▪️F! Jesse x Magnus▪️

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This was requested.


"Maybe lean...in?" Magnus mentioned while blushing.

"Let's see.." Jess leaned in. Their faces centimeters away.


"Jess! Wake up!"

Jess jolted upwards. She was breathing heavily and had a panicked expression. She started to calm down when she saw Jesse sitting on the edge of her bed. She immediately grabbed the collar of his shirt in her hands.


Jesse grabbed her wrists and tried to pry her off but her grip just tightened. "Jess...let go."

She came to a realization and let go. Giving him the chance to fix himself. "I can tell...you almost fell off your bed and you kept screaming 'Ellegaard is for you!'" He deadpanned.

Jess stared at him for a moment. "You look...different." Then she noticed his formal suit. "Oh no! It's today?!" She threw her blanket off of her and onto the side. "Why didn't you tell me?!"

"Relax. It's not until sundown." Jesse stood up. "Olivia helped Axel and I pick out our suits. She kept saying that it's better to get ready early, than be ruined at the last minute."

"She's right! Besides...there's like 3 hours left! Why didn't you wake me up?" Jess rushed towards her closet.

Jesse ran a hand through his hair. "You looked peaceful...almost as when you passed out after eating too much ice cream. Remember that time?" He grinned.

Jess rolled her eyes. "Please don't ever mention that again." She placed her dress on her bed. "That was embarrassing." She blushed.

Jesse just laughed and placed a hand on the doorknob. "Just call me if you need anything okay."

Jess walked over to lock the door. "Will do. Thanks!"


An hour and some minutes later, Jess came out to show off her dress shyly.
Jesse was sitting by the counter eating ice cream with Petra and Olivia, Axel was playing a video game on the couch and Lukas was uncomfortably reading a book.

"Oh jeez! I'm out." She whispered before trying to escape. But of course...

"Jess! You look amazing!" Olivia exclaimed.
At that moment, everyone had their eyes on Jess. Except Axel. He couldn't leave his sight from the screen.

"That shade of blue is a nice color for you Jess." Petra smiled.

"Thank you Petra."

"Hmm...you have only one earring on sis." Jesse mentioned before going back to enjoying his dessert.

"Oh! I think I left it on my dresser." She noticed Lukas staring. When they both made eye contact, they started blushing insanely and looked away.

Jess felt a million butterflies, but they faded when Axel turned off the T.V.
He then sat on the couch. But before that, he complimented Jess and then fell asleep.

An awkward silence filled the air. The three boys had on suits. Axel with a green tie, Jesse with a dark blue tie and Lukas with a light blue.

Olivia had a red dress that was a little above the knee. The top part from the waist up was sparkly, while the rest bloomed downwards. Same thing with Petra, except it was a little below the knee and it was a dark violet without sparkles. She hated that.

Finally Jess' dress was a long royal blue dress with one strap. It also had some tiny glitter scattered around the bottom and top of the dress.

"You look...amazing Jess." Lukas closed his book, finally getting the courage to speak.

Jess smiled warmly and opened her mouth to speak, but....

"You all ready?!" Magnus burst through the door.


The townspeople decided to create a small celebration for the heroes. And of course it was a formal theme. It was a Masquerade theme.

Everyone had their masks on when they arrived. They cheered and then went their seperated ways.

Jess' POV

I walked away as well as everyone else. I liked how they decorated the ballroom. Gold ribbons hung on the ceiling and shimmering table cloth. I could already tell Petra won't like this.

I walked towards the table with...DESSERTS!!

I placed two scoops this time on my bowl. With chocolate syrup and sprinkles. I grabbed a spoon and turned to leave, when I accidentally bumped into someone. Fortunately, my nutrition didn't spill.

"Oh sorry kid."

I looked up and saw a green tie. "Axel?"

"Guess again."

He reached for a cup of soda. Then he looked to his right. I followed his gaze and there she was.

Ellegaard, in her long elegant red dress. She had a bun and sparkly earings. She looked beautiful. "Aww. Go talk to her."

Magnus blushed and sighed. "It's not that easy. What if she rejects me?"

"Pft. As if, besides it's pretty obvious that- I mean...you want some ice cream?" I shouldn't mention what happened last time.

"Sure." He prepared his ice cream, then I noticed Ellegaard glance at him.

I nudged Magnus. "Pst. She's coming."

He blushed and got really nervous. I noticed because he kept picking up the chocolate without pouring any on.

"Hello Jess." Ellie waved.
"Hi Ellegaard!" I ate a spoonful of ice cream.

Magnus just left his bowl on the table and whirled around to look at Ellegaard. "Wanna dance?" He blushed lightly.

She smiled and took his hand. "I'd love to." Then they were gone.

Young love~



Not exactly the requested ship....I'm sorry I just

Just um..thanks for reading!

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