▫️Bad Ending▫️

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"No! Lukas don't let go of my hand. You better not let go! I'm going to fall!" Jesse yelled.

"Jeez. Calm down. I won't let go." Lukas grabbed Jesse's hands with both of his hands. "You have to help out too. Try climbing up the rock!"

"Ok ok." Jesse tried stepping on the rock but slipped.

And fell to her death. GAME OVER!

"Dang it! I knew I should've pressed Q."
"I told you Jesse. But you didn't listen."

"You didn't say anything!" Jesse got up from the couch and walked over to the kitchen. "You want a mango?"
"You're missing out."
"Fine." Lukas got up and walked towards the kitchen when all of a sudden the door swings open with so much force it swings back.

"Petra!" Jesse says happily. "Have a mango." She hands her a mango.
"No time for that! Come with me!" Petra grabs Jesse and Lukas by their arms.

> Running Towards Somewhere<

They were all panting.
Petra had tears in her eyes.
Jesse and Lukas glanced at each other.

"Petra. What's going on? You're scaring us." Lukas asked.
"Just. . ." Petra stops in front of a tree.

Is that-?!

What they saw sent shivers down their spine. It was sickening. They couldn't even identify the face. It was destroyed and pulverized. It had. No. Legs. It did have a pipe stuck inside the stomach. Somehow, they knew who it was.

Jesse's eyes widened with fear and sadness. Her legs gave out and she collapsed on her knees. She looked at her trembling hands and shook her head.

"No. . . I-it can't be," Lukas suddenly said, a shadow over his face. A single tear slid down his left cheek. "It can't!!" His voice raised. Fists clenched.

He went over to pull the pipe out of the body's stomach. "This pipe. ."

Jesse stood up.

"Do any of the citizens know anything about this?" Jesse said seriously.

"No." Petra sniffed.
Jesse's lips quivered. "D-does Axel. . .know about this?"
"I. . .don't know." Petra admitted.

Jesse turned away from Petra and Lukas. She looked at her fist.

I will avenge you. . . .


~~That Night~~

1 hour later.

Petra sat on the couch, Lukas was leaning against the kitchen wall and Jesse was sitting on the floor.
She was trying to distract herself by making sock puppets.

But it didn't work.


The door swung open with force.

"Guys! I'm so happy!"

Axel. . .

Jesse, Petra and Lukas were taken by surprise, but then went back to mourning. Their eyes watered a little.

Who's going to tell him?

"I went to go talk to Magnus and he let me take home some TNT. We made an experiment and it exploded!" He continued.

Jesse attempted a smile."Sounds like you had. . .fun." She trailed off.

"Yea! And some of the parts flew away somewhere. One of the parts was a pipe...it was on fire and if it hit someone...it would be a disaster. Dangerous too. That poor soul would lose some body parts. And their face if it hit them in the right spot."

Everyone snapped their heads towards him.

He went to the kitchen to take a mango. He came back and sat down on the floor, a few feet away from Jesse.

Lukas followed him and sat on the couch.

"What's wrong? You guys look really gloomy as if someone died." He joked.

Nobody said anything. They were in disbelief.

Axel started worrying. "You...you guys are scaring me here," He looked at Jesse. "Jess. What's wrong?"

"Axel. . . I'm so sorry." Her eyes watered.

"Sorry? For what?" He asked confused.
"Olivia...Olivia's dead." She said quickly as tears start rolling down her cheeks.

Axel dropped his mango. "No." He said serious.
"We didn't know how to break the news to you. We just found her laying down against a tree-" She continued.
"No." Axel was at the verge of crying.
"We didn't know what happened. We weren't there to save her. We found-"

"NO!" Axel yelled angrily. He couldn't take enough of this. He wanted to let his rage out. Unfortunately, Jesse was sitting right in front of him.

He picked her up from the collar of her shirt and hit her against the wall.

"Don't give me any of this trash! You should've been there! She needed you Jesse! I THOUGHT YOU WERE HER FRIEND!" He hit her against the wall again.

Lukas and Petra rushed over to pry Axel's arms off Jesse's collar.

"Axel!" Jesse suddenly yelled scaring him, Petra, and Lukas.

"I'm so sick and tired of this! People keep relying on me to make the most difficult decisions. I deal with way more stress and sadness than you ever will! I WANTED TO BE THERE FOR OLIVIA! BUT I WASN'T! SO STOP TREATING ME LIKE IT WAS MY FAULT!" By then Axel had let go of her.

"Jesse. ." Lukas whispered. Petra's eyes widened with shock.

Jesse finally snapped.

Jesse just stood there standing.

"We found a pipe stuck in her stomach." Lukas looked down at the floor.

"All those things you described? That's exactly what happened to her." Petra added.

"You killed her. . . Axel." Jesse glared at him.


Not a ship story. Buuuut it'll do. Thanks for reading!

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