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Part 1

This is a seperate one shot. If you read the previous chapter, then you might know what I'm talking about.

Sorry if there's any mistakes.

Title : Jesse's Gonna Flip!
>no episode<

Petra's POV
Me and Olivia were playing "who can kill the most zombies." Olivia might not look the kind of person who would go out in the dark at night, walk into a herd of zombies, and do this for just a game. ME on the other hand, will take up a challenge like this. Note that it's just zombies, not other monsters.

After we became famous, the villagers were all around us. Among them was a boy, about Jesse's age who stalked us. It was really creepy. The thing was, he mostly went after me and Olivia.  Lukas tried to play nice, but not that nice, and told him to stop. He didn't listen. Axel tried to threaten him, still didn't give in.

Jesse finally convinced him to leave us alone. Don't know how he did it, but it worked. The look in his eyes was serious and almost angry. The boy looked a little scared. He finally stopped. But I still can't shake the feeling that I'm being watched. Even Olivia feels like that. I guess the boys don't have a problem, since I guess they're boys. But I won't let it get to me.

We had trouble sleeping while the boys were snoring their butts off. I decided to take a warm shower to get my mind off things. I just stand in the warm water flow. Thinking. . .

"Should I eat cereal or waffles tomorrow?"
I guess Olivia heard me, since I said it out loud a little. She had already taken a shower.

"Petra. Hurry up. The boys might wake up." She whispered as she opens the door a little.

I dried my hair. At least I thought I did. I had to put on a long-sleeved shirt and a jacket, with boots and warm pants plus a beanie. Olivia insisted that I do this or I'll catch a cold. She did it too.

"Petra your hair is still damp. And it's really windy outside." Olivia said wringing my hair.

"But that's the thing. I like having my hair a little damp. I feel free in the wind. Plus fighting monsters? That's awesome." I say.

"Nice speech. But that's the bad thing. You will catch a cold. And someone isn't going to be too happy." She mumbled that last part.

"What was that?" I asked.
"What was what?" Olivia replies.
"That last part you said."
"5 seconds ago."
"Oh. I said 'When'."
I sigh in defeat. Olivia just laughs.

"Let's go." Olivia opens the door only to be met by a gust of wind. "See. I told you it'd be really windy." Olivia goes outside.

"Nothing I can't handle." I follow. I look back and see Jesse squirm a little on the couch.
Aww...He looks so cute, warm, and cuddly. Wouldn't it feel warm to be wrapped up in his arms? Wait. No.  I smile at my thoughts.

"Ahem." I turn and Olivia looks at me with a smirk.
"Shut up..Let's just get this over with." I make sure to close the door.

>>In The Woods<<

Before we really went any more further, we drew our weapons. Me an enchanted sword. Olivia an enchanted bow and arrow. We waited and sure enough the mobs appeared.

We started killing zombies like crazy. After a while we just killed any monster available. I grew hot inside my jacket and beanie. I took off my jacket and beanie.

"Petra! You're going to get sick!" Olivia whispered-yelled because who knows what we can attract next.
"But it's really warm inside!"
"Doesn't matter! If you're warm and exposed to cold weather you will catch a cold."
"That's a myth. Besides it's not that bad."  I sniff. Oh no.
"Jesse's gonna flip." Olivia mumbles.
"Again. I'm right here! What's that you said?" I say still slaying monsters.

Olivia grabs my arm and pulls me out into an open space. Away from the mobs. On the way grabbing my jacket and beanie on the ground. We stay there panting.

"We need to go home. I think the wind is getting worse." Olivia says worriedly.

"What're you talking about? It's fine. Achoo.*sniff*" I start feeling dizzy.
"I knew this was a bad idea. Jesse's gonna kill me." Olivia helps me up. My arm around her shoulder.
"Jesse? Where? Jesse~!" Why am I yelling?

"Shh. You're going to attract more mobs. I have to get you home. Now...and maybe I can hide in the closet for the rest of eternity. Maybe sneek some food in there." Olivia says more to herself than me.

She takes off her jacket, leaving a warm, fluffy sweater. She forces my arms into the jacket.

"What're you blabbering about?" I ask.
"Trust me. You don't wanna know."


To be honest. I'm actually proud of this chapter. Should I make a part two on how Jesse and the boys react? Maybe I should.
Thanks for reading!

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