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It was nightfall. The crickets were already chirping and the fireflies were floating around.

The wind was very cold and gentle. Leaves danced around in any particular place.
The eerie glow of the moon shone down on the forest.

That's an accurate description. Magnus thought.

Panting and almost out of breath, he ran with the redstone engineer in his arms. The worst case scenarios swirling through his mind.
Thinking, what if she dies?
What if she doesn't make it.
What if I never get to tell her how I feel?
What if-?

He heard a groan coming from his arms. "It's okay Ellie. I'm going to get you somewhere safe and dry. Just please...hang in there."

His head searched the forest for any shelter or water. Even though I might not find anything...

He was already tired and couldn't go any further, his knees gave up and he fell on them.
Setting Ellegaard down, he breathed out and his head fell.
Panting and too distracted by the situation, he did not notice a soft hand being placed on his.

His eyes wandered towards the engineer who was tugging at his sleeve now. Bewildered, he furrowed his eyebrows.
With droopy eyes and a weak hand, Ellegaard pointed towards a glow in between the trees.

Magnus' eyes widened from realization. "Nice catch Ellie!"
She smiled.
Magnus picked her up bridal style and quickly walked towards the indicated glow.


Magnus gently set Ellegaard down on the soft bed his inventory carried.
He didn't think he would need it as importantly as he thought, but his mini voices encouraged him.

The soft glow of the fire lit on the torch, helped get rid of the darkness threatening to escape it's corner.

The cave was eerily quiet, with the exception of their breathing.

Magnus walked over to Ellegaard, took out his bandages, and helped fix her wound. The wound that was caused by a painful arrow to the arm.
After losing a great amount of blood, she fainted and was unable to move that much.
Giving Magnus the job of carrying her to safety.

Her chest rose up and down, her eyes shut.
Magnus sighed. Not of pity or sadness, but of weariness.

It's impressive to think he was able to carry her all the way here. Usually he wouldn't be able to carry a table that far.

But Ellie isn't that heavy.

He searched around for anything. Just anything to distract himself while Ellegaard rested.
But of course, the cave was bare.
He just sat down on the ground, close to the bed.

He felt tired and sleepy. He had only packed one bed. He couldn't possibly-

His eyes wandered and set on the bed she was resting on.
His face grew warm and his eyes widened for a second.
He beat himself mentally.

I can't do that! She needs that bed more than me...

The sound of fabric against fabric caught his attention.
Ellegaard stirred and was now laying on her shoulder, her eyes set on Magnus' own eyes.

He quickly looked away in embarrassment and shock.
The sound of her titter made him smile. He looked back at her and she scoot over.

That action made Magnus flush even more.

"You have to sleep too you now." Ellegaard patted the spot next to her.

Magnus immediately turned away from her. "Who do you think I am? I don't need sleep." He moued.

"Look. I hate you, but I also care about you. So just accept that I'm actually being nice to you." She deadpans.

Her attitude amused Magnus making him believe that the feeling was mutual.

He sighed and stood up from his spot. He reluctantly climbed on the bed, his body closer to the edge than the center.

When his eyes wandered towards Ellegaard, she was staring at him with penetrating eyes. He immediately looked away, regretting he did that.

He heard her sigh. "I'm sorry. I just feel frustrated when I look at your face."

"Thanks?" Magnus said more of a question than and answer. Even though it hurt him to hear her say that, he knew she didn't mean it.

She chuckled. "I'm kidding. I'd be lying if I said I-" She yawned and moved closer to the center. "If I said I didn't like you.." She trailed off.

Magnus stiffened and gained the courage to turn his body sideways, facing Ellie.

Her eyes were closed and her breathing calm. She was already sleeping.
He couldn't help but smile.

He leaned in and placed a kiss on her forehead. As he backed away, his heart almost stopped.

A smile grew on her face.


He screamed on the inside.


Thank you PTC_Studios !
Thanks for reading!

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