece of sexiness? Hot damn. I feel great about myself, now. That also explains why Lola has been so much nicer, lately. I thought she just wanted something from me."

"That piece of sexiness? Excuse me?"

I shrugged, "Come on, just look at him! I bet the sales at this place is crazy, with him behind that counter."

Julian just huffed angrily and walked down, towards the beach.

Calling over his shoulder, "Nice. Blatantly hit on your own sister's boyfriend in front of your boyfriend."

I rolled my eyes and ran after him, "Jules, you know you're the sexiest piece of action, ever."

Julian stopped walking and burst out, "You know what, Kenny? I planned this weekend away from everyone for US to spend some alone time on this beach getaway. What do you do? Invite everyone else along as well, and then hit on nearly every shirtless sexy guy around here. So when it finally gets through to your thick head, that maybe, just maybe you're taking the one person who cares the most about you for granted, come find me. Till then, excuse me if I seem a LITTLE mad."

As he stormed away from me, for the second time that day, I sighed. Clenching my fists, I walked back to the beach shack, and saw Hannah with Lola.

I sat down next to them, glowering at the table as they continued whispering and giggling amongst themselves.

"Oh, Kenny! What are you doing back here?"

"Julian decided to throw a hissy fit. Lately, he's been so MOODY. It's like he's on his man-period or something."

Lola and Hannah exchanged a glance.

I snapped, "What?"

"You forgot, didn't you?" Hannah asked.

"I can't have forgotten his birthday, I know when that is. Because you shouldn't EVER forget someone's birthday. That just sucks. More than that one time when Sherlock jumped off a roof."

Lola nodded, "You know what else sucks just as much? When someone forgets their own anniversary!"

My eyes widened and I bluffed, "OH GOD, IT'S TOMORROW. I TOTALLY FORGOT."

Both of them glared at me, and snarled simultaneously, "You mean, today."

I screamed, "OH MY GOSH, HE'S GOING TO BREAK UP WITH ME. I can't believe I forgot!"

Just then James came out of the store, "Lola, pretty much done for the day in a few minutes."

She nodded, waving him away.

Hannah giggled, "Man, you really got the better end of that deal."

"I will honestly just roll around on the floor in desperation, if someone doesn't tell me how to save my relationship."

"Okay, KennyBenny. I'm going to be VERY honest and it's going to hurt."

"We can skip the hurtful bits, then."

"No. Shut your trap and listen. Jules is right. You are wrong. Weren't you the one spouting all this nonsense about loving him, yet you're the one making eyes at nearly every guy here? INCLUDING Lola's boyfriend?"

At this point, Lola sat up straight, "Is that true?"

I giggled nervously, "Well, at the point, I didn't know he was your boyfriend. Thanks for filling me in on that, though. No, really."

"EVEN IF HE WASN'T, KENNY! You shouldn't be doing that to Julian."

"When did you two get so serious and boring? Ugh." I crossed my arms and pouted.

Hannah stood up, "Kenny, maybe it's time you actually thought about what you want. I get that you hate being mature or even acting your age, but at some point, you've got to face reality."

Saying so, she walked away. I raised my eyebrows, grumbling, "Well gee, what got her panties in a twist?"

Lola slurped on her chocolate milkshake, "Clearly her milkshake, is not bringing all the boys to her yard. But in all seriousness, maybe you should think about it. It isn't like you to forget your anniversary."

"Do you think they have a pineapple milkshake here?"

Lola threw her hands up in frustration, "WOW. Were you even listening to ANYTHING I just said?"

Saying so, I managed to successfully make the third person, in a single day, walk away from me. I heard a chair scrape and noticed James settle himself down in a chair right beside me. "I heard someone wanted a Pineapple Milkshake?"

I gasped, "Is it sad to say that this is probably the best thing that has happened to me, all day?"

"If that's true, I wish I had added rainbow sprinkles to the whipped cream on top of that milkshake."

"This place has RAINBOW SPRINKLES?"

"Rainbow sprinkles make everything better."

I smirked, "Where have you been all my life?"

"I'm not gay, sorry not sorry."

"Denial is the first step."

"Pretty sure it's acceptance. Not denial."

"I was kidding. Lola would know if you were gay."

"It's the fabulous hair, isn't it?"


"My gayest feature. It's the hair!"

"The fact that you even thought about what your gayest feature is, should answer any and all of your questions."

"Trust me, I thought I was gay at one point. Turns out, I'm just very comfortable with my masculinity."

"Do you get Pedicures or Manicures?"

"Are you going to ask me if I get my eye lashes curled, next?"

"Is that even a thing?!"

"I don't know, but if it is, it sounds bloody painful."

I laughed, gulping down the last bit of my pineapple milkshake.

"Thanks for that. This actually made my day, in a weird way."

James shrugged, "Well, I'm going to go find Lola. She just sent me a picture of her bikini and then said, 'It really does look better on your bedroom floor.' I'm really sorry if it feels like I'm ditching you but-"

I shrieked, covering my ears, "Oh my pineapple, leave! PLEASE LEAVE."

James chuckled, rustled my hair and then jogged off. Rolling my eyes, "And then there was one."

Sighing, I walked along the beach, squinting at the sun as it set. This was like a perfect movie scene, except the supposed love of my life was sulking in some corner, instead of being here with me, as we laughed and pranced around like some silly music video.

Call on to me

I call to you

Whirling around, I suddenly noticed five kids randomly doing back flips, while grinning at me.

Reach for me

I'll be the one you can hold on to

Two of them, ran up to me, and pulled me along.

"Look, I'm not sure what you guys think you're doing but I can't be part of a Flash Mob, I'm not wearing the right pants for a dance sesh, right now."

The girl holding on to my right hand began singing along to the lyrics,

And it's you, I see

And it's you, I believe in

"I'm gay, honey, but I do think you're adorable. Also, you'd be too young for me, even if I was straight." She just laughed as her friend then continued,

And it's you and me

"I'm flattered, really, but I kinda radiate the whole Team Rainbow aura, the last time I checked."

That's when I noticed them leading me towards the docks, and I hate to say it because it sounds so cliché but my breath caught in my throat when I saw Julian standing at the end of the docks, near a beautifully decorated little boat, while in a tux.

Together we are

As the beat dropped, I stood there, just staring at him, for a good 20 seconds. He walked towards me, as the song played in the background and stopped right in front of me, and mouthed along,

And I'm so ever in love with the way we are.

"You absolutely cheesy fudging pineapple!" I sniffled, before I jumped into his open arms. "You'll probably get snot all over your shoulder."

He laughed, "As long as it's happy snot, Kenny."

I smacked him and then pulled back slightly, still not letting go.

He grinned, "Happy Anniversary."

"I don't get it, you were mad at me, I SHOULD BE THE ONE DOING THIS!"

"You should, but let's both admit it. I'm the better one, at stuff like this."

I raised my eyebrows, "Excuse you."

Laughing, he pulled my face closer to his, "I can think of quite a few things that you can do, to make it up to me, later. But for now, let's just enjoy this?"

 Julian gently moved me away from him, while holding on to my hands. Then, he knelt down on one knee, and looked up at me, smiling.

I nearly choked, "Please tell me, you're just down there to tie my shoelaces. Or your shoelaces. But to tie shoelaces."

Then quickly turning to the kids who were now squealing in joy, "He just dropped something. Possibly whatever was left in that head of his."

Julian laughed, "Kenny, calm down. I'm not going to ask you to marry me, even though my ego is a little bruised."

My hands were trembling as he continued, "Kenneth Kentucky, would you be willing to be the fries to my milkshake, the Spongebob to my Patrick, the Ketchup to my Mustard, the pine to my apple and the Pikachu to my Ash for the next 69 years?"

"That's a lot of things to hold me to."

"69 years, you can leave after that, if you want."

"So in a way, this IS a proposal."

"More like a promise. I'm not putting a ring on it. Yet."

"But if you like it, then you shoulda put a ring on it."

"Sometimes I wonder how I ever deal with my bipolar boyfriend."


"Kenny, my knee is killing me, so anytime today."

"Way to be romantic, Jules."

"I'm waiting."

I bent down, so I could look him straight in the eye. Then in all seriousness, I said, "We're my OTP."

"You're going to have to elaborate."

"As in, One True Pairing. I ship us. I know I keep checking out all these shirtless boys, and cute Australian boys and-"

"Don't be a moment-ruiner."

"LET ME FINISH. It's only because I'm an insecure brat, who always wonders what a guy like you is doing with a guy like me. I only do it, to show that I'm not extremely attached to you. Which I sadly am. I wanted to throw my pineapple slices, at the girl sitting at the table right behind us. Pineapple shuriken her head off, for blatantly checking you out when I was sitting RIGHT THERE."

"Kenny. I went to extremes, just to get with you. Remember when Amy told you we were based on lies? She wasn't wrong. Anyone who expressed any interest in you, was seduced by me. I wouldn't let any guy or girl date you, which I know, sounds really twisted but, I had to-"

"So your entire playaaa lifestyle was just you stealing MY POTENTIAL PIMP STATUS?"

"Well, no. 80% of those people were my own conquests."

"Ew, get away from me."

"That was in my past though. Any more insecurities you want to throw out there?"

"This deal with Lola. You set her up with James, as long as she helped you with me?"

"Pretty much."

"What about Hannah?"

"Hannah...was just looking out for us."

"And finally, do you have any other devious schemes in motion, that I should know about, before Amy decides to go all Dr Phil on me?"

"Well, there is one thing."

I narrowed my eyes at him, "Which is?"

"I was really, really hoping, after dinner tonight, you'd do me one favour."

"Well, I do need to make it up to you."

Julian's eyes flashed, "Yes, you do. But first..."

He whipped his phone out, "Lemme take a selfie!"

I crossed my eyes and stuck my tongue out, as Jules kissed my cheek.

"And then you call ME a moment-ruiner!"

"I needed an image to remember this special occasion!"

"Pfft, you're such an odd one."

"Coming from you, Kentucky?"

"That's exactly why you should be worried."

"I'm pretty sure our dinner is cold now."

"What exactly are we having?"

"The usual. Burgers and Fries."

"You mean the 'Julucky' usual."

"Stop making up words from the future."

"That's our couple name! Get it? It sounds like I'm saying, 'You-Lucky' because you're lucky to be with me."

Jules rolled his eyes and helped me into the boat.

"Wait, you don't like it? Okay, how about...Kules? No, that has no real ring to it. I really like Julucky. Can we go with Julu-"

Julian covered my mouth with his, and I sighed happily, against his lips.

"That's an effective way to shut me up. It really is."

He kissed me again, lightly, "Tell me something I don't know."

We munched on our burgers and fries, in an odd but happy silence. Looking up at the stars, my eyes widened, "Oh my pineapple, Jules look! It's a shooting star, wish quick!"

I shut my eyes, and wished upon it, and then opened my eyes to see Jules staring at me, amused. "You better have wished, Jules."

"Oh, I did. I just wished quicker."

"What did you wish for?"

"None of your business. It won't come true, if I tell you. It was silly, anyway."

"Your face is silly."

"Your butt is silly."

"Don't insult my booty, it's bootiful."

"So done with you."

"You love me."

Jules made a dramatic pouty face, "I wish I could say the same when it comes to you."

I pulled him by his tie, towards me, "Let me show you, tonight."

He widened his eyes and sputtered, "W-wait, what?"

I winked, "You heard me. Come to our room in ten. Get comfortable."

Saying so, I hopped off the boat, and ran back to our room. Rummaging through my suitcase, I finally found what I was looking for. Locking the bathroom door behind me, I looked at myself in the mirror.

"Kenneth Kentucky, you are a sexy beast. You can do this."

I heard our room door open, and Jules called out, "Kenny?"

"I'm in here. Lock the door behind you. And just, um. I don't know. Relax."

Five minutes later, I stood staring at myself, in the bathroom mirror, breathing in and out, heavily. Alright. This was it. I can do this. I can- Oh god, I can't. What if he hates it or starts laughing? This was embarrassing. Okay, no. Jules loves me. I can do this for him. I unlocked the door slowly, and peeked out. Jules was sitting on the edge of the bed, staring back at me.

He waved, "You don't have to do-"

He stopped talking when I stepped out completely.

Jules choked, "You're only wearing an apron."

"Yeah, I stole it from work. But that's not all I'm wearing. I mean, it is, but it isn't. Oh god, I'm not good at this."

"No, you are. Just, walk over to me, slowly."

I could feel my face growing warmer, as I stepped closer to Jules. I stopped right in front of him, trembling, keeping my eyes on the floor. "Kenny, look at me."

"I can't. It's too embarrassing."

He stood up, held me close and whispered into my ear, "Then take my clothes off, so you aren't as embarrassed."

With shaking hands, I unbuttoned his shirt, which he then threw aside. I looked down at his pants, and fumbled a bit with the button. He chuckled, "Whatever happened to bold Kenny? You're normally an animal."

"Well, I'm not normally dressed like this."

"We've seen each other naked before, I'm not sure why this is so embarrassing for you."

I stayed silent, as I unzipped Julian's pants, letting them fall to the floor. He kicked them aside and sat back down on the bed, slowly pulling me over him.


He stopped, "Kenny, we honestly don't have to do this, if you don't want to."

I lowered myself on him, "Oh, I want to. I really, really..."

I lightly bit his ear, and blew slightly into it, "Want to."

He groaned and ran his hands up my leg, but I stopped his hands, mid thigh. "Not yet."

He bit his lip, but took his hands away. I smiled, "Good boy."

I purposely grinded on him, as I got off him. He clenched his jaw, "Kenny, you're making it really hard for me to just not do anything."

I blinked at him innocently, "Then this should make it damn near impossible."

He looked at me in confusion, which is when I turned around. I heard his breath catch, "Oh lord, you're wearing it."

Still turned around, I pulled at the knot, holding my apron together and shrugged it off.

When I turned to face him, he was already standing right behind me. "You were right."

"I'm always right. Wait, what am I right about?"

"That booty is fudging bootiful."

I laughed, "I thought you'd like it."

"I thought you threw it out."

"Hell no, I just did lots of squats till I knew this red thong would look hotter on me, than Kim Kardashian."

"PLEASE don't ruin this moment, Kenny."

I rubbed up against him, lightly, "I'm sorry, I wasn't listening. The banana in your boxers was really distracting."

He quickly grabbed me, threw me on the bed and crawled over me. "Well, we're going to have to take care of that then. Can't have you distracted right now, can we?"

I arched up against him, "Mmm, I quite like this distraction though."

He closed his eyes, grinding with me, "I actually, quite like it too."

"Shut up and kiss me, already."

Right before he kissed me, he murmured against my lips, "Well, what do you know? My wish came true." I playfully smacked him, before I let him kiss me.

Seven years later, when we kissed under an archway of pineapples, in Hawaii, after we had said our wedding vows, I looked up at Jules and whispered, "Well, what do you know? My wish came true, too."


So YEAH, this is quite literally, a year later. xD

Or more? But who's counting right? /o/ *nervous laughter*

So that's the epilogue, that you've all been waiting for. Sorry but I fail at writing sex scenes, hence, you get like...1/4th of one. HAHA ;D

Since it's summer for me, and I'm back to writing, at least  a bit, I might do some fan fictions. So if anyone has any requests, let me knowww. c: I'm in a lot of Fandoms. q-q

MEANWHILE, I shall continue with the pineappletasticness, in my next book, Playing With Rainbow Fire. Weeeee~ 

Hopefully. >o<

Alrighty. I must say, THANK YOU, MY AMAZING PINEAPPLES, FOR BEING THROUGH THE FIRST BXB BOOK I'VE WRITTEN. It's been such an odd but bootiful (teehee) journey. I'll miss all of you, unless ofc, you choose to read Playing With Rainbow Fire. But I'll miss you, either way, because WAAAAAH MCLOVIN'. My baby Kenny T^T and my sexmeister Jules. And ofc, my pineapplelicious Lola. <3 AND EVERYONE ELSE BUT, I NEED TO STOP BEFORE THIS NOTE GETS ANY LONGER.

I'll stop nowww.





Lalalaaahve you all, and thank you all SO FUDGING MUCH, whether you read this, or not.

P.S. Spam my message board, once in a while yeah? I do tend to stalk Wattpad. ;o;



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