Burning Love

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Lukas X Jesse

Jesse was sprawled out on the couch, holding a big bucket of golden, buttery popcorn.

"Scoot over!" she heard someone say; she looked  up and saw Petra. She groaned and rolled 

her eyes, but obliged and sat up to make room. "When are the others arriving?" Petra inquired, 

looking around for Axel, Olivia, or Lukas. At that moment, Axel and Olivia walked into the room.

Axel threw himself on the couch and laughed when both Jesse and Petra jumped. "Axel, there's

not going to be enough room for everyone," Olivia laughed, sitting on the ground in front of him.

She was right; Axel took up one out of two of the couch cushions, and there wouldn't be enough 

room for anyone else. At that moment, the sound of the thud of knuckles hitting the door filled

the room. "Oh, that must be Lukas," Jesse exclaimed, rushing to the door. She flung it open and

as she had guessed, Lukas was standing there. She gestured for him to come in, and he followed

Jesse to the living room. "You can sit on the couch, Lukas," Petra said, getting up. As Lukas

plopped himself down on the couch, Petra looked at Jesse and winked. Jesse's face turned a

light shade of pink as she sat down next to Lukas. "Who's ready for movie night?" Petra yelled

excitedly. A series of excited cheers filled the air as Petra put in the movie. After a few minutes,

Olivia yelled out, "Really Petra? A scary movie?"

Petra just laughed and shrugged.

Just then, a loud bang filled the air. Thunder.

"Oh great," Jesse mumbled, "as if I wasn't scared already."

"I gotcha, Jess," he said, putting his arm around her. Jesse smiled, and Petra smirked at the

both of them. At that moment, there was another large bang and the house became pitch black.

"WE'RE GONNA DIE!" Olivia screamed. 

"Don't panic, Liv," Petra said.

Suddenly, the room was flooded with light. Petra held a candle, which she had lit.

"Alright guys," she said, setting the candle down, "let's just find something else to do." Jesse

was about to reply, when she realized that she was still holding onto Lukas. Her face turned pink

and she immediately let go. "Sorry," she mumbled, looking away.

Petra smirked again.

"Hey, is it hot in here, or is it just me?" Axel asked. Just then, a burst of flames came from the

bottom of the couch. "Oh my God!" Jesse yelled, "everyone get out!"

Everybody sprinted out of the room, and into the yard.

"Do we have everyone?" Olivia asked the group.

"Where's Jesse?" Lukas yelled, frantically looking around.

A loud crack was heard from the house, which was now engulfed in flames. The ceiling

fell in, which caused Lukas to scream, and run inside for Jesse.

"Jesse!" he screamed loudly, trying not to panic. He ran around the house, when he saw her.

She was unconscious, laying near the doorway of the living room. Lukas ran towards her and

kicked a small piece of the ceiling off her. He picked her up and ran out of the house with her in

his arms. He set her down on the ground, and sat down next to her. Tears started to form in his

eyes and ran down his cheeks. He grabbed Jesse's hand and started to sob. "Please be okay,"

he whispered. Lukas' eyes widened as he felt Jesse grip his hand. She coughed before saying,

"who's the scared one now?" with a small smile.

Lukas leaned down and kissed her, relieved that she was back. "Don't ever do that to me again."

She laughed and kissed him again. "I won't."

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